Category Archives: Trump is a Putz

How Be a Friend

It’s International Holocaust Remembrance Day. And so, of course, Putin’s President, with the irony born of someone without a soul or a keen eye for history, chose today of all days to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.

Naturally, that means anybody who “looks” Muslim will become even more of a target than they have been since Trump took us all down the gold escalator into hell.  It is now open season on “others” here in our nation of immigrants.

So what can we do about it?

I will admit that the safety pin movement left me feeling decidedly unhelpful.  It’s a nice thought, but it never made me feel like I was actually standing up for anyone.  Or like I was doing something to help people being targeted.

But a while back I saw this article that offered some practical suggestions that have some meat on the bones.  Really!  Click on the link.  Cause I’m not going to tell you everything it says.

Anyway, I like to think that I would be the kind of person who would stand up in any situation to protect those in need.  But frankly,  I’m overweight, slow moving, and cowardly.  They don’t make superheroes who look or act like me.  So the odds are NOT in my favor.  Besides, when something happens around me, I never have a clue what’s happening.  I generally stand there, looking around, confused.  Immobile.  Saying “WTF” with my mouth hanging open.  Quick witted I may be with words, but actions?  Not so much.

But the Vox article showed me a way to help when someone is being verbally assaulted, in situations where I am most likely to see it happen.  It’s brilliant.  And relatively safe.  Win-win.

Here’s an example.  Say you’re in Target, passing by the children’s section, when you hear a man harassing a woman in a hijab.  He’s big and burly, and you want to help. You also don’t want him to target you.  Still, you can’t just walk away, turn a blind eye.  You’re a good person!  You wouldn’t be able to look yourself in the mirror if you didn’t help.  But how?

Why, act like an idiot, of course.  Me, I’m a natural!  At acting the idiot, that is.  Not being one.  That’s the role of the racist.

You interrupt the jerk.  Wander in between him and his victim as if you’re looking for something, and can’t quite find it.  Request his help.  Be totally oblivious.  Give the poor target the opportunity to get away.  Think Roseann Rosanna Dana.


Gilda Radner as Roseann Rosanna Dana.

Or, in an equally ditzy way, pretend to be the friend/shopping buddy of the woman being mistreated, and in an oblivious way whisk that woman out of the children’s department and into the table linens.

“Sylvia!” said in the most nasal tone imaginable, “THERE you are.  You were supposed to meet me in the shoe department … you come with me right now before they’re out of the size 7s…”

Read the article.  Learn steps you can take to help folks who may really need your help.  Because it’s a Brave New World out there.  And it helps to be prepared.

Today of all days, it’s important to recall these words, from the U.S. Holocaust Museum:

The Holocaust did not begin with killing; it began with words. The Museum calls on all American citizens, our religious and civic leaders, and the leadership of all branches of the government to confront racist thinking and divisive hateful speech.


Filed under 'Merica, 2017, Adult Traumas, All The News You Need, All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance, Assholes, Bat-shit crazy, Being an asshole, Cancer on Society, Clusterfuck, Cool people, Cyber Brownshirts, Disgustology, Ditzes for Justice!, Don't Make Me Puke, Fuckin' Donald Trump, History, How the Hell Did We GET HERE?, Humor, Insighting violence, Just Do It and I'll Shut Up!, Make Resistance Fun, Mental Health, Negotiating, Not My President, Not something you hear about every day, Oh shit, Passive Aggression, Peace, Putin's President, Racists, Saving the World, Shit happens, Stupidity, Taking Care of Each Other, Trump is a Putz, Trump Legally Declared a Slug, What a Maroon, Wild Beasts, Witnessing Harrassment, WTF?

For Planning Purposes

Tomorrow will be a day of mourning for many of us, as we head into who knows what is to come.

It is time for the peaceful opposition to start in earnest.

There will be protests and marches to join, petitions to sign, letters to write and calls to make.  We must keep it up.

But here is one of my favorite tactics —

Deny Putin’s President the ratings he so desires!

It’s not enough to not watch the inauguration.

You must actively turn on your TV to something else.*

Me, I plan to turn mine on to Comedy Central, home of oh so many left wing folks.

[You can also set your DVR to another channel, but the way ratings work, you must watch the recording the same day or the ratings are shown for the day you watch, rather than the day you record. ]

Of course, this is not all I plan to do as one member of the Loyal Opposition.  It isn’t all I will suggest/bug/pester you into doing over the years, either.

But it is going to be hard to do anything else on January 20, 2017 through the tears we’ll all be shedding.


