No Satisfaction — No Sat-is-FAC-tion

When I look at today’s GOP, I just don’t understand why they are so fired up at tearing down stuff that helps people.

I mean look at them. They want to gut programs that have helped millions:

  • Social Security (Happy 80th, BTW!  Here’s to 100 and more!)
  • Medicare
  • Voting Rights
  • Immigration


Have you heard the latest?  Donald Trump proclaimed that the 14th Amendment — the one that grants citizenship to anyone born in the United States — is unconstitutional.

That Furball, The Donald, wants to pretend that rights that are in the Constitution are, well, unconstitutional.  And the rest of the clowns are falling all over themselves to agree with him!

Ummmmm, do they even have a clue that “Constitutional” means,well, in the fucking Constitution?

Apparently not.  Because, you see, these folks just can’t get no … <i?they can’t get no.  No no no…</i>

Of course, I found this at The Last of the Milleniums.  Where else?

And you know what?  I’m pretty sure these comedians in the GOP won’t stop until there is nothing left of what has made our country great.


Filed under 2016, Adult Traumas, All The News You Need, All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance, Campaigning, Cancer, Cancer on Society, Climate Change, Conspicuous consumption, Criminal Activity, Disgustology, Do GOP Voters Actually THINK?, I Can't Get No, Music, My Apologies to the Rolling Stones, Satisfaction

69 responses to “No Satisfaction — No Sat-is-FAC-tion

  1. Went to the Bernie Sanders rally in Seattle a couple of weeks ago. Fingers crossed!

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    • You know, I am so on the fence. I really like Bernie, like his positions on many things (NOT Gun Control). But I fear he can’t win.

      I am sooooooo bored with Hilary. We’re just going to have the same scandals….oh lord. Wake me. Slap me!

      I am unusually undecided — hell, I was for Obama 2+ years before he ran!

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      • I would vote for Hilary before I’d vote for any Republican, but she’s not running a good campaign, she has so much baggage, and, yes, the same old scandals or new ones keep cropping up. Bernie is so squeaky clean they can’t find anything more to throw at him than “Socialist.” And that, because he wants to make sure that everyone is in this country is respected and of equal concern and value and pays his equal share of the tax burden. It took watching and listening, but I’m on board and hopeful.

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  2. As much as I detest The Donald I’m coming to respect his ability to seek out and exploit the suppressed resentments, appetites and concerns of the electorate. I suppose that’s what made him successful in the real estate business, that plus a talent for duplicity and disingenuousness. (Did you ever stop to think how nonsensical it is to base a realtor’s fee on a percentage of the sales price? As if it were harder to sell an expensive house than a cheap one? It’s baloney.)

    Birthright citizenship is a good example. Attacking it appeals to xenophobic and selfish tendencies in the body politic, never mind that the nation usually gains more from such immigrants than their social costs. People who can afford to travel here to have anchor babies are likely to have productive offspring, but even illegals who have children are supplying a work force for the bottom of the food chain. From what I’ve read, there aren’t many WASPS toiling out there in the fields and orchards (read none).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well said. I think The Donald is just allowing folks to channel their inner racist. I just read that David Duke (former Grand pooh-bah of the KKK) just endorsed The Donald. Of course he did.


  3. Donald Trump is just one mystifying thing among many. I’m afraid I can’t understand anything about the GOP. I have some conservative friends, and we get on pretty well when it comes to most things, but we just daren’t start on politics.

    We can’t even agree on what the facts are. How can you discuss, say, Global Warming seriously when even the views of the overwhelming majority of specialists in the field are just casually dismissed as part of the liberal conspiracy?

    I don’t think ordinary conservatives are evil or have sinister intent, but I do think they are being brainwashed by a bunch of super-rich, super-selfish people who do not have their best interests at heart. That’s my take, anyway.

    Liked by 1 person

    • And how can anybody disagree with the top nuclear scientists in the country about the Iran deal?

      The GOP has been poo-poohing education — you know, the “liberal elites” etc. for generations. Now we have a party that appeals to folks who desperately want to hold on to their extraordinary wealth and people who are dumb shits. I don’t get it either.

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  4. Sigh. I think I should stick to the pennant races, such as they are. These political contests just seem to expose the bad side of humanity. I think we’re mostly chiseled abs, nice ears and smooth cheekbones as a species, really I do. But every now and then, you get a glimpse of ass fat. And no one likes ass fat.


  5. If he thought it would get him more attention, he would say…um…uh…golly, I can’t think of anything more outlandish than anything he’s already said. Let’s see, oh, I know! “Let’s put children back to work. We’re too soft on kids. We need to teach them how Capitalism works as soon as they are out of Pampers (and not those pull on cheater diapers-for-woosies). When I’m President of the World…or America…heck, the world, I’ll show everyone how to be rich like me. Do you know how rich I am? Let me be clear, no one will ever actually be as rich as I am, but I’ll tell you how I got to be this rich, which better than you’ll ever get from anyone else. Elect me. No more need for daycare. Put the little bastards to work. Make ’em pay taxes. Elect me. I’m rich. “

    Liked by 1 person

  6. At this point, I think the best GOP candidate is Deez Nuts followed closely by Limberbutt McCubbins.

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  7. What no one is saying is the 14th is part of the Reconstruction Amendments, that is part of what was put together to provide parity to the freed slaves of the South. The three Amendments 13,14 and 15 were what the Jim Crow laws fought against.

    Loved the video, twice now.


  8. So many special interest groups have been created and funded by the government that we can no longer demand accounting for their actions. Unfortunately the groups have already figured this out and are running wild. They will continue to do this until the people demand some common sense belongs in government.

