Tag Archives: Family



I owe you an explanation.  You, who may vaguely remember me.  It’s been a while.

In fact, I’ve been working on my explanation for ages.  Because I disappeared.  Vanished from the ‘sphere.  Went blogger-AWOL.

But honestly, I get bummed out every time I start telling you what happened.  That is poison for a humor blogger and storyteller.

So I haven’t told the story here.  I hope this time is a bit different.  That I can tell the story.  That I can get it out, so the Ziggy cloud over my head becomes more identifiable.  More understandable. Well, I am going to try.

You see, I lost my straight man.  My partner.  My best friend. My personal Google.  My husband, John.

And can I just tell you that I’m pissed?  I was supposed to die first.  After all, if you remember me, I’ve been sick all my life.  Since I was about 15!  I’m not going to set any longevity records.

John?  Healthy as a horse.  Ate well, exercised, timed himself brushing his teeth.  Until he wasn’t.  Suddenly, in the spring/summer of 2019, John was diagnosed with cancer.  And not one of the good kinds (as if there are any good cancers).  A cancer with poor treatment options and poorer outcomes.

Pancreatic cancer is evil.  And relatively quick.

So my wonderful husband passed away last summer.


Jacob and I held a wonderful send-off for him last fall.  We held it at a favorite Pizza/Brew Pub, with music provided by a Scottish duo – bagpipes, fiddles, guitar.  A great group of folks came from all over the country and even from Europe:  family, friends of ours from all times of our lives, colleagues.  It was a party that even my introverted husband would have loved.  I wish he’d been there in more than just spirit.

Jacob and I spread John’s ashes in the Cove in Maine.

That night we looked out over the Cove shimmering in the moonlight.

“I can just see your dad kayaking out there,” I said to Jacob.

“Mom,” responded Jacob, “I’m pretty sure he’s body surfing.”


Filed under Adult Traumas, All The News You Need, Cancer, Death, Health, Holy Shit, Illness, Missing Folks, Oh shit, Sad News, Shit, Shit happens

Earth Day / Science / Judy

Earth Day.  The Science March (which I sadly can’t attend until Science gets around to curing my damn Crohn’s Disease).  My late sister Judy’s birthday.  So I’m reposting this.  Hey – Jude believed firmly in recycling!


She’s been gone now for 17 years, Jude.  Not a day has gone by since that I haven’t wanted to talk with her, laugh with her, or, alternatively because she was my sister, smack her.  There really isn’t a relationship like you have with a sister.  Even long after they are gone.


Today, April 22, is Earth Day!  It’s the Anniversary of the very first Earth Day.  Here  is Walter Cronkite’s report on the first Earth Day, 1970:

It would also be my late sister Judy’s 65th birthday.

Whoever made the decision to turn Judy’s birthday into Earth Day chose wisely.  Judy was a born environmentalist and recycler.

On the first Earth Day, Judy was a new, very young mother who believed in saving the planet.  She was the first “environmentalist” I ever knew personally, and well, I thought she was nuts.  There was a recycling bin in her kitchen for as long as I can remember.  And this was back when recycling took effort.  She believed in gardens, not garbage, and she made life bloom wherever she was.

I’ve got kids,” she’d say.  “It’s their planet too!”  

But years later, Judy took recycling to a whole different level when she helped people recycle themselves.  In the 1990s, Jude, who was then living in Florida, began working with the Homeless, assisting at shelters.   Then she actively began trying to help homeless vets food, shelter and work — to enable them to jump-start their lives.

When she died in early 2000, the American Legion awarded her honorary membership for her services to homeless vets.  A homeless shelter was named in her  honor.  So she’s still doing good works, my sister is.  That would make her wildly happy.

Jude also gave me the Beatles.  So it is very appropriate that they wrote a song for her.

You see, the night the Beatles were on Ed Sullivan, it was MY turn to choose what we were going to watch.  And we were going to watch the second part of The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh starring Patrick McGoohan on the Wonderful Wide World of Disney.  My four (all older and MUCH cooler) siblings were furious with me.  But I was quite insistent.  You might even say that I threw a Class I temper tantrum over it, but I wouldn’t admit to that.  Hey, I was seven.  And it was my turn to choose.  Fair is fair, especially in a big family with only one TV.

Somehow, Judy talked me out of my turn.  She was always very persuasive.  Thanks Jude.

Hey Jude, Happy Earth Day-Birthday.


