Devil Dog

As a kid, one of my very favorite snacks was a Devil Dog.  A Drake’s Devil Dog.




Folks who live in Maine, or whose moms baked know them as Whoopie Pies.  But every day after school, I’d come home and open that plastic package, inhale the chocolate-y goodness, smush the two cake pieces together, and lick the cream inside. Kind of like a giant Oreo.

Devil Dogs were wonderful, although I’m pretty sure my memory is selective.  I hardly remember the taste of plastic from the package at all, although I know it was there.

Some time in my 20s though, I realized I had to stop eating them. Because, when I DID eat them, I couldn’t stop eating them.  So I stopped eating them.  (Life begins to get complicated in your 20s, doesn’t it?)

Giving them up was a smart decision.  Because about 5 years ago I had a cupcake that tasted just like a modern non-plastic-y Devil Dog.  I still dream about it.  And I am afraid to ever have another because, well, I can’t stop.

Still, even with out the chocolate-cream goodness, I still have a Devil Dog every day.

My Current Devil Dog Picture taken by Jacob

My Current Devil Dog
Can you see his horns? (Picture taken by Jacob)


Duncan is now nearly 9 months old.  He is mostly sweet, but sometimes his horns show.

Don’t worry, though.  I love him differently than I loved Drake’s Devil Dogs And I never lick the cream out of him because I  am not a perv.


Filed under Bat-shit crazy, Dogs, Duncan, Family, Farts, Huh?, Humor, Maine, Pets, Wild Beasts

91 responses to “Devil Dog

  1. Even with horns he’s still adorable!

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  2. My, Duncan has grown up! He’s a handsome young man, even with his glowy eyes!

    My sisters loved Devil Dogs, but not me. I hated chocolate. But can’t remember enjoying Twinkies either. I remember this treat with vanilla cake and sugary cream filling that was shaped like a half moon. Now those, I LOVED! I was always a vanilla girl…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yummy! Now I’m almost drooling.
    You’re puppy/devil dog is adorable. We also have a devil wiener dog.


  4. Wow, I learned how to paste a photo into comments AND you reminded me of how much I too loved Devil Dogs!

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  5. OK – I think I may be the only person in America never to have a Devil Dog or Whoopi Pie. I’ve eaten Oreos – but I really hate the cream filling. I think I might feel the same about Devil Dogs as well. PS – I think the makers of Oreos should totally make a product that is just the chocolate cookie.


  6. Drake’s ruled when we were kids, Elyse. Devil Dogs. Ring Dings. I can close my eyes and taste ’em today, still. I like your devil pup, though he is a tad scary!

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  7. NotAPunkRocker

    Drakes Cakes aren’t found much around here. I grew up on TastyKake.

    Now I want jelly krimpets. 😀

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  8. Heheheheh…you got me. That was the last thing expected to see, the dog with the devil eyes.
    I don’t think we had those delicacies here in Canada.

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    • I thought the title would be a dead give away!

      They are sinful. Or the real ones, the Whoopie pies are, I’m sure. The Drakes ones taste very plastic-y now. Like Melted tupperware, Eric said, rightly!

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  9. The eyes! He’s possessed!

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  10. Cute, cute, cute! Until you went there with the last line. Really Elyse? Really?


  11. cute dog… tasty snacks… this is just pandering!!!

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  12. Whoopee pies have never really made it to the UK. Sure you can get them here and there where they might sell American food, but I think most people over here wouldn’t know what they were if they heard the name.

    I have devil eyes photos like that of my cats too. I’m still a little disturbed by the visual that was created by your last line though!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Oh my god, that last line slayed me! I am dead now. Thanks, Elyse! 😀 😀 😀


  14. Yum! And thank you for the Duncan update.
    Years ago, in CT, I worked briefly for a graphic design firm – one of their clients was “Drake’s” as in “Drake’s cakes” – it was new to me, not being from the area, but I remember having to sample many of their treats – all in the name of research, of course. Our designers gained weight but boy were they happy 🙂


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  15. Duncan ….. lol! We had a patient com in yesterday with her custom made orthotics that were chewed beyond recognition. They became her puppy’s 400.00 bone, which he stole right out of her shoes. The lab agreed to make her another pair for 60.00, which was nice. She left saying “he is so lucky he is cute!”
    Being from Philly, I’m a TastyKake girl too! They are made right here in the city of love.

