Need Extra Cash?

Need extra cash?

OK, I guess that was a trick question because, well who doesn’t?

In keeping with my newly assumed role of bringing you all the news you need to know , I will give you this profitable tip.

The Washington Post is reporting that you can earn up to $13 K anually.  Anally.

You can sell your poop.

Poop transplants are a real treatment that I’ve read actual medical journal articles about.  The hypothesis is that our Western Culture (damn you McD’s!) has eliminated too much of the flora and fauna out of our GI tracts.  The result is lots of people like me with bowel disease.

So scientists are looking at all kinds of ways to help.

One of the latest ideas is to repopulate the good bacteria.  That’s the idea behind pro-biotics.  They put back the good bacteria that overuse of antibiotics and other hazards of Western life have, ummm, eliminated.

One of those ways is through poop transplants.  I kid you not.

At present, poop transplants are used only for treatment of poor suckers infected with c difficile* and e coli, particularly nasty bacteria that is really hard to get rid of.  They are studying it in bowel diseases like my Crohn’s and colitis, but they haven’t yet flushed out all the problem issues.

So if you are really healthy and have good aim, you can earn some bucks while doing your business.

Washington Post.  Notice how upright those treated people are

Washington Post. Notice how upright those treated people are

You know the worst thing about this for a Crohn’s patient?  The knowledge that this isn’t the worst treatment imaginable.  That goes to the one they were testing a few years ago under the same hypothesis — that our guts were too clean.  With that treatment, they had you drink worm larvae.  Yum.

Your Scientists

I wonder if the researchers know about the whale in my last post.

*Thanks to my pals Kate Crimmins and Carrie Rubin.  The article refs c diff; Ive read it is also used on e coli.  So much shit; so many uses.  So much money in the pot.


Filed under Adult Traumas, Bat-shit crazy, Conspicuous consumption, Crohn's Disease, Disgustology, Extra Cash, Health and Medicine, Hey Doc?, Huh?, Humor, Taking Care of Each Other

86 responses to “Need Extra Cash?

  1. Pingback: Hey Doc? Do I Have To? | FiftyFourandAHalf

  2. Don’t waste your hard-earned dollars on poop. I’m giving mine away for free. Just pay for shipping and handling. Call 1-800-POOP

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I guess I’m going to have to put up with my problem bowel because I can’t imagine doing this poop.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. (shakes head in disbelief and heads off wondering about the future of mankind.)


  5. If my bank income depended on me being able to poop. I would definitely be homeless and starving.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Mostly I really admire the people who work in the field of discovering and executing this kind of stuff. Really, pants off to those guys.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Damn it, all these years, I’ve been flushing money down the toilet!


  8. My ex-father-in-law nearly died from C-dif. They did a poop transplant on him to save him (although used a fancier name: fecal microbiota transplantation). The poop came from his son (not Doc, since he was adopted, but his blood son). And Dina? They administered it anally – while they did a colonoscopy. It really was a miracle cure – within a few days he was back to his old self (40 pounds lighter, but alert and healthy). I didn’t realize that now anyone could donate poop – back then it had to come from a family member.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I know someone who’s done this… co-worker. He’s quite open about it, and though I’m not sure if this is what helped him through his IBD, he is a lot better these days. Man, if I were a whale, I’d be rich…


  10. I just got an idea. Now don’t pass out with shock, it happens once in a while. We could ask on Gibber ” If you could make money selling your shit, would you do it? LOL Link to your post and the article.


  11. I think that I could get rich here cause I’m full of shit. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I don’t think you’re being serious here. I think this is a gullibility check. My guess is when I scroll to the top and click on that hot link, it’s going to take me to a study on how easy it is to get people to believe just about anything. Thought you had me here, didn’t you? Heh. You’ve got to get up pretty early in the morning, etc.


  13. I’m not sure that being paid to poop qualifies someone as a dumbass. It connotes a smartass in my book


  14. Damn, another great money-maker I have to miss out on. As an ulcerative colitis patient, I don’t imagine anyone wants my shit (well, except for my readers ’cause they sure get enough of it and stay with me anyway).


  15. Well, not a lot to can say to that, apart from ‘No shit?’ or ‘Are you shittin’ me?’ The mind boggles. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  16. And here I thought the concept of the human caterpillar was science fiction/horror!


  17. Uhm…Storage might be problematic. I’d also be confronted and have confirmation that I;m fulla shit. I’m not quite ready to deal with that. I’d be willing to hold gallons of pee, however.


  18. AC

    If you go into business donating your poop, can you deduct your grocery bill as an expense?

    Liked by 1 person

  19. What is this “extra” you speak of in regards to cash? I’ve never seen such an animal…


  20. lifespaller

    Brown Gold. Why isn’t there a reality TV show about this?


  21. Hi Elyse – Just curious if you’ve ever tried kombucha tea or any fermented foods. I tried different brands of kombucha but couldn’t find one I liked. Not brave enough to make it myself either…


  22. I’m pretty sure you just found a way or my son to pay for college.


  23. I have been wondering what they were going to do to for sources…


  24. Do we get paid by the pound… because that would be awesome…


  25. They use fecal transplants for Clostridium difficile infection, too, which is becoming a very nasty bug to eradicate. I think the concept is fascinating, though no doubt kind of gross. (And smelly?…)

    Liked by 1 person

  26. I have *never* been jealous of a Poop Post until now. I wish I had found it first!


  27. Holy crap!!! (See what I did there?)

    Liked by 1 person

  28. NotAPunkRocker

    I agree with Dr. Malcolm there. And not just because it is a cute-era Jeff Goldblum either.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Anally. Such a deal! Rome burned while Nero fiddled. My only question is: Who is going to be fiddling when our empire flames out?

    Liked by 1 person

  30. I read about this a while ago and the doctor that came up with putting it into a pill form was hailed as a breakout star….which leads one to wonder how they were administering doses before. I guess it could really change the meaning of party poppers though ;-).

    Liked by 1 person

  31. I consider you one of my best blogging buddies, Elyse. So I would give you my poop for free. (Shipping charge is additional.)

    Liked by 2 people

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