Not One More

Maybe you’ve seen this before.  Maybe you haven’t.  But it is worth watching.  It is worth seeing again.


We do everything we can to protect our kids from possible dangers.  Except when it comes to guns.  Really.  How can we as a country, we as thinking rational people, we as parents continue to let the NRA decide.

Get rid of politicians who won’t stand up to the NRA.  Get rid of politicians who think that it is just dandy that anybody can get a gun.  Or collect enough of them to maintain an arsenal.

Protect your family.  Vote these folks out of Dodge.


Filed under Adult Traumas, Campaigning, Cancer, Childhood Traumas, Criminal Activity, Disgustology, Elections, Family, GOP, Gun control, Health and Medicine, Huh?, Hypocrisy, Law, Mental Health, Politics, Stupidity, Voting

50 responses to “Not One More

  1. First time for me seeing this video .. well done!


  2. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and did I say, yes!


  3. F*%# YEAH!!!!!… sorry… got carried away…


  4. Paul

    That is an amazing video Elyse. I’m Canadian, but it has always worried me – the proliferation of weapons in th States. Thanks for sharing this.


  5. This video makes me weep every single time I see it. Every single time.


  6. Excellent video. If only its words and meaning could crack through some thick skulls.


  7. NotAPunkRocker

    I know that I am in the minority where I live when it comes to this issue, but luckily I am loud.

    Exile has a good point: It’s not even the guns now, it’s the principle in the mind of some people.


    • Just don’t get shot, Punk…

      I agree that it is the principle with many gun folks. But when their children are accidentally killed, they are always “nobody could have prevented it …” BULLSHIT! I say. You could have prevented it by not having guns around … Oh, how did I get onto this soapbox again …


  8. Thanks, Elyse. We so need to stop the insanity…


  9. God bless politicians like x-NYC mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who puts up his personal fortune for this cause. But I am cynical. Do you know how many guns are out there? People are so emotionally attached to them. We may be too far gone already.


    • I agree — and I think that Mayor Bloomberg is doing a service to our country that can easily impact all of us. And I love the ads and various efforts to get businesses to prohibit guns in their establishments. I’d cut out Starbucks, but because of their stance, I started going occasionally in support (of no-guns, not of $12 million coffees).

      But I fear you’re right. Pro-gun folks are getting worse — demanding more and more. I read the other day about a right to carry guy parading in front of a school in body armor with his assault rifle. What is wrong with these people?


  10. Thank you, Elyse. This is an amazing video. Sharing it out on Twitter and FB now. And calling those stupid congressmen. Again.


    • Thanks, Moms. I think your reps are on board, aren’t they? Why don’t I live in Massachusetts, where folks are liberal. Instead I live here in vaginal ultrasound territory ….


      • Now that Scott Brown is gone they are all on board! He was staunchly against any kind of gun limitations or controls. No wonder he’s doing well in NH!
        Come on up to Mass! There are dozens of foreclosed homes in my town, and more on the way of the pipeline goes through…..


  11. Deborah the Closet Monster

    You know how I love Gavin de Becker? I didn’t think much of gun control one way or the other before reading his books. He has an appendix in one about how the single beltway we can protect our kids is ditching our guns. He is extremely compelling, his expertise in the realm of safety unparalleled. With him speaking, and so persuasively, I felt compelled to listen. I’m in.


  12. An ongoing fight as more states pass gun laws. Everyday a shooting though.


  13. Eva

    Yes-a million times over.


    • Sadly, I think it will be a long time before we enact sanity. I mean, if Sandy Hook didn’t do it, what will it take?


      • Eva

        Each state seriously addressing mental health and how to help would be a great start.


        • But it isn’t only people who have classic mental health issues — schizophrenia, etc. who commit these acts. It is people who have run out of options or who feel apart from the world. Or who are a part and then something happens. It is so complicated, and we are never ever going to be able to fix the problems of every person in the country who might snap.

          But we can limit guns.


          • Eva

            We can limit guns. We should be able to limit guns. But there’s that burdonsome phrase in the constitution that makes doing that difficult:

            ‘The right to bare arms.”

            And you’re right. This issue is so complicated because there are so many sub-issues that contribute to the gun laws, or lack of gun laws, in our country.


            • It depends on the interpretation of that Amendment, actually. I read it as bearing arms as part of a “well regulated militia,” not as cart Blanche for owning and carrying and USING any fucking weapon a person chooses. The devil is in the details, here, and the gun folks conveniently overlook the rest of that clause.

              Liked by 1 person

  14. Even though I don’t get a vote in your country, I second your nomination!


    • God I wish we could just get people to use their heads. Then the whole problem would just go away … Sadly, it seems the only use for a head these days is to do face palms.


  15. I have never seen this video before. But I’m glad I did see it, and hope people who can vote take your advice.


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