Category Archives: GOP Government Shutdown

My Choice

Tomorrow morning, I will leave for work not completely accessorized.  Not being much of a fashionista, that’s not normally a problem.  But tomorrow I will stop to make sure I have the perfect accessory:

I voted sticker

It’s Super Tuesday, and Virginia is in with the in crowd of mostly southern states holding their primaries.

Strangely, here in Virginia, it doesn’t feel much like there is an election coming up.  TV ads are not constant, and while we’ve been getting a lot of campaign calls, there aren’t any more annoying calls than usual.

Most unusual is the almost complete lack of political signs.  For the past 8 years, there have been far more political signs than voters around here.  The absence of them, without any sort of ordinance prohibiting them, makes me think that everyone around me is secretly supporting Donald Dfrump.*

Anyway, I’m sure you’re dying to know:  I’m voting for Hillary.

Philosophically, I’m really in Bernie’s camp.  I’d love government-sponsored healthcare.  I’d love to make college free.  I would love to erase income inequality.

But I’m a pragmatist.

Even if Bernie could get elected (and I don’t agree with pundits that claim he can’t), well, I spent 10 years watching the sausage mill that is our government.  And I simply don’t think Bernie can do it.

Hillary Clinton has my vote because I think she will be a good president.  Because she’s smart and capable.  Because she knows the system inside, outside and upside and downside.

Is she perfect?  Is she my dream candidate?  Nope.  I was for Obama in 2008 (actually, I wanted him to be my candidate beginning in 2004).

I am not blind to the problems with her.  I would rather a flawed candidate than one who is promising more than he can deliver.

And I think that Hillary can beat Trump or whichever GOP candidate is vomited out of a brokered convention.

So early tomorrow, I will cast my vote and get my sticker.

Elections Matter.  Make your voice heard.

* If you haven’t seen John Oliver’s show on Donald Trump, get yourself some popcorn:


Filed under 'Merica, 2016, 2nd Amendment, Abortion, All The News You Need, All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance, Crazy Folks Running, Disgustology, Do GOP Voters Actually THINK?, Donald Trump, Donald Trump is a Pussy Too, Elections, Elections Matter, Fuckin' Donald Trump, Good Deed Doers, GOP, GOP Government Shutdown, Gun control, Health and Medicine, Hillary for President, History, Humor, keys to success, Oh shit, Planned Parenthood, Politics, rapists, Seriously weird, Ted Cruz, The Blues, Useful thing to do with poop, Voting, Washington, Wild Beasts, WTF?

When Porno Would be a Public Service

When he was a young man, Ted Cruz, aspired to “make ‘tit’ films” and sought “World Domination, you know rule everything.”  Today he is a top contender for the GOP Presidential nomination.

Quick!  Will somebody please get this guy a job in porno so we can get him out of politics?


(My thanks to Father Kane of The Last of the Millennials where I first saw this gem.)


Filed under 'Merica, 2016, All The News You Need, Bat-shit crazy, Being an asshole, Campaigning, Cancer on Society, Crazy Folks Running, Disgustology, Do GOP Voters Actually THINK?, DON'T go back to your day job either, Dreams, Elections, Elections Matter, Flatulence, GOP, GOP Government Shutdown, Gross, Huh?, Humiliation, Humor, keys to success, Oh shit, Out of the Pot, Politics, Pooders, Poop, Pornography, Seriously weird, Shit, Shit happens, Stupidity, Tea Parties, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz and Joe McCarthy, Toilets, Vote, Voting, Washington, What a Maroon, Where does the GOP get these guys?, Wild Beasts, WTF?

My Candidate for Speaker of the House

I understand that things are a bit wonky over there in the GOP-led House of Representatives.  And by “wonky” I mean “ungovernable.”

So I figured I’d offer the GOP a suggestion:


Nancy Pelosi — Google Image


Whaddaya think?  Am I on to something?


Filed under 2016, 2nd Amendment, Abortion, Adult Traumas, All The News You Need, All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance, Awards, Bat-shit crazy, Beating that Dead Horse, Campaigning, Cancer on Society, Climate Change, Crazy Folks Running, Criminal Activity, Disgustology, Do GOP Voters Actually THINK?, Dreams, Elections, Good Deed Doers, GOP, GOP Government Shutdown, Gun control, Huh?, Humiliation, Humor, I Can't Get No, Mental Health, Most Embarassing Moments Evah!, Negotiating, Oh shit, Politics, Pooders, Poop, praying, Shit happens, Stupidity, Taking Care of Each Other, Where does the GOP get these guys?, Wild Beasts, WTF?

End Gridlock and Buy A Bridge

Have you heard the latest?

Well, maybe you should put down that beverage — I love making liquid come out of your nose, but only when I’m brilliantly funny. This is funny in that “You know folks are gonna buy this one” sort of way.

You see, Mitch McConnell ‘a latest tactic is to claim that the way to end gridlock in Congress, is to elect MORE FUCKING REPUBLICANS.. I am not making this up. Here is the article

Remember, Mitch (aka Yertle the Turtle) was one of the architects of Gridlock.. He famously worked with other GOP leaders in an effort to ensure that the then-newly elected President Obama failed. Because you see, the GOP is more important than America. And Republicans are more important than Americans. AmmIRite Folks???

Personally, I don’t thinkEricans are that stupid. But if Americans buy that malarkey, then I am going to start selling bridges and swampland.


Filed under Adult Traumas, Campaigning, Conspicuous consumption, Criminal Activity, Disgustology, Elections, GOP, GOP Government Shutdown, History, Huh?, Humor, Hypocrisy, Law, Mental Health, Politics, Stupidity, Taking Care of Each Other, Voting, Wild Beasts

Sore Loser

There is a time honored tradition in our democracy that has the losing side contacting the winning side to offer congratulations.  It is part of how we as a society put the disagreements between candidates behind and go forth and govern.

Obviously, as a Democrat, I am happy with the results in the Governor’s race (and the Lt. Governor’s race).  I am hopeful about the close election here for Attorney General, which is still being counted.

But as someone who believes in governing as much as I believe in democracy, well, I am disgusted with the tone of Ken Cuccinelli’s post-defeat actions.  He has no plans to contact Governor-elect McAuliffe.  He has no plans to get together to see what can be done to help the people of the Commonwealth.

Ken Cuccinelli’s Concession speech, if you have the stomach for it, wasn’t a concession speech.  It was a “We have to be even bigger assholes and THEN we’ll win” speech.  It is scary to think that these fanatics still claim a loss as a victory, and have no plan to work within the confines of what — and whom — the voters chose.

What an ass.  What a dangerous ass.

I wonder if when Ken Cuccinelli goes and fucks himself, if it is considered sodomy.

As I say all the time, Elections Matter.  Good for Virginia.

"Thus, Always, to Tyrants." Virginia Got that Right (Google image)

“Thus, Always, to Tyrants.”
Virginia Got that Right
(Google image)

*     *     *

For those of you who don’t peruse the comments, I had to put this hilarious one from El Guapo into the post:

Not sure about the sodomy, but if Cuccinelli tried to mind-fuck himself, it would probably be necrophilia.



Filed under Campaigning, Disgustology, GOP Government Shutdown, History, Huh?, Hypocrisy, Law, Politics, Stupidity, Taking Care of Each Other, Virginia, Voting