Filed under Adult Traumas, All The News You Need, All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance, Anniversary, Birthday, Childhood Traumas, Climate Change, Cool people, Crazy family members, Crohn's Disease, Do GOP Voters Actually THINK?, Elections Matter, Family, Farts, GET VACCINATED, Global Warming, Good Deed Doers, Good Works, Hey Jude, Holidays, How the Hell Did We GET HERE?, Humor, Judy, Mental Health, Missing Folks, My Right to Protest, Not My President, Peaceful Protests, Plagarizing myself, Role Models, Saving the World, Science, Shitty GOP, Sisters, Taking Care of Each Other, Trump is a Putz, Vaccines, Women Should Decide Women's Health Issues

Happy Thanksgiving

This year I feel incredibly lucky at Thanksgiving.  Nobody at my feast will have voted for Donald Trump.


And they will all be relatives.

Didn’t I tell you that I’m lucky?  It’s true — I will gladly spend then next two days cooking for them.

But I know that not everybody is as lucky as me.  I feel your pain, I really do.  One of my brothers voted for Trump, as did a nephew and, I’m pretty sure, a great nephew.  But none of them are coming — they don’t usually come so I did not banish them.

It’s hard to talk to folks about this election and why we feel so strongly that the wrong side won.

It’s hard to talk about this election and not place all Trump voters into Hillary’s stupid basket of deplorables.

It’s hard to talk about this election to Trump voters and not slap them upside the head for being stupid, for placing our democracy at risk, for threatening the future of the planet either by a Trump tiff or by his unwillingness to accept that climate change is real and to do something about it.

For those of you who need assistance, I give you this video — with a shout-out to my friend Karen:



Not that it will change anything.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who are celebrating.


Filed under 'Merica, 2016, ; Don't Make Me Feel Perky Tonigh, All The News You Need, All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance, Bat-shit crazy, Beating that Dead Horse, Being an asshole, Bloggin' Buddies, Brothers, Cancer on Society, Climate Change, Clusterfuck, Conspicuous consumption, Crazy family members, Criminal Activity, Disgustology, Do GOP Voters Actually THINK?, Don't Make Me Puke, Dying Dreams, Elections, Elections Matter, Family, Friends, Global Warming, Hillary for President, Holidays, How the Hell Did We GET HERE?, Huh?, Humor, It's not easy being green, Kakistocracy, laughter, Mental Health, Mike Pence, Oh shit, Planned Parenthood, Political Corruption, Politics, Shit happens, Shit Your Pants Scary, Stupidity, Taking Care of Each Other, Things that make me nuts, Trump Legally Declared a Slug, Voting, Washington, What a Maroon, What a Putz, What must folks in other countries be thinking?, WTF?

For Kids

Another reason to vote for Hillary.  The Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Here, you’ll need this.


Societies are judged by what they do for their most vulnerable.

My thanks to Crooks and Liars.com who showed me this video.


Filed under 'Merica, 2016, All The News You Need, All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance, Campaigning, Childrens Health Insurnce Program, Elections, Elections Matter, FLOTUS, Good Deed Doers, Good Works, Hanky Alert, Hillary for President, History, Humor, IWillVote.com, Not something you hear about every day, Saving the World, Science, Taking Care of Each Other

Two Things

Throughout that grueling 90 minutes, this was all I could think of as I watched that creep loom over Hillary Clinton and threaten her both with jail and with his constant lurking behind her.  Creepy.

Dial M For Murder (Google Image)

Alfred Hitchcock’s Dial M For Murder (Google Image)


Spoiler Alert:  Grace Kelly survived.

So did Hillary.

And I’m starting to think even Melania is gonna vote for Hillary.  Did you hear about what she wore to the debate last night?

I got the picture indirectly from Huffington Post.com

I got the picture indirectly from Huffington Post.com.  I personally couldn’t afford this blouse because it is truly priceless. 😉


Filed under 'Merica, 2016, Adult Traumas, All The News You Need, Assassination assignment?, Bat-shit crazy, Beating that Dead Horse, Being an asshole, Campaigning, Cancer on Society, Classic Movies, Crazy Folks Running, Criminal Activity, Disgustology, Do GOP Voters Actually THINK?, Don't Make Me Puke, Donald Trump, Donald Trump is a Pussy Too, Fuckin' Donald Trump, GOP, Gross, Hillary for President, History, How stupid can you be, GOP?, How the Hell Did We GET HERE?, Huh?, Humiliation, Humor, Insighting violence, IWillVote.com, Just Do It and I'll Shut Up!, Oh shit, Planned Parenthood, Political Corruption, Politician Pussies, Register to Vote Today!, Sex Scandals, Shit, Shit happens, Shit Your Pants Scary, Shit! The Perfect Metaphors for the GOP, Shitty GOP, Supreme Court Vacancy, Things that make me nuts, Virginia, Vote, Voting, Washington, What must folks in other countries be thinking?, Where does the GOP get these guys?, Women Should Decide Women's Health Issues, WTF?