A Fun Hangout – Gibber’s!

These days, I don’t have much time to just hang out with friends and crack jokes.  One liners.  Try to be funnier than they are, only to realize that it’s a draw.  It’s always a draw, because when you hang with friends and laugh, well, everybody has a good time.

What can be better than that?

I don’t know about you, but I don’t get nearly enough opportunities to do that.  I mean there is work, Duncan* duties (and cleaning up the doo-doo), and the fact that all my friends are spread out around the area, around the country and around the world.

And when I top one of John’s line with the funniest thing ever said by person-kind, he just looks at me, straight-faced, and tries not to laugh.

My need to one-up and be one-up’d has led me to a really fun new blog.  OK, it isn’t really that new.  OK, I’m a rotten person because I should have done this post a while ago.  It’s Gibber Jabberin!

Blatently stolen from http://gibberjabberin.wordpress.com/ . Sue me.

Blatantly stolen from http://www.Gibber Jabberin.wordpress.com.
Sue me.

Now, we regulars over there give Gibber a hard time.  Well, we give each other a hard time, too, but I’m talking about the hard time we give to Gibber now.  (You’ll have to visit the site to see how we treat visitors/commenters.)

You see, Gibber is brilliant.  She set up a blog where everybody else does all the work!  Seriously!

Folks send her questions — predominately stupid questions.  She introduces them, and her followers read and comment.  Then we abuse each other.

It is Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

much fun

Today, one of my questions is featured!  My first musical question:

Head on over to Gibber Jabberin’ and see if you can answer the musical question.

And then see if you can answer a question for me — why didn’t I do this post sooner?

Apparently, stealing stuff from Gibber is habit forming.

Apparently, stealing stuff from Gibber is habit forming.

Zorbear told me that my links weren’t working.  In case my fixes didn’t work, here’s the site:  http://gibberjabberin.wordpress.com/ .

*     *     *

I haven’t posted any pictures of Duncan lately.  So here’s one.

Duncan in waning sunlight Photo Credit:  MEEEEEEEE

Duncan in waning sunlight
Photo Credit: MEEEEEEEE

(I do not have the Midas touch — Duncan has not turned yellow or gold.  He is still Cammo-dog, black and gray.  But I like this picture and he never ever sits still!)


Filed under Adult Traumas, Bat-shit crazy, Bloggin' Buddies, Conspicuous consumption, Criminal Activity, Disgustology, Family, Farts, Huh?, Humor, Mental Health, Wild Beasts

65 responses to “A Fun Hangout – Gibber’s!

  1. Julie

    DUNCAN!!!!!! Smoochies and hugs and rubs and pats and EVERYTHING!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m heading over to check it out Elyse! Duncan is a beauty and you are sooooo right when you say laughing with friends is necessary.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. PsiFiGal

    Gibber’s site is so much fun 🙂 Duncan is adorable, I love the light when it does that, twilight goldness is so pretty.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hanging out anywhere would be a nice treat. Seems like I’m working on something all of the time. Love Duncan, though!


  5. I’ve never heard of that site. I’ll check it out for sure now that you’ve baptized it with your awesomeness.


  6. I tried asking a serious question once, but Gibber politely declined. Which left me feeling a little rejected, but all’s fair in love and blogging and I am now trying to come up with The Silliest Question Ever. (As a published writer you’d think I’d be used to rejections.)


  7. Hey now!!!!!!!!! I invented a place for us all to hang out and be silly. It is that post where we are breaking the record for most comments on a single post. This is back stabbing villainy of the worst sort!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. merbear74

    That WAS a lot of fun yesterday.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Duncan is beautiful, truly.

    I am so slammed all the time, but I will go check out your hang out. Why not, one more thing to play at.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. That textured background on the photo is fantastic! Good light, too. Evening, I’m guessing? Nice work.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you for referring us readers to your friend’s page. It was an exceiting adventure just getting there! First I clicked on the Jibber logo, but that took me to your file page (where you store the picture). Then I clicked on the hyperlink, but that was a dead end. Finally I cut and pasted the address you posted but THAT was a dead end.

    Eventually I figured out that you’d left a space between Jibber and Gibber, and that was the problem. How Freudian! You really do have a problem referring people to Jibber Gibber, don’t you? (Jealous much?)

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Paul

    Gibber Jabberin rules! (Oh, and hello Duncan.)


  13. I second the recommendation – leaving smart-ass comments is my favorite part about blogging. My only problem is that due to being too much of a smart-ass, I can’t think of a single thing to ask on GJ.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Oh man I laughed my way through this! Thank you so much! I could not get the video to come up on my blog only the link. How’d you do that?! You can steal my stuff anytime. I won’t sue you just smart ass you. 😀 Duncan’s so cute!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Just got back … Cheers for Duncan!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I was all tapped out from yesterday’s Jeopardy exertions. I had nothing clever left to say on your cool question today. (Hangs head in shame.)


  17. NotAPunkRocker

    Because you were too busy hanging out there reading our witty answers! 🙂


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