Eve of Destruction

It’s not often that I feel disillusioned the way I do tonight.

And I’m sure it’s no coincidence that I switched the TV from coverage of Donald Trump’s cancelled Chicago rally to this:

Then I opened up my computer, where I found a petition:


Yup.  That’ll work. That petition — that’ll stop The Donald.

Donald Trump, the Aryan Candidate. The man who is inciting mob violence.  The man who knows exactly what he is doing when he talks about protesters.  He is intentionally inciting violence.

And the Republican Party is going to nominate him for President.

Yeah.  We’re on the eve of destruction.


Filed under 'Merica, 2016, ; Don't Make Me Feel Perky Tonigh, Adult Traumas, Awards, Bat-shit crazy, Beating that Dead Horse, Being an asshole, Campaigning, Cancer on Society, Church, Climate Change, Conspicuous consumption, Crazy Folks Running, Disgustology, Do GOP Voters Actually THINK?, Don't Make Me Puke, Donald Trump, Elections, Elections Matter, Fuckin' Donald Trump, GOP, Hillary for President, How the Hell Did We GET HERE?, Huh?, Humiliation, Humor, I Can't Get No, Just Do It and I'll Shut Up!, Penile Hypospadias, Planned Parenthood, Politics, rapists, Shit, Shit happens, Shit Your Pants Scary, Size Matters, Stupidity, Taking Care of Each Other, Tea Parties, Voting, Washington, What must folks in other countries be thinking?, Where does the GOP get these guys?, Wild Beasts

72 responses to “Eve of Destruction

  1. I cannot believe we have fallen this far. A year ago…or maybe even a few months ago I would have laughed at the suggestion Trump could possibly the the Republican nominee. I have many Republican friends, and I we often do not see eye-to-eye. But I thought that they would never throw down with a racist, narcissistic, demagogue like Donald Trump. I was wrong about them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s so deeply disheartening, isn’t it. How can they think it’s ok to support someone like him? I will never understand. But at least we’re not alone in not going along with it. There’s some comfort there.


  2. I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Feel NO PRESSURE to participate but it’s no secret that I enjoy your blog! Check it out at http://www.shithappens2u.com

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m so flummoxed and frustrated that he has allowed a defiantly prejudiced way of thinking pass as acceptable, especially when given the power of a microphone and with camera being pointed at him. If you are lucky enough to be given a platform to speak to thousands (millions), and you choose to use that opportunity to spread hatred, disparity, and vitriolic venom towards any specific race (gender, sexual orientation, religion), then we are obligated to silence such dangerous nonsense.

    He is useful for one thing – he has reminded us all that we are only one bad choice away from turning back the hands of time and repeating some of the most shameful acts of horror ever witnessed by mankind. We are not allowed to hide from this. We have an obligation to rise above.

    The world is not only watching, but so are we. This cannot happen.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hopefully we have time to bring ourselves back from the brink. But we’ve unleashed the racism that never left but that was covered up. That ain’t good.


  4. Honestly? I think we as a nation, we suck! We are looking at Trump and saying to ourselves, “nah, it will never happen”. But the alternative for the GOP, yeah it is Ted Cruz, he is their next best knight in shinning armor. They hate him nearly as much as we hate him, yet they would rather him than Trump, what does that say?

    Gad, this nation is stooped low.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Paul

    As an aside Elyse, I just did a guest post over at Mark Bialczak’s http://markbialczak.com/2016/03/13/a-short-drive/ If you have time to drop by for a read, I would be honored.


  6. Please Elyse, make that guy stop. Someone has to do it.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yet .. I’m probably one of the few in America who don’t believe he’ll get the nomination … and one of the few who saw the news as playing into my hand.

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  8. You are so brave. I can’t watch any of that. I wish I had taped the puppy bowl for times like these just to keep the blood pressure down.


  9. I actually have taken some heart in things lately. Cruz scares me more than Trump. If for some godforsaken reason, Trump gets elected, we’re all going to have to belly up to the bar and fight like hell to keep his creepy ass in check. This is where the tough need to get going.

    I attended a lecture yesterday by presidential historian, Jon Meacham. He misquoted Churchill with “You can always count on the American people to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all other possibilities.” (It was the Israeli diplomat, Abba Eban who said this in 1967). I do believe we’re at that point and that we’ll do the right thing come November.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I thought that before. Then we re-elected George W Bush.

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      • Well, I think the Democrats have some decent options this time around – at least people who don’t sound like complete idealogues and whackadoodles. Kerry didn’t provide much of a challenge in 2004, although he inspired a lot of naps.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Kerry would have been a good president, albeit an uninspiring one. He’s a fine man and I will always believe that they cheated. (I don’t normally subscribe to conspiracy theories).

          I’m supporting Hillary, but not with any level of enthusiasm. I have been involved in government enough to know that while I am all for proposals like universal healthcare and free college, they ain’t gonna happen. But I love, love, love the fact that Bernie is taking us back to the left.


          • Perhaps that’s the takeaway from this campaign – these oddball candidates are revealing the hearts of their respective parties. Unfortunately for the Republicans, their hearts have become very black indeed for all the pandering to the extremist elements they’ve done since the first President Bush.

