Tag Archives: Peaceful Protests

Let’s Go To Town!.

Tired of calling your senators and congressman/woman?  Maybe what you need to do instead is go to town.  Town Halls, that is.

Yup.  Here’s another way to raise some hell.

The Town Hall Project 2018 is a website that posts public forums for senators and members of congress.  Meetings where you can go and listen to and talk with the people who claim to represent you.

If you have questions, problems concerns with what is happening in our government, in our world, go to town.

If you think that keeping Obamacare is important to you, go to town.

If you think that maintaining Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security as you’ve expected them to be when it was time for you to collect on what you’ve paid out for decades, go to town.

If you think that protecting the environment is important to you, go to town.

If you think that Trump’s Executive Order banning Muslims should be revoked, go to town.

If you have other opinions that I haven’t listed and that you feel your representatives in Congress need to hear about, go to town.  And bring friends.  Bring lots and lots of friends.

The Town Hall Project 2018 has promised to update its website regularly.  So bookmark it, and show up.

American Democracy is no longer a spectator sport.  Get it in gear.



Filed under 'Merica, 2017, ; Don't Make Me Feel Perky Tonigh, Baby You Can Drive My Car, Beating that Dead Horse, Cancer on Society, Childrens Health Insurnce Program, Class Act, Climate Change, Crazy Folks In Office, Criminal Activity, Disgustology, Do GOP Voters Actually THINK?, Don't Take My Medicare, Elections Matter, Good Deed Doers, Good Works, Growing up, Hands off My Medicare, Health and Medicine, Holy Shit, House of Representatives, Huh?, Humor, Jeff Sessions, Just Do It and I'll Shut Up!, Justice, Kakistocracy, Law, My Right to Protest, Not My President, Passive Aggression, Peaceful Protests, Planned Parenthood, Resistance is not futile, Saving the World, Science, Sit ins, Supreme Court Vacancy, Taking Care of Each Other, Tom Price, Washington, WTF?

There’s a Big Difference

Two occurrences in the same neighborhood really point out the difference between reactions of members of the two different parties.

Vice-President Elect Mike Pence has moved into a short-term rental house in the mostly democratic Chevy Chase neighborhood of DC.  When residents realized he was living there, the reaction was this, courtesy of the Washington Post:


Photo courtesy of the Washington Post, (taken by Gary Cameron/Reuters)

They put out rainbow flags.

The other occurrence took place at a restaurant in the same neighborhood, a pizza place called the Comet Ping Pong.  As written up in the Washington Post,

A North Carolina man was arrested Sunday after he walked into a popular pizza restaurant in Northwest Washington carrying an assault rifle and fired one or more shots, D.C. police said. The man told police he had come to the restaurant to “self-investigate” a false election-related conspiracy theory involving Hillary Clinton that spread online during her presidential campaign.

This restaurant was the subject of false news accusations that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex ring from the restaurant’s bathrooms.  (Who the hell believes such stupidity?)  Other than  General  Mike Flynn, soon to be Donald Trump’s National Security Adviser:

I feel very secure now, don't you?

I feel very secure now, don’t you?

Nevertheless, the gunman was arrested, several area businesses went on lock-down.

A D.C. police report made public Monday says Welch had been armed with an AR-15 assault-style rifle. The report also says police seized a Colt .38 caliber handgun and a shotgun. One of those weapons was found inside the restaurant; the other in the suspect’s car.

Please wake me in 2020.


Filed under 'Merica, 2016, 2nd Amendment, ; Don't Make Me Feel Perky Tonigh, A Little Restraint, Perhaps, Adult Traumas, All The News You Need, All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance, Ammosexuals, Clusterfuck, Do GOP Voters Actually THINK?, Gun control, Huh?, I Can't Get No, Insighting violence, Kakistocracy, Mike Pence, My Right to Protest, Neighbors, Peaceful Protests, Shit Your Pants Scary, Trump Legally Declared a Slug, Washington, What a Maroon, What a Putz, Where does the GOP get these guys?, Wild Beasts, WTF?