Tag Archives: Pissing off Pence

Pissing Off Mike Pence

Generally speaking, I’m not a vindictive person.

For example, I would never, and I do mean never ever, fire someone 26 hours before his/her pension vested.

Unless I could do it in a funny way, that is.  Then I’d probably be good with that.

John Oliver is a master at pissing people off hilariously.  So if you haven’t seen it, watch this:


Filed under 'Merica, ; Don't Make Me Feel Perky Tonigh, A Little Restraint, Perhaps, All The News You Need, Assholes, Bat-shit crazy, Books, Cancer on Society, Clusterfuck, Crazy Folks In Office, Good Deed Doers, Humor, Just Do It and I'll Shut Up!, Kakistocracy, Mike Pence, My Right to Protest, Vote, What a Maroon, What a Putz