            Liked by 1 person

  10. I smell gas. Don’t light a match, anyone.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. It seems this is all very calculated on his part. Wait until you see the support he gets at his rallies today in Ohio, Missouri. The crowds of supporters he is gathering is far more worrisome to me than his words. He is dancing into very dangerous territory and tapping into the worst of what we have become. Angry, disillusioned, frightened, looking for someone/something to blame outside of self. God help us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree completely. One asshole can’t (usually) destroy all that much. But when you preach hate, divisiveness, when you incite violence, well then, you can get quite a following. The people who are supporting him know better, too. But still they follow. Like kids follow the school bully. Of course, there’s more at stake than the lunch money.

      “God help us” is right.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. He is hard to understand or like, I suspect, apart from the millions of people who will actually vote for him. “It cannot happen” I tell myself but then Adolf Hitler was actually democratically elected by the peoples of a country which has been unusually grounded and practical for most of its history so anything is possible.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes! It HAS happened before and it CAN happen again. And when it is all over, and we are living in the aftermath’s rubble, they will be the first to say “I never imagined he’d do that” as the Germans did of Hitler and the Italians did of Mussolini.”


  13. It is very scary. But I also don’t want to see Cruz become the Republican candidate. I wish I could say “stop” and make them do so.

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  14. I’ve become so desperate that I’m even willing to have political discussions with some of the people that I know oppose my views completely, including some members of my own family. My thoughts are that if we can’t figure out how to have a friendly and considerate opposing view conversation between people that actually love one another, how the hell are people who are paid ridiculous amounts of money to do nothing (yet manage to do exactly the opposite of what we want them to be doing) ever going to get it right? I’m trying to have the conversations. Either way, I’m going to die. From the stress of envisioning the possibilities that are ridiculously being paraded around as viable options, or from the stress of making enemies of people that I truly care about. I’m willing to lose family members over it, but I’m hoping this time around, instead of alienating one another, we might actually start finding some middle ground. We don’t have time to keep dancing around.

    As you said yourself, “We’re on the eve of destruction”.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Yes, he cancelled. That shows his true cbaracter. He’s talking trash about filling Soldier Field the next time he’s in Il. I doubt it…he couldn’t take the heat of a smaller venue…he’s all talk and can’t take it when the chips are down. Just sayin.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Paul

    Scary. I can’t help but wonder about the political party that was responsible for shutting down the gov’t (The Tea Party), whose members wrote correspondence to nations threatening to rescind officially negotiated treaties, whose members are solidly associated with the gun lobby group with no regard to the deaths (even in schools), whose members have threatened minorities,women’s rights, who are supported by the KKK – the official killers and haters of all blacks – , who encourage, exhibit and promote hatred, misogyny, prejudice, ignorance. Sounds to me like Donald Trump is the perfect candidate for such a political party. He fits right in like a beloved well-worn pair of comfy slippers..

    Liked by 4 people

    • You did not cheer me up, Paul …

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      • Paul

        To be quite honest Elyse, I think we have to trust democracy. Trump’s list of undesirable characteristics is growing and I think the evidence of voter sanity is peeping through in the assembly of protesters in Chicago who caused Trump’s stump to be cancelled. As Barnum and Bailey said: You can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time but not all the people all the time. I think we are seeing the beginning of the end of Mr. Trump. Look what happened in France’s recent election: the anti-immigration far left was gaining votes and ground swell in leaps and bounds. Then as suddenly as they became popular, they lost it all and the more moderate center parties were elected. Have faith Elyse – I’m sure it will all work out.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I hope you’re right Paul. But I think something nasty has been let out and it’s gonna take a lot to get it back under that rock. I don’t see people stepping up with the tools to do that.


  17. * sigh * The more he makes a fool of himself, and getting more outrageous , it’s actually good for the country, Hopefully , voters will see to it he doesn’t get elected.

    Liked by 1 person

    • But the more he inflames, the more popular he gets. everything about him and his candidacy is counter intuitive. I don’t really believe he will get elected, but I think he has and will continue to do significant, deep damage to our public discourse and our image — our self-image and our international reputation.

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  18. It is a sad and scary time right now. While we can sit and hope he will not win…can we really afford to hope he doesn’t win. He is a racist tyrant seeking to run the country like a dictator…didn’t we have one in history that people didn’t take seriously until it was too late? Sad times, preaching hate of any human being is wrong.

    Liked by 3 people

  19. Just because they foolishly nominate him as their candidate does not mean he will go any further. I simply will not him and his rhetoric suck me in. For starters, I do not watch TV/cable for these very reasons. Why let some pompous bigot ruin any of my days?

    Liked by 2 people

    • If they do nominate him, I don’t think he will be elected. But even if they don’t he has done such huge damage to the country already. He turned over every rock we have and the nastiest things are slithering out and crawling all over our society. And even if he goes back under a rock, the stuff that’s out, well, it’s out.


  20. It is stunning that he has gotten away with statements that support violence against protesters. But, then, at this point, one can say that he has gotten away with everything he has said during the entire campaign and I’m not sure the statements about the protesters are the worst of the worst. It’s all just really sad.

    Liked by 2 people

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