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    • Sadly, I think that is going to be just like congress — my rep is ok so I’ll vote for him/her. All the others are rotten and we should throw then out. Change congressman to interest group and it’ll be the same result!

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      • We need a law wherein congressmen, etc. cannot join lobbying firms for at least 10 years after leaving a congressional seat. This would cut down on winning an election being an important step to becoming a wealthy lobbyist. I’m preparing to launch a couple campaigns next week on behalf of caregivers of veterans and Mental Health Reform including Parity which is still not in place although the law is there.


  9. Dana

    I’m waiting for him to say kill ’em all, and let god sort ’em out.

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  10. NotAPunkRocker

    Maybe he meant it in terms of constitutional=a walk, usually taken to maintain good health. Because in that sense, he is right. citizenship rights are not the same as a walk in the park.


  11. I’m not worried about The Bloviator … after all, Herman (9-9-9) Cain and Michelle Bachmann also lead in the polls. In terms of the 14th Amendment, he bloviates that his team can make a legal case against it – thus not going the ratification route.


  12. Donald Trump is my new Dick Cheney.


  13. I’m really not worried about Trump “winning” the presidency. I’m far more worried about him “stealing” it. (Bush got away with it, and Trump has even more resources than he did.)


    • Good point — I am not sure if you mean Bush’s “victory” over the Supreme Court in 2000 or the 2004 ‘Ohio surprise’ or both. I firmly believe that Karl Rove cheated in 2004 — and tried to do the same in 2012 for Romney — but was found out. (I am not normally a conspiracy theorist. But I really believe that Karl cooked the books in 2004 and tried unsuccessfully in 2012 and that was the reason for his famous CNN meltdown.)

      But I think (HOPE to GOD actually) that Trump has found his core and won’t gain too much more steam. It will be interesting to see what happens when the candidates are winnowed down, what the percentages are in the remaining clowns.

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      • I’m not usually a big conspiracy theorist either, but some fishy stuff has gone down from time to time, and those “elections” were fishy to the max!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yup.

          I worked on the 2004 Kerry campaign (just routine phone calling – GOTV – I wasn’t queen). We were 7 points ahead in Virginia at 5 when I left HQ. Two hours later, we lost VA by about 4 points. That was a HUGE swing, and I never did believe it.

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  14. I’m not American and I don’t live in the U.S., but I will chime in and say that I find this very preposterous… The whole Donald as president thing…


  15. I keep saying this on everyone who posts on this presidential election the candidates, all the candidates are scary for us Americans. Rich, poor, black, white we are all going to get screwed with no grease.

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  16. Every time he opens that trap I cringe … every single time!


  17. At first I thought he was just sayin’ stuff to get attention, you know, like a Troll on an internet site, but it’s hard to believe that he’s leading the candidates. I think the Tag you use to categorize the post is quite appropriate: God Help US!


    • Hey Barb! Nice to see you!

      Actually, in retrospect, it’s not that hard to believe that he is leading the GOP. He is simply saying aloud what they have all been saying and doing in a more reserved manner. He’s a bigot and a misogynist, and only cares about limiting government “interference” in the way the rich do business. Aren’t they all?


  18. Like four years ago, this election is the GOP’s to lose. I think Clinton’s email troubles are going to become a genuine cause for concern. But guess what?! Good news. The GOP is so incompetent and so worried about pandering to the fringes that they’ll blow it.

    They want to abolish the EPA and the SEC and allow corporations to self-govern. Can you imagine?

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    • One part of my work is to examine federal regulations. I used to review EPA ones, now it’s FDA. But regs is regs as my old boss used to say. And they are vital to business — to keeping folks honest, for making industries run in a safe manner towards their workers, the environment, the public. Self-regulation by any company doesn’t work because people are people (Corporations, I might add, are NOT people, Mitt).

      The base of the GOP is base indeed. The lowest common denominator — hate and discontent. As long as there is someone below, life is good. It is reprehensible.

      And I hope the GOP does blow it. I hope The Donald runs as a third party and ensures that.


      • Government regulation is a good thing. See what’s happening to China’s environment? That’s what you (and we’ll) get without environmental oversight.

        I have a better scenario: Trump actually wins the GOP nomination. #notboring.


        • I hope to god that sanity rules. One’s first government job really shouldn’t be leading it. God help us!

          And yes, I love regulations. Now I have to go back to writing about them. (Wake up! Wake up!)


  19. So, according to The Donald, the following should not have been president–Andrew Jackson, James Buchanan, Chester Arthur, Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, and of course the real target– Barack Obama. Oh, and let’s not forget George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and all the founding fathers who had this crazy idea of building a new country where NOBODY’S parents were already citizens…

    Makes me want to move to Chicago (with its time-honored “vote early and often” traditions) so I can NOT vote Republican. A lot.


    • We should all move to Chicago!

      The 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868, right after the Civil War. Interesting timing. You’ve made a good point, although I would submit that we would have been better off without Herbert Hoover.

      But, Obama was born in Hawaii – a U.S. state – and of an American mother. These idiots don’t understand how the constitution works — anybody who is born anywhere in the world of an American mother is automatically a US citizen by birth. So if Obama had been born in Kenya, he would still be an America. Drives me nuts….


  20. Glazed

    The Donald wants us to just trust him. He says he’ll do great on . . . well, whatever. C’mon Elyse, where’s your sense of trust?

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  21. This morning CNN was talking about Donald Trump being the alpha male and all the other candidates falling in line behind him. As much as I hate to admit it, the description is apt. Which is really scary.

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