Crazy stuff

Gay and Lesbian rights is really not my issue.  I’m straight but my sister, Beth, was gay.  It wasn’t a problem for me or my other siblings.  My parents had some difficulty at first, but then, because they loved their daughter, accepted her as she was.  I was very proud of them.

I don’t understand the problem some folks have with gays, frankly.  But then I saw this clip and, well, it all became clear to me.

Now I do understand the anti-gay folks.  They are bat-shit crazy.  But then again, it would be terrible if there were more “homociders” and “orgiers” in the world.  So I guess I just better rethink this tolerance and understanding of mine.

Because, after all, what would Jesus do?


Filed under Family, Health and Medicine, Humor, Hypocrisy, Stupidity, Voting

58 responses to “Crazy stuff

  1. Funny Lorre, I didn’t think of that — spelling P-E-N-I-S! She does seem to be savoring it, doesn’t she.

    And I find that bigots do tend to do lots of “research.” Especially those who are so vehemently anti-gay. Those are the ones you find in the closet. But this woman, I think she is just plain crazy.


  2. I bet Jesus would never appear on Winter Wipeout. For someone not into being gay, this lady did an awful lot of research.
    Who can set a law against her hat?
    It’s kind of funny that she can’t say PENIS, but she can spell it.


  3. The scary thing, is that the ramblings and “logic” in the woman’s mind is the same as in my mother’s head just before we had to hospitalize her for having a complete psychotic break. This woman is out there, shopping, dealing with the public, probably driving, and is so out of touch with reality that it’s scary! Speaks to the sad state of mental health care in our country.


    • You said it. Mental health care in the US is terrible — and unless there is imminent danger to the person or to someone else, there is no help you can give. Sad, sad state.

      I’m hoping the family of this woman are embarrassed enough to try to help her.


  4. HOLY CRAP!!!! I would love to see the faces of the people she is actually speaking to. I would not have been able to maintain a straight face. What a bunch of disconnected nonsensical words.


    • Yes, it’s pretty crazy. I am sure that in their best politican’s manner, they looked quite serious.

      I’d love to see how Mitt Romney would have responded!


  5. That is a crazy bat-shit hat she’s wearing. I can’t even start with these people. My proximity to SF makes me immune to verbal flying rodent detritus.


    • Les, I want you to know that I have a hat just like that, so watch it buster!

      It’s my proximity to DC that makes me hear all this crap. Sigh.


  6. You’re too kind in your description of her.
    And obviously, Jesus would kill the gays, their families, their friends, their pets, and then go out for a nice meal.
    Haven’t you been listening to these bozos?


  7. That was a sad commentary on the sector of people like her – but yes – tolerance of others is one of the greatest challenges.


    • Yes, Frank. It is sad that there are (1) people who are so fixated on gays/socialists/fill-in-the-blank; and (2) crazy people who are not being helped in our society by society and/or their families (which if you have ever tried to help a crazy person who is not a danger to him/herself or anyone else) is very hard indeed.



  8. I have just one question for you after watching this clip. Sorry two questions.
    Who is this lady? and how did she reach there?


    • She is a just citizen who is allowed to speak at a public “town hall meeting” where folks are encouraged to make statements and express their beliefs about various proposals coming before the government.

      Obviously, this woman has a more serious problem than most, but
      more and more, though, people get up there and rant.

      I hope her family members are embarrassed enough by seeing this video to get her the help she so obviously needs.


  9. cooper

    ignorance = fear. And fear has been the primary motivation of religion for centuries, and governments more recently. It’s also a great sales tool. Look how many ads are based on fear (losing something, losing someone, being less than, plagues, locusts, famine and car insurance).


  10. Please see me as the true representation of my hometown and not this crazy woman. This protective ordinance is expected to pass, as it did in Omaha. Now the rest of Nebraska? Yeah, she might reflect a good lot of them.

    Go Big Red.


    • I will always consider you to be the true representation. There are crazy folks everywhere. Hell, I’m in the DC area — we attract crazy folks.


  11. Where did she come from and can we send her back?


  12. Michelle Gillies

    Crazy is putting it mildly (bat shit or otherwise). Seriously, is this what freedom of speech is supposed to be about? You can just spew off crap like this with nothing to verify even one statement. Perhaps we could put something in fine print that you actually have to have an IQ that you can’t count on one had.


    • I don’t know the answer. Maybe YouTube helps in this — ridicule, I’ve always known, works much better than reasonable discourse.


  13. I beginning to think that it’s not only that people fear what they don’t understand; it’s that people fear what they don’t understand about themselves. What I mean to say is that all this passionate hatred must come from a place deep inside that they are afraid to face.


