Tag Archives: John McCain


My views on the subject are quite consistent.  I don’t believe in War.

I protested Viet Nam, and Iraq, although I supported limited intervention into Afghanistan (and look where THAT got us).

I think it’s always better to try to work things out.

So as a public service, I am reposting this picture.  Because almost regardless of the details of the deal being worked out with Iran, compromises are better than war.

Deal or No Deal?  (Image courtesy of the White House, but I found it at CrooksandLiars.com)

Deal or No Deal? (Image courtesy of the White House, but I found it at CrooksandLiars.com)


Filed under All We Are Saying Is Give Peace A Chance, Bat-shit crazy, Campaigning, Conspicuous consumption, Crazy Folks Running, Criminal Activity, Health, Negotiating, Peace, Washington