This Really Gets My Goat

Do you ever want to pack it all in?  Shed these mortal coils?  Have an out of body experience?  Do you get so bored that you fantasize foreign travel, hanging out with a group of friends who won’t pester you with questions, eating a steady diet of fresh picked food, and drinking water from a mountain stream?

My inability to do that for a whole host of reasons, well, it really gets my goat.

But I think I can honestly say that when I consider having out of body experiences, when I think of packing it in, and when I contemplate shedding these mortal coils, I can’t even approach, neigh, fathom what Thomas Thwaite did.

Part of me sees the attraction.  After all, remember, I spent five years living in Switzerland.  And when you climb those mountains, your heart and soul expand.  You have what I dubbed Julie Andrews Moments where you want to sing with joy.  I can honestly say that I’d love to go back and spend some time there in those mountains.

But there are limits to how I’d like to go.  With whom I’d like to spend time.  And what I would like to wear when I get there.

For example, I do not want to imitate Thomas Thwaites.  He became a goat hung out on a mountainside.  With a herd of goats.  Eating grass.

There’s an article in the Washington Post about Thomas the Goat Man.  How he developed a prosthesis that enabled him to walk like a goat.  The challenges he faced.  The cold.  How he felt that human kind was progressing towards robotics, and he wanted to go a different way.  So he became a goat.

This video, read by a robo-caller, tells the rest of the story.  You can watch it and hear the story for yourself.  Or you can mute it, and watch a man in weird costume eat grass.  Your choice.


I can’t help wondering if the little goats used to laugh and call him names.  Did they let poor Thomas play in any goatherd games?



Filed under 2016, ; Don't Make Me Feel Perky Tonigh, All The News You Need, All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance, Bat-shit crazy, Diet tips, DON'T go back to your day job either, Europe, Goats, Huh?, Humiliation, Humor, It's not easy being green, keys to success, laughter, Mental Health, Not something you hear about every day, Oh shit, Seriously funny, Seriously weird, Switzerland, Taking Care of Each Other, The Alps, What a Maroon, Wild Beasts, WTF?

103 responses to “This Really Gets My Goat

  1. Oh my God, this is sooooooo weird. AND he got government funding for it? I guess it is better than doing something evil. Goofy never hurt anyone, so more power to him . . . I guess. 🙂

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  2. We live in the g-d future, and THIS is what this guy did with technology?
    Well. Now we have our answer. Humankind isn’t worthy.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Isn’t it bizarre?! It wouldn’t bother me as much if he hadn’t gotten funding for it. On the other hand, it was good for a laugh!

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      • He could be building prosthetics to, oh, I don’t know, help wounded vets or children or, hell, actual goats who lost their limbs when a robot goat man accidentally kicked them with his sci-fi leg, but noooo…. he’s building himself goat legs. You can’t make up this shit!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for showing me THE WEIRDEST THING I’VE EVER SEEN!
    I eat grass-fed beef, that’s as far as I’ll go…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Elyse – i have a question about posting videos. I just upgraded so I would be able to add video, but when I see my post in “preview”, it just says “loading” – like forever. Do you get that?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Paul

    As an aside Elyse, I just did a guest post over at Cordelia’s Mom’s. if you have time to drop by I would be honored. Thank You.

    I thought I’d left this before but I can’t find it – if it is a duplicate please accept my apologies and delete it.


  6. Who can pass up a post title like that? Not me.

    Nice Shakespeare nod in the first paragraph. Nice Bugs Bunny nod in the tags.

    Don’t eat yellow grass.

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  7. I’m just curious what bathroom he’s supposed to use at Target

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  8. Just imagine the uproar over which bathroom he would use in North Carolina…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, you actually beat Cutter to that but I saw his first!

      Perhaps he just needs to clean up after himself with those doggie poo bags.


  9. “I visited a shaman and she said, ‘you’re an idiot.'” OMG, that was the line for me. Thanks, Elyse. Great stuff. Yes, your Julie Andrews moment is one you can easier hang your hat on for life.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wasn’t that great?! Although she said it when he said he wanted to be an elephant, not a goat. Being a goat may not be as idiotic, but it is way up there!

