Restoring Faith

You know, I’m getting pretty cynical.  Folks all across the world are going all Ayn Rand, feeling like folks shouldn’t work together to solve problems.  That every body should fend for themselves.  Or, as my Dad used to say when folks just didn’t give a damn about each other (or didn’t save him the last cookie):  “I’ve got mine, how are you?”

And really, I’m getting kind of discouraged.  Civilization was built because humans figured out that working together gets more done than working individually.  And of course, the “cradle of Civilization” is Greece.

I am not an economist.  I am not a European.  Hell, I don’t really know what’s going on over there, what led to the economic collapse that Greece is experiencing.  I don’t know why the Germans and the French are standing idly by watching it happen with their hands on their hips.  But even I’m smart enough to know that the impact of a collapse of Greece, in both actual and symbolic terms, is not a good idea.

But I just read the coolest article.  Thom Feeney, 29, of London, is a shoe salesman.  And he has set up a GoFundMe site to collect donations to enable Greece to pay its loans.  He said:

All this dithering over Greece is getting boring.  European ministers flexing their muscles and posturing over whether they can help the Greek people or not. Why don’t we the people just sort it instead?”

He has raised more than €500,000 in two days.  The Greeks need €1.6 billion.

(I believe this photo is from Al Jazeera, which reported this story)

It’s amazing what one person can do sometimes. (I believe this photo is from Al Jazeera, which reported this story)


Crowdfunding is not the solution to Greece’s problems.  In fact, I don’t think that crowdfunding is the solution to big country-wide or international problems.

But even I, with my belief in strong government, think this is pretty damn cool.

And maybe, just maybe, it is what we need to do more often.


Filed under Adult Traumas, All The News You Need, All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance, Cancer on Society, Friends, Good Deed Doers, Peace, Politics, Taking Care of Each Other

35 responses to “Restoring Faith

  1. That is a cool story Elyse. Go all Ayn Rand, I like that. So many have been driving toward just that for far too long, it is nice to see someone do something nice.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think we need to consider adherents to that philosophy as modern day lepers.


      • I think you are right. We should have all their brains evaluated using the most modern medical equipment. It is important. MRI, maybe since this checks for soft tissue damage. Perhaps we will find damage that is consistent and then we can send them all off to the island.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. The roots of the Greek financial mess are deep and the problem is embedded greed and climate of cultural corruption. For decades the bloated Greek government has paid lavish salaries and retirement benefits to too many civil servants while the citizenry stubbornly and aggressively avoided all forms of taxation. I read a few years ago that one of the fastest growing industries were small companies that would camouflage swimming pools so the property tax officials couldn’t assess that you had one and up your payment! The chickens have come home to roost. Personally, I think they’ll be kicked out of the EU, and I think they should be. Call it “tough love”. 🙄


  3. Greeks need more than $1.6 billion (and, actually, it’s too late, because they have officially defaulted on that payment). And this was just to pay the interests on the loans they have already taken out, over $300 billion in total, and counting. That includes over $100 billion that France and Germany alone loaned to Greece already, so I wouldn’t call it “standing idly”, more like “being torn between desire to help, and realization that they’re probably not going to see that money again, and then will be asked for more”. It’s kind of like having an alcoholic cousin who keeps borrowing from you and never repays you.
    I’m not sure what Greece can do at the moment, but they really have no good options. They will still have to raise the money to cover their deficits (a few billion dollars a year) somehow, and the only way is to collect it is from the population, since winning a $300 billion lottery jackpot seems unlikely. Or they can just refuse to pay anything to anyone, at least temporarily, because it’s not like anyone is going to evict Greece from Greece. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Paul

    That is so cool.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Isn’t it? I don’t know if he will be of much help, but it is nice to see somebody do something for no reason other than it is the right thing to do!


  5. Dana

    Groundskeeper Willie: “My retirement grease! No-o-o-o-o-o!!!”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. you… cynical… no way…


  7. Thanks for sharing this Elyse. Makes you more hopeful 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. That is really cool. People always think one person can’t make a difference. But one person can indeed be the start of something that does (and I’m not speaking only to this guy but to all the wonderful acts people have done that start out small and end up big).

    I’m sure The Donald thinks he could fix Greece. Ugh, I can’t even.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Glazed

    I’ve heard that Puerto Rico is in a similar boat. It’s a unique idea that this man has, but the article says he has only 7 days to raise the money, or all the donations have to be returned. I did the math. At the rate of 500,000 euros every 2 days, he would need 6,400 days to raise the required amount. Europeans will have to dig much deeper and faster into their pockets.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I heard that too only yesterday. I don’t think the worldwide impact will/would be nearly as great if Puerto Rico falls. Still, the world should do what it can to help.

      As to your math, I think this is precisely why I don’t do math. There is rarely a bank error in your favor.

      BUT, I don’t know what he pledged to raise — isn’t that the goal he has to reach. €1.6 b would be a stretch for anybody … Well, except for you, Glazed, with all those best sellers you mentioned yesterday.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I’m sure that there was a great amount of irresponsibility on the part of the Greeks to get them where they are today. But, the levels of austerity the other countries are expecting of them would be unimaginable if they were asked to do the same. I sure don’t know what the answer is, but it would appear that some amount of compromise is in order. I also think that maybe the other, more conservative European governments are trying to force out the newly elected Greek president.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I imagine there was a lot that led up to where they are. But it’s been going on for years and years, and when it comes to trade and economics, well, I’m not a big fan of France or Germany. So you may very well be right that they are trying to force out this new guy — he isn’t part of the usual gang.


  11. That is… way cool. Good on that guy for showing some spirit, and for trying.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Isn’t it? Damn good for him! Not to mention Greece. Everybody on the news is worrying about what will happen if they collapse, nobody (until this guy) has tried to actually DO anything.


  12. The news from Greece is sad and confusing … nonetheless, I feel for the people.

    Liked by 1 person

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