Fifty-Four-and-a-Half’s New Year’s Tradition

Most of our family’s traditions come from my family.  I think that’s because I’m the girl.  But our New Year’s Tradition comes from my husband.  It’s quite simple, and I’d like to share it with you.  And I will even add, Try This At Home, for good measure.

On the stroke of midnight,

Open the back door –

to force out all the BAD luck.

Open the front door —

to let in the GOOD luck.

The rest is optional, but we always:

  •  Drink a toast to the New Year.
  • Kiss anyone who happens to be nearby – especially Cooper the dog who might not be there to kiss next year.  (I wrote and posted this for New Years Eve 2011/12, and Cooper is still with us for 2012/13!)
  • Hope for all the best for all we care about in the New Year.

This year I will of course add to family and flesh friends a wish the happiest, healthiest of new years to all my blogging buddies.

 Happy New Year – may your good luck always be stronger than your bad.


Yup, this is a re-tread.  I will probably post it next year, too.

Last year, when I posted this tradition, some of my bloggin’ buddies worried that they weren’t going to be home — that their doors would not be available at midnight.  That they were at a party, or at someone else’s house (“Hey,” some said, “we don’t want to give THEM all the good luck!”).


If you are out when the ball drops, or traveling or your own personal doors are unavailable to you, you have my official permission to improvise.  You can do this at Midnight in your own home; in somebody else’s, in a hotel — wherever.  Or you can wait and carry out the tradition when you get home, after you have put down your suitcase and relaxed a minute.  There is no expiration date/time stamp on it.

Traditions are what you make of them, after all.

Happy New Year!


Filed under Bloggin' Buddies, Dogs, Family, Holidays, Neighbors, Pets

40 responses to “Fifty-Four-and-a-Half’s New Year’s Tradition

  1. Pingback: Superstitious | FiftyFourandAHalf

  2. Um … the only thing we would’ve gotten rid of with front and back doors open, is eight cats and a LOT of heat. Sorry, gotta pass on that one.
    I hope the New Year brings you all your best wishes and hopes, my liege!


  3. Great traditions, and I hope you get all the good luck you possibly can this year!


  4. GOF

    Nice traditions Elyse some of which I could do well to adopt. I like your inclusion of pets, especially as Mrs GOF’s cat died this morning 2nd Jan and his ‘Mommy” hasn’t returned yet.
    Best wishes for your 2013 and “may your good luck always be stronger than your bad.”


  5. I love this idea. I officially HATE New Year’s Eve…but maybe I’ll try this tradition out for good measure…see if it can bring some joy to a night that has for at least a decade brought tears and unrest.

    Thanks for sharing!


  6. Do they have an AARP-version of that tradition for people like me who can’t stay awake past 9:30 p.m.?

    Happy New Year!


  7. Love this and have made note to self: Open the front and back doors before we perch on our chairs for the countdown. With the cold blast that has come through, I hope 10 seconds to half a minute is long enough. 🙂 You know I love traditions. So pleased to gather another.


  8. I’m assuming you have to close the back door before you open the front door, right? Otherwise the good luck just goes right through the house and then you have no luck at all.


  9. This is the first I’ve heard of the door tradition … but it’s an awesome! I guess even a commoner can come up with a good one now and then. 😉 … Happy New Year and may 2013 bring you more positives than negatives. …. and thanks for the fitting song!


  10. Hi,
    Very nice traditions, I love the idea about the door, will definitely do that one. 😀
    Love this song I am still listening as I’m typing, a lovely choice.
    A Very Happy New Year to you and your family.


  11. Love this tradition and Rufus!


    • That is such a wonderful song, Isn’t it? And I do love this tradition — it is so simple. Get rid of the baggage — go on with life. Sometimes I need that message.


  12. Happy New Year, Elyse. Sounds like a wonderful tradition. Here’s hoping it’s definitely one way traffic for all of us.


  13. This is a must do! Thanks Elyse this is now going to be my new tradition. Happy New Year!


    • It is a great tradition, actually. It feels like you’re taking charge of your own life and saying no to the bad luck. Nope. Not in MY house. Not in MY life. Go visit the jerky neighbors with the dog that wants to kill us. Bad Luck — you’re outta here!


  14. Running from Hell with El

    Dig it!! Will do it tomorrow night. Happy New Year hun!


  15. Deborah the Closet Monster

    Happy new year! How do you propose improvising this if at a theme park such as Disneyland? I might have to stick with the standard kiss, but I’ll bear this tradition in mind for future years. I love its symbolism. 🙂


    • You can also probably do it in your mind. You can simply imagine. Or you can wait till you get home and do it then, or as soon after as you remember.

      Personally, I don’t think that there is any time limit on giving bad luck the boot, and welcoming in good luck.

      Perhaps you can even do it before you leave to get a head start!


  16. bigsheepcommunications

    Hmm, we’ve recently discovered that the door from our laundry room to our back deck pops open by itself. Do you suppose that’s the bad luck escaping on its own or is it just inviting its evil friends in?


  17. Happy New Year to you too! I finally figured out how to get your posts through e-mail, and signed up for that. I am LOVING your blog! I am nominating you for the 2012 Blog of the Year Award.


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