      And yes, My first Julie Andrews moment was memorable. They say scent triggers recall~


  10. And here I thought *I* made odd life choices…

    Liked by 1 person

    • We can all take comfort in the fact that no matter how stupidly we act, we can tell ourselves, “well, at least I didn’t dress in a goat prosthesis and join a herd.”

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  11. Hmm. Maybe you should check the dateline of this item, Elyse. Make sure it isn’t 1 April.

    But then, people can be odd. In an idle moment last week the wife and I found ourselves watching “Family Feud” on the telly. This is where groups try to guess the polling responses of a hundred or so random people to questions like, “If you went to heaven, what activity would you most like to do all the time?” The responses included, “eat”, “have sex”, and “talk to God”, but the one that really got me was, “watch TV.” Really? Yes.

    “Live my life over as a goat” wasn’t one of them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I DID check the dateline because I couldn’t believe (1) someone could be so stupid; (2) someone else funded this stupidity; and (3) how I could get someone to fund my stupid ideas!

      Spending eternity watching TV would be my idea of hell. Because there are a million channels and nothing is ever on. That might explain Family Feud!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Clinton

    We, apparently, want goats. Goats are cute (in pictures). I’ve met some nasty goats. However they never pull a lawn mower and refuse to eat due to a varnished carburetor. I’m told that we’ll be getting chickens before we get goats. I have not heard any plans for us to become either chickens or goats. I wonder, can Thomas still don a straitjacket while wearing his ‘I’d rather be a goat” prostheses?

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Aside from this being one of the weirdest things I ever saw, it makes me feel extremely lazy. I struggle living my human life, let alone going to these lengths to be a goat.

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  14. lifespaller

    Yeah. Nah. Not repeating this experiment in Australia as a koala eating eucalyptus leaves. Really bad for the digestion and koalas are boring.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Oh good grief. You know that Swiss goatherd was just waiting for him to tumble down the mountain … !

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  16. Nyambura

    I guess the take home here is that sometimes, it is absolutely freeing to push the boundaries of our comfort zone. 🙂

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  17. Two takeaways from that video. This idiocy was financed by government grant (I want a refund of my taxes). And I agree with the shaman he consulted–“You’re an idiot.”

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Thanks but no thanks. I like to experience many things but I don’t think I will try to be a goat. There are different ways to put oneself in someone’s shoes, to see from another perspective. but to be a goat, seems a bit extreme.

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  19. Paul

    I think he would make a good Tennessee goat:


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  20. I wonder, can he make goat cheese?

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  21. He had no horns, so the dominant rams were probably interested in him for a different reason. Which makes me wonder if he ever considered the “ramifications” of bending over like that, around them.

    Liked by 2 people

  22. No words for that. Again you take one for the rest of us…wait, he got funding for this?? Even worse.

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  23. I haven’t had a Julie Andrews moment in a long time!!! I want one!

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  24. Deb

    I like goats, perhaps more than the next person, especially cute baby goats jumping and hopping, but I’m having a hard time “digesting” the motivation to live as one. As for being accepted into the herd…even a goat has to have enough sense to realize that a being walking around on weird stilts, wearing a bike helmet contraption and in clothing rather than goat hair trounces even the most unique goat on the Goat Diversity Scale. The fact that the government actually funded this…(shaking head and snickering…)

    Liked by 1 person

    • If I were a goat, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t fool me. Unless I were a really old goat. Or a blind goat. Or maybe a billy goat would be fooled… or not care.

      Governments fund some pretty weird stuff, and most of the time the reasons make sense once you hear the explanation (shrimp on a treadmill evaluating water pollution for example). I can’t figure out what it might be for this bozo, though!

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  25. His shrink was right. He’s an idiot.

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  26. People have all kinds of needs…

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  27. Wait, it makes more sense after actually reading it… at least he wasn’t like that guy who hung out with Grizzly bears… and ended up getting killed by one…

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Paul

    Bwahaha! Love the line about wanting to be an elephant, consulting a shaman and she said he was an idiot. How can he eat grass when humans can’t digest grass? Besides the narrator sounds so breathless like she was announcing the greatest achievement of mankind (I expected her to announce that he had broken the speed of light and enabled interstellar travel)- and then she talks about how the goats had spurned him because he broke a goat hierarchy rule. Ha! And guess what his findings were? – it was cold. Bwahahahahahaha!

    Liked by 2 people

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