For those of you planning to attend the Women’s March in Washington, DC on Saturday, January 21, here is some important information for you:

Where to Use the Bathroom, Charge Your Phone, and Warm Up During the Women’s March


For those of you who want some ideas of how to help, or need to get some comfort from the fact that there ARE and WILL BE things to do, here’s some ideas.

We’re all gonna be busy.

* Thanks to Karen for the idea.


Filed under 'Merica, 2017, ; Don't Make Me Feel Perky Tonigh, A Little Restraint, Perhaps, Adult Traumas, All The News You Need, All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance, Ammosexuals, Bat-shit crazy, Beating that Dead Horse, Cancer on Society, Clusterfuck, Crime and Punishment, Criminal Activity, Curses!, Cyber Brownshirts, Disgustology, Do GOP Voters Actually THINK?, Don't Make Me Puke, Don't Take My Medicare, Donald Trump, Donald Trump is a Pussy Too, Dying Dreams, Elections Matter, Fuckin' Donald Trump, GOP, Gross, Gun control, Hands off My Medicare, Health and Medicine, Hillary for President, House of Representatives, How stupid can you be, GOP?, How the Hell Did We GET HERE?, Huh?, Humiliation, Humor, John Lewis, Just Do It and I'll Shut Up!, Kakistocracy, My Right to Protest, Not My President, Oh shit, Passive Aggression, Peaceful Protests, Political Corruption, Putin's President, rapists, Resistance is not futile, Saving the World, Shit Your Pants Scary, Size Matters, Taking Care of Each Other, Things that make me nuts, Tom Price, Trump is a Putz, Trump Legally Declared a Slug, Trump Mis-Administration, Washington, What a Maroon, What a Putz, What must folks in other countries be thinking?, Where does the GOP get these guys?, Where is Joseph McCarthy when we need him?, Wild Beasts, Women Should Decide Women's Health Issues, WTF?

Don’s Johns

Sometimes a metaphor actually plops into your lap.  Or your hands.  Or into someplace you hope you don’t drop your cell phone.

That happened to me today, when I read an article in the Huffington Post about one of the, ahem, priorities, of the folks setting up Friday’s Inauguration of Donald J. Trump.  And really, it is a metaphor for what is to come.

You see, whenever there is a big event here in the DC area, there’s a lot of shit going on.  Literally.  Lots of people = lots of pee and poop!  So port-a-potties line the Mall, surround the Monuments; and ring the Capitol itself.  And in the DC area, one company has the scoop on poop.


Photo Caption  Don’s John’

But, according to the Huffington Post,

Someone’s Covering The ‘Don’s Johns’ Logo On Port-a-Potties For Trump’s Inauguration

When I saw that headline, my first thought was, “Of course they are.  They’re covering up all kinds of shit.”  But this time they’re not covering up the shit, but the name.


Photo Credit:  Michael Showalter for the NY Post

Of course folks are covering up Don’s shit.  But it’s up to us to pull off the tape and show the world Don’s Johns.  That will be our job for the duration of Trump’s presidency — whether that is for 2 weeks or 4 years.  To pull off the tape on Don’s Johns.  To expose every breach of law, each unethical behavior, all threats to the rule of law.

THAT is how we will survive Trump.  Because you can’t paper over the truth for long.


Filed under 'Merica, 2017, ; Don't Make Me Feel Perky Tonigh, A Little Restraint, Perhaps, Adult Traumas, All The News You Need, Ammosexuals, Bat-shit crazy, Beating that Dead Horse, Being an asshole, Cancer on Society, Chronic Disease, Clusterfuck, Criminal Activity, Curses!, Cyber Brownshirts, Disgustology, Do GOP Voters Actually THINK?, Don't Take My Medicare, Donald Trump, Donald Trump is a Pussy Too, Dying Dreams, Elections Matter, Farts, Fuckin' Donald Trump, Global Warming, Goats, Good Works, GOP, Hands off My Medicare, Health and Medicine, History, House of Representatives, How stupid can you be, GOP?, How the Hell Did We GET HERE?, Huh?, Humor, I Can't Get No, Just Do It and I'll Shut Up!, Kakistocracy, Longing for Dick, Mental Health, My Right to Protest, Nobody's gonna excavate my poop. I hope., Not My President, Nuremberg Trials, Oh shit, Out of the Pot, Peaceful Protests, Planned Parenthood, Political Corruption, Poop, Saving the World, Shit Your Pants Scary, Shit! The Perfect Metaphors for the GOP, Shitty GOP, Taking Care of Each Other, Toilets, Trump is a Putz, Trump Legally Declared a Slug, Trump Mis-Administration, Useful thing to do with poop, Washington, What a Maroon, What a Putz, What must folks in other countries be thinking?, Where does the GOP get these guys?, Where is Joseph McCarthy when we need him?, Wild Beasts, Women Should Decide Women's Health Issues, WTF?