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  16. I was wondering just where you were going with this one. Gad, you had me. Good to know you love Duncan in a different and healthier manner.

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  17. You have got to see one of the Devil Dogs at my grocery store’s bakery. OMG … awesome …. and sometimes they have orange-flavored ones, which taste like a creamsicle … which is yum for those who enjoy that taste.

    Duncan can’t be a devil … just look at the big sweetie!


  18. OMG I was dying. I have a few pics of my dog like that too. Stay away from those devil dogs – they really are hazardous to your health…sorry…I can’t help myself


  19. I’ve been in New England for five days now, and I’ve held off buying a whoopie pie, which has not been easy considering they’re everywhere. But after reading this, I can’t hold off any longer. Like you and your Devil Dogs, I must have one. But hopefully mine won’t have glowing eyes.

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  20. Ring Dings!!!!!!!!! Loved that melted tupperware filing.

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  21. I loved Devil Dogs.. especially the way the cake would stick to the roof of your mouth,

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  22. So much better than the fake Little Debbie “Devil Cremes”!


    • I’ve never been a Little Debbie’s fan. I think it’s regional. My father-in-law LOVED them and used to offer them as if they were from the best french pastry chef. (Actually, he brought some with him when he visited us when we lived on the French/Swiss border.


  23. I’m not sure how it works in your house, but in my house, gates are merely a suggestion. Or a substitute for chew toys. Or handy to be used as a means in which to provide a cacophony of toothpicks. Which isn’t to say that I don’t employ gates anyway, because, well, futility is so much fun, and sometimes even entertaining.

    I’m convinced if I ever really wanted to contain my big dog, I’d have to invest in a heavy-duty steel hog trap, considering that he’s destroyed every other option I’ve ever tried. Seriously, I have my doubts that even a hog trap would do the trick. I lovingly pretend that I’m the one in charge, but he-who-has-free-roam-of-the-house-because-he-can’t-be-contained would probably beg to differ. Apparently, Duncan isn’t the only one sporting a healthy set of horns. My Bruiser has been known to be a bit devilish himself.

    I’m shocked to say I’ve never even heard of Devil Dogs, much less tried one. And here I thought I’d eaten every single fattening and delicious baked good known to mankind. Although, I will admit, I’m more than a little familiar with Whoopie Pies (I mean, come on, I live in the south). I’ve developed a relationship with ice cream that is similar to yours with Devil Dogs. Just say no. 🙂


    • Duncan has been, strangely contained by the gates. He steals. And jumps. And bites He doesn’t really mean to hurt, but he does.

      And he will not leave my clothes alone. He bites, tears, snags..oy …. But I guess i shouldn’t complain ….


  24. I just knew you were working your way around to Duncan LOL!!


  25. AC

    Up until that last line, I wanted a Devil Dog.


  26. When I was growing up in the DC area, these were my after school treats. After anything, really. And before anything, as well.


  27. That was soooo great! Thank you for the last line. 😉


  28. Been working on my whoopie pie recipe for a couple of years now. I am So. Not. Drake.
    Confession: I loved Twinkees


    • If Twinkies were human, they’d be Rulers of the Universe & South New Jersey.


    • Twinkies was one unhealthy food I never liked. The other was Reese’s. Anything else? Oh yeah, I’d eat that crap!

      Did you hear about the Blue Hill Maine teacher ho did a science experiment with Twinkies? He opened a package in class, and ate one. He put the other one on the door jam. The kids were going to watch it decompose. It never did. 25 years later when he retired, they had to figure out who got possession of the famous Twinkie!


    • Oops my long Twinkie comment is below. Technology, schmecknology.


  29. My wife makes a pretty mean Whoopie Pie, but Issamax W Ps kick hiney!

    One of my little girls (can’t remember which), now 7 & 12, used to call Drake’s Devil Dogs “Blue Hot Dogs” because of the color of the box and of course their shape.

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  30. Now I am hungry for a whoopee pie!

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