The Wrong Mascot

One of the drawbacks of living in the DC area is elephants. As you probably know, the elephant is the symbol of the GOP.

Frankly, that makes me really blue.  OK, bluerI am a Democrat and I love Elephants.

Republicans are nothing like elephants.  Elephants work together for the good of the herd.  They are sweet unless you piss them off.  They are gentle.  They help each other. They understand climate change.

I could give you a million other reasons why the elephant should not be the symbol of today’s GOP, but let me just show you this video to prove my point:


You’ll notice not one adult elephant, NOT ONE telling that little baby elephant to pull itself up by its bootstraps.

I rest my case.


*     *     *

Frank, of AFrankAngle is celebrating his 1500th post with a party this weekend.  Go on over and join him if you can.  And if you don’t know Frank’s blog, check it out.

AND IF you’d like to make my puppy Duncan a pinup star, please vote/donate to the Arlington (VA) Animal Welfare League.  Here’s my post with info:  I was going to do a widget on my sidebar, but UMMMMMM, I can’t remember how.  OK, so I am not technically minded.  Or minded technically.  Or able to do widgets.  Sigh.


Filed under Bloggin' Buddies, Campaigning, Criminal Activity, Dogs, Duncan, GOP, History, Huh?, Humor, Hypocrisy, Pets, Stupidity, Voting, Wild Beasts

58 responses to “The Wrong Mascot

  1. I think both parties need to rethink their mascots. Never mind. They’d never agree. 😐


  2. How sweet! The maternal instinct is amazingly strong in most species, isn’t it? Except for those creatures who eat their young, of course.


  3. Most adorable video ever.

    Congrats to Frank! That is quite the accomplishment!


  4. That was so awesome. Glad the little one is ok.


  5. Now that’s a great video, and your bootstraps comment is perfect!


  6. I think the GOP should adopt the Badger as their mascot, that is what makes sense to me. Elephants are such spectacular animals they don’t deserve the insult.


    • There aren’t any badgers around here in the DC area, so maybe you’re on to something. If they’re badgers, maybe they can’t come here. I read that there is a “stink badger” and that certainly fits the bill.

      I do love elephants. An old friend of mine, many years ago, gave me a lovely carved elephant necklace (it was ivory, but it was another era). I used to wear it a lot until I moved to the DC area and everybody thought I was a republican because of it.


  7. More like wolverines. No, hyenas. Yes, let them change mascot to hyenas.


  8. I think elephants are the best animals in the world! They are a matriarchal society, so they don’t start wars, they do what’s best for their whole heard & are gentle & loving. They raise their babies as a group, so if the actual mother falls, the baby will always be cared for. Isn’t that what politicians claim they want for us too?


  9. I don’t know, I can think of many reasons why Republicans are like elephants, but first you have to realize that the elephants you see in this video are all female. In elephant society, the herd is all female, and it is run by the oldest, wisest ones. Males live out on the fringes of the jungle, doing their own stuff, ignoring the needs of the herd. They just coming around the herd when some female is in heat. Even then, the females try to help each other out, driving the males away from young females who don’t know any better.

    Now imagine an elephant society that’s been turned upside down. The males elephants haven’t evolved, they’re still only interested in their own, immediate needs, not the needs of the herd. But somehow they’ve taken over control of the group. Imagine what life would be like in that herd.

    Doesn’t that sound like the GOP to you?


  10. And I don’t get why Republicans chose red as their color, either. That’s the color associated with communism.


  11. awesome… on so many levels.


  12. What a beautiful video … loved how they charged over there to help the baby out. Sweet. Lending a helping hand, and working together. I’m one hundred percent sure they are Democrats.

    I’m with you … wish we could switch mascots. Democrats in general stand for unity and helping one another, whereas Republicans, in general, are immobile and stubborn, and dig their heels in and won’t give an inch. Just sayin’


    • Isn’t it heartwarming? They are such loving animals. That should be the symbol of a party that takes care of each other, that thinks working together and cooperation is the way to go.

      And yup, the Republicans are asses.


  13. What a beautiful video to watch. I have never seen a baby elephant in a zoo. What a treat.


  14. Your point about elephants and the GOP is well-taken, Elyse. I think the mascots should be switched since the current representatives of the party are, for the most part, jack-asses!


  15. Aww that so cute.


  16. Funny, I was thinking to same thing! The political symbols are all mixed up… we know who the real asses are, don’t we?

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Eva

    I love baby elephants! I want two–one to snuggle and the other to cuddle… and hope their mom won’t smush me.


    • Hope you have a well built house, Eva! But I’m sure that their mom would understand that you just wanted to love them. Moms can usually tell — except bear moms!


  18. Bravo. Well communicated. I knew there was a reason I don’t miss the D.C. life. 🙂


    • Were you here, Eric? How did I not know that? It’s a different place than it used to be, that’s for sure. Glad I’m no longer working as a lobbyist!


      • I worked for the slime organization Sallie Mae for eight years. Need I say more? 🙂


        • One of my firm’s clients was the Koch Brothers. I didn’t know. I was young and took a job.

          I imagine you were an equally innocent bystander!


          • I joined SLM when it was still a GSE, run by admirable people who truly had student borrowers interests at the fore. I aligned myself with that leadership team and ended up on the losing side of a proxy battle for the company’s control. Half the corporate officers were soon after shown the door (moi included). In hindsight, it was a very good outcome for me. Lots of personal and professional lessons learned.


  19. Elephants are kind gentle souls. I enjoy animals too much to even come up with another mascot from the animal kingdom. I think something red, with horns and a pointy tail seems more appropriate.


    • Tops, I’m kinda getting a picture of what you’re describing, but not quite 😉 !

      I did love the way those adults helped that little guy. Democrats for sure!


  20. What the hell happened to the GOP? I’ve voted both Republican and Democrat in the past. I think it’s a mistake to commit yourself to one ideology. You surrender your objectivity. But I can’t get behind these clowns. It seems like they were taken over by aliens.


    • Hi Mark. Actually, I think they were seduced by the Dark Side, beginning with Reagan. He promised, like Hoover before him, essentially a chicken in every pot with no responsibility or accountability. “The government is the problem.” Nope. Government is the way we work together to get stuff done.

      And don’t get me started on the Tea Party!


  21. (your AFrankAngle link isn’t working.)


  22. I’m with you. I love elephants, but I can’t stand the GOP. They don’t deserve that mascot. (And I am a former Republican. I feel that gives me the right to criticize). Rosemarie


    • I started following politics in the late 70s and did (low level) lobbying on environmental issues. Those were the days when the titans who enacted the major environmental laws were sitting up there on the dias, working together. Many of them were Republican. They worked together for the good of the country. Not like the jokers we have in office now.

      And your former status does add a little extra oomph to your criticism!

      Liked by 2 people

  23. Paul

    Awww, those elephants are so neat. I knew they protected the little ones, but I didn’t realize so many would come running at one squeal. Awesome. When you think of it, they have a lot invested evolutionarily. Their gestation peiod is something like 20 months, they have one baby at a time and it takes a lot of years for the baby to mature.

    Neat Post Elyse – I love the elephant video. I thnk those particular elephants may be Democrats – they weren’t carrying machine guns.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. What an amazing animal elephants are. They’re so sweetly protective of the baby in that video. Maybe the guys of Fox News need to watch this one.


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