Keeping Our Heads for Four Years

If you were a news junkie during the George W. Bush era, you’re already experiencing deja vu.  That sinking feeling already makes your eyes roll automatically when Putin’s President appears.  It settled into the back of your neck from the whiplash as you shake your head and shout “no, no, no, no, no, no, no!” over the latest outrage or tweet.  And it’s there in the pit of your stomach, when you try not to vomit whenever you see the color orange.

Yup, it’s started.  The Deluge.  The Flood.  The Trump shit storm.


During the Bush years, I would just be ready to pounce on one issue, when another hit the fan and took the wind out of my sails. Resistance is hard if there is just so much to resist.

How, I worried in the days since November 8, will I survive Trump.  I feared a heart attack.  A stroke.  Getting so scared I’d shit in my pants.   Of course I worry about the last one sometimes during a scary movie.

Anyway, I’ve come up with a strategy for a hybrid Resister/Surviving Human.  I’m going to become a political centaur!


Google Image.  No shit will be given by this filly.


I’m going to take my mother’s marital and parental advice and apply it to my activism.  She said:

Choose Your Battles!

Me, I’m going to try to focus on issues I know about and/or that are closest to my heart.  The ones I write about here on FiftyFourAndAHalf.

But that won’t be all I do.  I will look for and follow the lead of others who are knowledgeable about other issues, and I will try to help to the extent I can.  It’s not hard, really, to make calls to Congress and the White House.  Really, it just takes a minute.  You or I can even just cut and paste and hit “send.”

But I will try my very best to keep my blood pressure — and my outrage to livable levels.

George W. Bush kept us all off balance because there were so many things to be outraged about, that we couldn’t keep it up.  Different bad presidents need different tactics.

And Trump will make the Dubya years look like a walk in the park.  And that park is in Baghdad.




Filed under 'Merica, A Little Restraint, Perhaps, Abortion, Adult Traumas, All The News You Need, Bat-shit crazy, Cancer on Society, Chronic Disease, Curses!, Disgustology, Do GOP Voters Actually THINK?, Don't Make Me Puke, Dying Dreams, Elections Matter, Fuckin' Donald Trump, Good Deed Doers, Good Works, Gross, Gun control, Hands off My Medicare, Health and Medicine, House of Representatives, How stupid can you be, GOP?, How the Hell Did We GET HERE?, Huh?, Hypocrisy, I Can't Get No, Just Do It and I'll Shut Up!, Kakistocracy, keys to success, Mental Health, My Right to Protest, Not My President, Oh shit, Planned Parenthood, Political Corruption, Politics, Saving the World, Shit happens, Shit Your Pants Scary, Shitty GOP, Size Matters, Taking Care of Each Other, The Real Red Scare, Tom Price, Trump is a Putz, Trump Legally Declared a Slug, Trump Mis-Administration, Useful thing to do with poop, Washington, What a Maroon, What a Putz, What must folks in other countries be thinking?, Where does the GOP get these guys?, Where is Joseph McCarthy when we need him?, WTF?

Sometimes, I’m Passive Aggressive

Did you hear about Trump’s kerfuffle with NBC news?  At the meeting King Donald held last week with the heads of the networks, Trump harangued NBC News for using unflattering pictures of him.  Like this picture of him.  Which he hates.


Photo credit:

As they say at,

Trump is angry at NBC News for using this photo of him, so please don’t use this enhanced, enlarged version of it for anything.

Please.  Don’t use this picture whenever you need a picture of our new Fearless Leader.  Pretty please with sugar on top.

Oh, and please don’t review the latest, greatest Christmas Ornament that you’re sure to want for your Christmas tree:


Image Credit:

And whatever you do, don’t read the product reviews.  Or leave a review of your own.  Because I think the good ones are all taken.



Filed under 'Merica, 2016, ; Don't Make Me Feel Perky Tonigh, A Little Restraint, Perhaps, Adult Traumas, All The News You Need, Bat-shit crazy, Beating that Dead Horse, Climate Change, Curses!, Donald Trump is a Pussy Too, Dying Dreams, Elections, Elections Matter, Fuckin' Donald Trump, GOP, Gross, Hillary for President, How the Hell Did We GET HERE?, Huh?, Humiliation, Humor, Kakistocracy, Mental Health, My Right to Protest, Oh shit, Passive Aggression, Political Corruption, Politician Pussies, Saving the World, Shit Your Pants Scary, Trump HATES this Picture, Trump is a Putz