Duncan — Back By Popular Demand

I have been remiss.  A bad girl.  No treats for me.

Yes, it’s true.  Today I was reminded that I haven’t posted any pictures of Duncan recently.

You remember Duncan, don’t you?

Toy Basket

Here he is right after we brought him home, sitting in his toy basket.

He doesn’t quite fit inside it any more.

No Room!

Duncan is quite camera shy.  We get loads of pictures of his butt, which, in my opinion, is not his best feature.  The face doesn’t stay still long enough for photo-ops.  Apparently, he will never run for Congress.

But the little guy has had quite a good time.  He is love, played with, pampered.  He has even had a vacation at the shore.  Here he is on a rocky beach in Maine.  When the rocks are wet, looking for Duncan is very much like playing Where’s Waldo.

When the rocks are wet, looking for Duncan is very much like playing Where's Waldo

Got any Sushi?

Now, let’s see if I can do this.  I took some video inspired by Will of Marking Our Territory, alerted me to a fast and easy way to destroy my iPad.  So naturally I tried it!

And I uploaded my very first YouTube video.

Shit, I’m a rotten videographer …. but I’m a great dog mom!  How many dogs get $300 dog toys?

Anybody got an extra iPad?


Filed under Bloggin' Buddies, Dogs, Duncan, Fashion, Health and Medicine, Humor, Pets, Wild Beasts

73 responses to “Duncan — Back By Popular Demand

  1. Julie

    How do you stand him? Huh? How? I can easily see why you need to work from home to cater to his every whim. I would have to quit my job or try to pass him off as a “companion dog” who needs to be with me all the time. Maybe one of those dogs who can sense stress, and relieve it by being so dang cute and soft and cuddly…….

    solved. Thank you.


    • Oh, I’d LOVE to bring him to work. I do get to work from home sometimes — which is great. But we are having a really good time with him. He’s smart and fun and furry and gives the best greetings when I get home. I’m feeling pretty lucky to have this beast!


  2. Except for his eyes he takes a long time to react, doesn’t he? He is so cute! No wonder you’re so busy – I wouldn’t be able to put him down!


    • He is adorable, Benze. But he’s already 25+ pounds so we try not to let him be a lapdog. We fail, but still ..


      • My 80 lb. rottie thought he was a lap dog till the day he died. He had trouble getting up there, but we had a neat trick we developed with our recliner. He would only sit on our lap if we had a blanket on our lap, so his legs didn’t go between our legs, etc. When it was getting difficult for him to get up, we would lower our legs with the blanket, he would climb up on our shins & we would use the recliner to get him the rest of the way up. Great abdominal exercise. We would do the same in reverse when he wanted down.


  3. He really is adorable. I love his colourings and can totally imagine him blending into the wet rocks. I’m pretty sure I would not let him play with my Ipad…if I had one…no matter how cute he is. 😉


  4. Looks like he’s recovered well … and growing in that way that puppies do: quickly!


  5. So glad he is doing well…there’s nothing wrong with being camera shy. His face could be a poster child for peace.


  6. Such a cutie pie! He made the fish go away! Hope your iPad survived…


  7. What a hoot watching the vid … meanwhile, we’re not dog owners, but in our new digs, our share of friendly dogs! Glad Dog Mom is doing well.


  8. He’s adorable. Was that a screensaver? They actually make iPad games specifically for cats.


    • Thanks, Laura. He is a cute little devil.

      That was one of the iPad games for cats — Cat Fishing. Now he won’t let me use my iPad as he thinks it is his. Oh well, he was quiet during an important conference call …


  9. Duncan is the cutest! I just love that little puppy face …. so innocent looking, which means I’m sure he is getting into all sorts of trouble. Great post for this Sunday morning.


    • Thanks, tops. Yes, he is a demon at times … But we tire him out and that helps. I’m really looking forward to the day he loses his last puppy tooth, though! But you were there very recently with Peanut, so you know exactly what I mean!


  10. So I got anxious watching Duncan watch the fish (Duncan is a cutie-pie). The bubble over his head should have read: “First I’m going to catch this thing, smash it to bits, and then I’m gonna smack Mommy for tormenting me. 🙂


  11. You are one terrific Mom, Elyse. What we don’t do for our kids!!!


  12. Aw, he reminds me of a book I loved as a kid, something like “A Bed for Bitsy” as Bitsy kept growing bigger.


  13. Twindaddy

    He likes it!


