Adjust Your Dial!

It’s spooky.  I keep expecting to have to adjust the vertical hold on my TV.  Or to hear the test pattern when I turn it on really early in the morning (you know, before the farm report).  And I’m surprised that the picture is in living color.

But then I look at the TV and realize that no, it is NOT a 1960s-era console TV.  Nope.  Not even close.  It is a high-end 3D LCD/LED HDTV, purchased not all that long ago.

So why is all the news from the 1960s?

Now I know that this is an election year.  Really, I do.  I pay attention.  But what I didn’t realize was that this was the 1960 election

Spoiler Alert: Kennedy Won

Contraception?  The Catholic Church?  The Church’s involvement in U.S. politics?  Ummm.  They are talking about issues that were resolved 50 years ago.

Enovid -- THE PILL

It’s true.  You see, on May 11, 1960 the first birth control pill, Enovid, received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  That, if you’re math challenged, is approximately 52 years ago.  Trust me on that one.  Within 4 years, one-quarter of all couples were using “The Pill.”

In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson, signed federal legislation making birth control available to the poor.  That was 48 years ago.  The Supreme Court Ruled against a Connecticut state prohibition of contraception in 1965, 47 years ago.   A few years later, in 1972, the Supreme Court also ruled that single women could get the pill, too.

It’s done.

So what the hell is wrong with my TV?  Why is it delivering 50-year-old news?

Maybe I just need to push some more buttons.  And definitely even more in November.

* * *

I LOVE YOU, Google.  Thanks, for the pictures!


Filed under Family, Hypocrisy, Science, Stupidity, Technology

64 responses to “Adjust Your Dial!

  1. I love the way you deliver your info. Santorum is against birth control. Maybe you could remind him what century this is.


  2. Hey Fifty four (and a half)! Great blog! And now for the question – I’d like to nominate you for the One Lovely Blog Award, because your blog makes me laugh – but I’ll quite understand if you don’t feel like accepting it. So, let me know, and keep on trucking!


    • Thank you, it is really sweet of you to think of me. Actually, I received that one already, so may I politely decline? Besides, I am not sure that “lovely” quite applies to my blog!


  3. There is nothing new under the sun.


  4. Excellent post! Been feeling a little deja vu recently.


  5. Yes, we all need to push the buttons in November. Good grief. I would push them right now if only to shut up the idiots on my TV.


  6. So long as there’s a need to frighten voter’s in to submission or manipulate people based on partial truths, there will always be a need for these arguments.


  7. I had been thinking of not working this election, and this has changed my mind. There are other important things at stake, some of which impact me, some less so. But these folks need to be stopped, and I plan to help.

    Thanks for your comment!


  8. It seems like we are regressing in women’s rights and issues. Thanks for saying what so many of us have been feeling.


    • Thanks Renee.

      I’m not sure though, that this IS a women’s issue. I think it is an issue for all of us — and it is being presented as a “women’s” issue to give a bit more force to the wedge aspect of it.

      But we certainly are regressing. I guess it is to be expected from people who think that dinosaurs still roam the earth.


  9. I’m always amazed that social issues that seem “new” and must be solved “immediately” are really ones that have been around for decades.

    You point that out so effectively in this post. Bravo!


    • Thanks, Lorna. This one should be done — what’s wrong with these folks?


      • I used to say in my Social Problems class, “If we got rid of crime, we’d have a huge financial crisis–there is a whole economy built on the fact that we have crime and criminals.” Therein lies much of the reason most of these problems don’t get fixed. It’s in someone’s interest to keep things broken.


  10. LOL … I couldn’t resist.


  11. Maybe Washington DC is caught in a time trap of some sort. Either that or people just got bored and thought, “Let’s go over all of this again so we don’t have to deal with the new ways in which we’ve screwed everything up.”


  12. Outstanding points Elsye! Interestingly, with some of the comments above, I’m not sure which side of the current issue they stand.


  13. I didn’t know these until you shared. What an enjoyable post with a glimpse of the not so long ago current events…I do like the old t.v. though, they seem to last forever as compared to the high tech ones. As for the buttons…my gosh, how many more are there, right? Stay blessed my friend…


  14. Great post! Isn’t it wonderful (and frustrating) to be logical in an unlogical world?


  15. Thanks, Christy. But I think this issue is a whole ‘nuther trip back. I can’t remember a discussion about birth control in any of the last races for president, certainly, and even here in “let’s see if we can go back to pre-Civil War — Virginia” where I live, this hasn’t been an issue. These folks, as I keep saying, are nuts.


  16. Christy

    Ah yes the issues continue to be surrounding the same subjects year after year. I hope we have made some progress! I like how you set up the post, you could be the next great newscaster!!


  17. So glad I found your blog! I love the way you delivered your views!


  18. I don’t know how religion even keeps being discussed along side politics. The separation of church and state is pretty straightforward.


  19. I guess you did not see the Memo on the New Way-Back Channel from MSNBC, CNN, ABC,CBS and NBC…With Dick Clark as Anchor…


  20. 1. It could be time travel. 2. They don’t know what the f%#$$k they are talking about and need something to throw to the people.


  21. Well said, Elyse.
    Sadly, it’s a pendulum that is swinging the other way right now. I’m rally hoping the side with more brains than the other wins this cycle.
    (yes, I mean Dems.)
    (Even though their brains seem to have function issues as well)


    • Well, I hope it is a timing thing, that this is big right now and will change back to normal when folks slap themselves and say “what were we thinking.”

      But as a Dem, I think that our brain function issues tend to be how to help people best (and they differ). The Repubs seem to be trying to figure out how to get us to go backwards.


  22. I feel very sad thinking that Newt’s mom was not allowed the right to birth control pills.


  23. Perfect! Timely and Perfect! Oh, did I already say that?

    I too have been asking the same questions but it seems there are many in this nation who would drag us all kicking and screaming back in time. Back before we had choices about when we had children, or at least back to when that choice was controlled entirely by something called the rhythm method, which I thought was what Arthur Murray taught.

    Ah well, sorry for repeating myself, Perfect.


    • As a product of Arthur Murray’s method, I don’t think he was a very good teacher!

      Thanks for your nice comments. I just don’t know what these folks are thinking.


  24. Hi,
    I don’t know anything about American politics, but that is just ridiculous, what on earth are they trying to prove? As you pointed out, the issue is done and dusted so to speak, the rest is up to the individual I feel.
    It seems politics is the same the world over.


  25. I love it that one your tags included “hypocrisy” and “stupidity”

    uhmmm, yeah … exactly


    • Normally I forget tags — not this time. If reversing 50 years of progress doesn’t count as “stupidity” and if all those folks who preach the Constitution seem to forget about the separation of Church and State don’t earn the moniker of “hypocrisy” I don’t know what does!

      Thanks for stopping by.


  26. Me too, Sandy, me too. I can’t believe that there are folks even thinking of going back there. And it is being written as a women’s issue — no, it’s not JUST a women’s issue. Oy.


  27. Excellent post! Sadly, too many elected officials won’t be happy until they can control every part of our lives to the point that everyone looks and thinks the same way they do. They can be stopped with enough people voting against them. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that cooler, saner hearts and heads will prevail.


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