Back in the Saddle

Hi everybody,

Just wanted to let you know that we were really lucky when Sandy came to visit.  She wasn’t too bitchy around my ‘hood.

Power was out for about 24 hours, but all those trees that were standing Monday morning around my house remain upright.

Thanks to everyone for your good wishes.  Let’s forward all our good thoughts and wishes on to the folks who are really dealing with some serious shit.  Because, as you know:

Blogger karma is awesome!

Good luck to anyone still hangin’ with Sandy, or cleaning up after such a rude guest.  Hope you are all safe.

And if you can, here is a link to the American Red Cross to donate to folks who are gonna need it, cause sometimes karma isn’t enough:


Filed under Bloggin' Buddies, Climate Change, Fashion, Global Warming, Health and Medicine, Humor, Neighbors, Real Estate, Sandy, Science

48 responses to “Back in the Saddle

  1. Le Clown

    It’s good to have you back. I would have come sooner, but my kids insisted I disguised myself as the Invisible Man… I tried not to take it personal as they have been preparing their own meals and groom themselves with the Javel water we keep in the laundry room… All this to say, I wished I would have been here before and wish you well. I’m here now.
    Le Clown


    • I was over at your house when you were here. No problem — I am so far behind on reading blogs that well, some will go to that blog heap in the sky. Fresh blog, like fresh blood, is always best!


  2. Sandy at your place, Nilam at our place. What’s happening to this world! But fortunately Nilam was in less destructive mood this time.
    Lots of prayers for all those people whose life got affected due to both Sandy and Nilam.


  3. Pingback: Back in the Saddle « Zenith's thoughts

  4. Glad you are safe and well.


    • Thanks Val. I feel lucky. But I have friends and family in New York and CT. They are all fine but struggling with power outages, shortages, no gas. Awful. Mother Nature should be nicer.

      I am about to try and see who is with Ryan on this FEMA expenditures all must be offset. I think a few ads in those districts might make a difference!


      • I can’t believe what Myth Robman and Ayn Ryan are doing up in Ohio and the Jeep ads, unbelievable. Then add to this the bring me your canned goods, blankets and clothing for relief efforts….you shite Myth, write a check and make it a big one.

        Loved Christie’s response to Faux and Friends though.


        • I agree with all of it. I think the Jeep ads are backfiring though.

          And Mitt can’t get his story straight on FEMA. To FEMA or Not to FEMA …. what an ass.


  5. Very glad that you came through the storm so much better than you seemed to think you would, and thanks for posting the link for the American Red Cross, for those who weren’t so fortunate in their encounters with Sandy.


  6. Sounds like everyone is doing okay considering all the damage Sandy left in her wake. It is the ones we didn’t hear from that concerns me. We are holding our own here on the West coast and praying for a fast rebuild of the East Coast. Blessings to all that took a hit. Glad the “head” is working.


    • Thanks Emilieann — It will be a nightmare of a cleanup farther up the coast. What a mess. My heart is just going out to those folks.

      But I am, ahem relieved to have my bathroom functioning again — it’s the little things in life that are SO important!


  7. Snoring Dog Studio

    Glad you’re okay. Hang in there. I’m definitely donating to the Red Cross.


  8. Glad you came through it ok. The visuals on the news were quite vivid


    • Thanks. But DC didn’t get hit badly except in a few isolated spots. Poor NY, NJ, and my home state of CT though. And Pennsylvania (which everybody seems to forget about) got hammered.


  9. Yeah, hopefully, the worst is past and now all you have to do is buy a bunch of Christmas toy to use up all those batteries you bought. (Glad you’re okay.)


  10. So glad you’re OK, I was worrying about all my blogging buddies as I watched nonstop coverage of “Sandy”


  11. winsomebella

    Thanks for the update—good to know you are okay.


  12. Glad to hear it, Elyse! Thank you for your update.


  13. Glad to see that all is all … thus I don’t if you achieve stinky status. 😉


  14. Sandy appears to be the gift that keeps on giving, and that everyone wishes they could return. Getting snow right above me and at the cabin in VA. Glad you made it through and sending good thoughts to all suffering her wrath.


    • NO re-gifting with Sandy, Renee. That would be really rude!

      But what a crazy storm — something for everyone, I guess.

      Thanks for your nice thoughts — glad you’re doing ok in your winter wonderland.


  15. Glad things have returned to normal. We were so lucky here to have it pretty much bypass us when at first we thought we were going to be slammed.


    • Glad you weren’t slammed either — October has been a hard enough month. (Of course, there seems to be something amiss with our heating system, but that’s pretty small potatoes!)


  16. Glad you had a positive outcome. We are fine here as well, but my boss and co-wporkers who live outside the city weren’t so lucky. Pays to live in the hood! Did you see Chris Christy praising the president? Yes, I said praising! It’s like they are BFF’s now all “he called me and then I called him.” Of course he will be needing a bazzilian dollars to fix his State, but I’m sure that had nothing to do with it.


  17. So happy to hear that you’re OK, and that the toilets will flush! We made out fine up here in Mass, too, but my friends in NYC are really in some trouble.


    • Glad you’re doing OK, Moms. And I’m also really glad my toilets flush. It’s the little things in life you really miss!

      I’m worried about some folks too. What a nasty bitch Sandy is. Hope your friends/family members are safe and dry.


  18. So good to hear your voice!! Happy all is good in your world.


  19. Yeah! I was worried about you. 🙂


  20. Glad to hear you came through fairly unscathed. We have, amazingly, not lost power, though the dang Internet was mostly unavailable until this morning. Other than that, just wet and cold.
    Definitely passing on hopes and prayers for those that took a direct hit!


    • Thanks, John, I’m relieved. I expected more damage, but we were lucky.

      I added a link to the American Red Cross after you commented. I’m thinking I will be quite generous this time around, as I might have been one of the folks in line!


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