    • He really does — and he follows the fishies or the other animals from other apps around. I think it is more fun for me — and of corse for Apple as they probably see $$$$$ in this video — than it is for him!


  14. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww…………………………….


  15. I’m so in love with his gorgeous coloring, and those PAWS!
    oh em gee


    • He is seriously cute, 99. I wish you could meet him. Although if I were you, I’d wait until he stops biting … It is lessening, but he still catches us from time to time.

      And he is literally taking up all my time — which is a good thing. I’m out and about a lot, and feeling healthier than I have in years!


      • just by virtue of having a Duncan in your life, you ARE healthier than you have been in years. 🙂


        • It really is true. I have to move incredibly fast these days or he bites me 😉 .

          I’m up earlier, out more often, stay up later and I’m less fatigued. Dogs are good for us!


          • I have a mini funny story. A few years ago, my oldest sister went to her doctor while she was in the midst of a full-tilt meltdown. There was much crying and carrying on, and wringing of hands, and pulling wildly of hair. The doctor took one look at her, and promptly prescribed the perfect medication. “Get a dog” he said. She came unglued. For weeks, she muttered and spat and spit and cursed, so angry that he “wasn’t taking her seriously”. Fast forward about a year, and guess what? She got a dog! All that crying and carrying on has ceased, and *gasp* she actually even sometimes giggles and smiles these days.

            Being the generous sister of the bunch, I take every opportunity to remind her that her doctor was right all along. Mostly, just so I can see her face scrunch up in an angry pout, which usually then leads to laughter. Sometimes, even for the both of us. 🙂


            • It’s true! I needed one, not just for me, but Duncan can make my husband forget his stresses in a way I can’t. Possibly because Duncan is much cuter. Sigh.


              • our human age spots and freckles and moles could never possibly be anywhere near as cute as Duncan’s mottled puppy spots … smart move on your part … nothing like using a bit of puppy camouflage to keep everyone smiling … I suppose it’s even more fun when his spots are always in motion


  16. Lasted longer than I expected.


    • It really did keep him busy for a while — I did a conference call after I filmed this, and he was fascinated by it — and most importantly, QUIET.

      But I’m not ready to give my iPad to the dog for keeps!


  17. Lucky Duncan to be born into the age of digital natives. hmm…will have to search Duncan on YouTube.


    • I actually did last night after posting this. There are many, many pets named Duncan, as it turns out 😦 . None of the others are quite this cute, though!


  18. This was cute but you could have gotten a $50 tablet for him to play with. 🙂


    • You have a point, Heard, you have a point. When my husband came down and saw that I’d put my iPad on the floor for the dog he, ummmmm, let’s just say he was not pleased. Of course since he has the cheap tablet, he would have been even less amused if I’d given HIS to Duncan!


  19. Duncan is adorable! The toy is a bit over the top Elyse – next he will want his own car.


  20. Haha I love it! He so quietly stalked his little prey and then ever so casually pounced. That is one stinking cute pup.


    • You know Will, if we are ever starving, I’m going to teach this guy to spear fish — that quiet patience and then POUNCE! Of course he loves seafood (he is especially fond of the crabs he found on the beach), so I don’t think John and I will get much out of catches.

      He is adorable — but then we know that they all are. Which is, of course, how we all survive their puppihood.


  21. You know, there have been dogs elected as mayors, so Congress is not necessarily out of reach for Duncan. And he certainly can’t do any worse than some people who are already there.


  22. Paul

    Awesome pics Elyse. And Duncan is so sweet -I just want to hug him. Seeing him trying to get into his old basket now that he has grown is hilarious. And he has his 0wn IPad!?!? Yikes, Elyse, you don’t skrimp on the dog toys do you? Whew! But watching him with it is very funny, I have to admit. Does he have a phone pole app? (you know, which one is best for me to relieve myself today?) Or a squirrel app? (where are the best squirrels worth chasing today?) Or perhaps a Tinder account to find all the cute girl dogs? Bwahaha!

    Awesome update Elyse. Thank you so much.


    • Actually, I just gave him temporary custody yesterday when I was working from home. I have fought and regained possession of it. Of course I will never be able to use it again without having a dog in my lap. That’s the price of peace!


  23. He is lovely! I am so glad you have a new dog friend.


  24. Aw! This reminds me again I need a dog. My kids already destroyed my iPad long ago, so why not?


  25. He is so cute! And he apparently likes his technology.

    I was in Maine last weekend for a wedding. Didn’t see Duncan though. 🙂


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