Monthly Archives: February 2018

Apathetic is pathetic…

Don understands guns and the issues leading to their use and the consequences of using them. He is a cop, and an amazing writer. Stay safe, Don.


Filed under Humor

One in Thirteen?

Appearances are deceiving, but I have to admit that circumstantial evidence points directly to me as one of the 13 Russians indicted by  Robert Mueller.

After all, long time followers will recall that I used to post all the time.  I used to comment on politics, and on Donald Trump.  I sought to sow confusion, discord, and rancor here at FiftyFourAndAHalf.  I sought to get folks to the polls.  Get them to vote my way.

And then I stopped.  Practically disappeared.

Long time followers will also note that since Trump entered sullied the White House, that I haven’t been writing a whole lot.

But really, it is entirely coincidence.  Completely.    I’m not a Russian agent.  It’s all coincidence.  I have had a bit of a make-over, though.


But appearances can be deceiving.  Trust me.


Filed under 'Merica, 2016, ; Don't Make Me Feel Perky Tonigh, Adult Traumas, All The News You Need, Bat-shit crazy, Cancer on Society, Clusterfuck, Criminal Activity, Fuckin' Donald Trump, Hillary for President, Holy Shit, How the Hell Did We GET HERE?, Humor, Kakistocracy, Not My President, Political Corruption, Putin's President, Trump Legally Declared a Slug, Vote