    • That’s quite true. And the folks who are especially anti-gay so often end up being gay. (Michelle Bachmann’s husband is the first one that comes to mind, but the list is long.) Folks who are trying to stamp out the gay in themselves. Or who are opposed to other things as well.


  14. I saw this over on Sweet Mother the other day, nearly laughed till I cried. Posted it on my FB Profile.

    This woman is why those suffering from Dementia and Alzheimer’s should not be allowed to speak in public. I loved the guy behind her though.


    • True — she shouldn’t be allowed to speak. And the guy behind her is hilarious. But the hate. Oh my the hate that comes out. Makes me so sad.


  15. rose

    Unfortunately the bat shit crazies are everywhere. Sometimes I am just shocked out of my wits at what people say. I do love the guy in the back who is literally biting the pad of paper to keep his mouth shut 🙂


    • I’m with you Rose. It seems almost fashionable to be BSC these days. Obviously this woman is certifiable; but others are not and they spew much the same sorts of stuff only in a more coherent manner. Makes me shudder.

      And I loved watching that guy in back of her too. How did he keep his seat?


  16. I LOVE the First Amendment, however there needs to be a clause that states (when you are Bat Shit Crazy or BSC, you must never be in the presence of a microphone..ever) Honestly, if I was in the audience, I would have exploded from trying to contain myself from jumping up and god knows what…


    • I agree Tops. I love it that we have the ability to speak our minds without fear of repercussions. I really do. I take advantage of that freedom here on my blog all the time.

      But my fear with this woman is that she is just a more extreme version of the hate speak many people are spewing. Without being shouted down by more reasonable voices. WE reasonable folks are often just too damn polite.


  17. I couldn’t help watching the young man sitting behind the woman speaking… priceless. I don’t know how he was able to sit there without wrestling the microphone away from her. This is so funny it is sad.


    • I was watching him too. He needed “the hook” from vaudeville!

      My problem with the whole thing is that there are more people who have similar opinions but who don’t show themselves to be quite so crazy. And they are getting elected to public office.


  18. I am not a Christian, but I have to believe that Jesus would slap that woman silly and then go on to explain why discrimination and hatred are bad for society.


    • Absolutely. Tolerance and love that’s what Jesus preached. These days many folks claiming to be Christians are the fire and brimstone types. As un-Christian as possible. Makes me crazy.


  19. It is by far the biggest waste of time, money and resources to spend talking, debating and arguing this subject. If people want to marry, let them marry! Aren’t there some pedophiles to find, children to educate, families to feed and healthcare issues to be solved? And these are the people we entrust to lead the world? Insane.


  20. WHO is this lady??????? OMG!


    • Amazing, isn’t it. She is someone who went to a town hall meeting about gay rights in Lincoln, Nebraska. She does have quite the interesting mix of hate and craziness, don’t you think?


  21. Thanks — this was hilarious. I was kind of fascinated by the reactions of the people in the audience behind her, especially the ones who managed to keep a straight face throughout most of it but eventually cracked.


    • I found it fascinating to watch the guy on (my) left. I would hate to wonder for the rest of my life if folks remembered it.

      That said, I think it’s scary. Because this woman is serious AND seriously crazy. That’s a dangerous combination. And we’ve got a bunch of folks like her running for office (see my previous piece on Mourdock in Indiana.


  22. Thanks for sharing. I’d seen this before, but, as a gay man, I think it’s important for people to see the crazy things people say about us.


    • Glad to share it, John. As I said, gay rights isn’t really my platform, but fairness absolutely IS. It seems these days that it’s OK to be crazy. As long as one is Christian, votes Republican. Although I am always puzzled by how Christianity fits in with these Christians.


  23. Hi,
    Why has this person got a microphone in front of her? Obviously she should not be speaking publicly at all.


    • No, she really shouldn’t be speaking in public. But her right to free speech is protected. It is actually my hope that the woman is a true crazy person, as opposed to someone who acts rational most of the time except when talking about gays and tushes.


  24. I have already been exposed to this, and it doesn’t get better with a second viewing. Thanks for the reblog!


    • You’re right — it doesn’t get better.

      Glad to reblog that piece. It’s a masterpiece of creativity, research and good sense. Not to mention the good taste of the cookies/candies. Except for the tag-a-longs. Yucky peanut butter.


  25. Yup, I agree. Clinically Bat Shit.


  26. LMAO! And people complain that I am a spelling and grammar Nazi. Maybe if they took my lessons seriously, we could move these debates into the intelligent realm.


    • I think this woman is, well, well beyond the lessons those of us in the real world might be able to teach her. Perhaps electric shock therapy would help. Or brainwashing — as in cleansing her brain of the toxins that must be eating it up.


  27. WTF?? Holy shit this woman is totally bat shit. I cannot believe they even allowed her to continue to spew this stuff.


  28. bigsheepcommunications

    I’m speechless.


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