Blame Duncan if I Didn’t Respond to Your Comment

Thanks, everybody, for all the nice comments about Duncan.

Sorry if yours was one of the comments I didn’t answer.

You see, I was afraid.  Afraid of what was happening with Duncan.

Yup, things didn’t start smoothly at all.

Twenty-four hours after bringing our new son home, we were at animal emergency, with a dying puppy.

We don’t know what happened or why, but he developed a fever of 106.3 degrees — dogs are normally 99-102.  Our puppy was sick, and possibly dying.

If I am ever reincarnated as a dog, I want to be my dog.  I’m not quite sure how I can work that out, though.

Anyway, Duncan was admitted, treated with antibiotics and IV fluids (at great expense).  We left him last night, certain that he was going to die.

Thankfully he didn’t.  He spent some more time with our own vet, closer to home, this afternoon before we brought him home early this evening (Monday).

So far, Duncan is acting very much like a puppy — he plays, eats, poops and pees.  We are keeping a close watch on him.

I will never let him see this picture of himself during the interval between the ER and our vet.  Because I fear he’d die of embarrassment.

"This is Embarrassing"

“This is Embarrassing”

When I texted this photo to Jacob, he responded:  “When did we switch to Dish Network?”

Everybody was saying sweet things about Duncan — and I just couldn’t answer when I didn’t know if he was going to make it.

We have no idea what caused the problem.  It may be a bacterial infection, a virus.  It could be all kinds of things.  Tests to possibly determine what caused it would have cost $THOUSANDS, and we opted to treat, rather than investigate.

So far he is doing OK.  Keep your fingers crossed.



Filed under Adult Traumas, Bloggin' Buddies, Dogs, Duncan, Family, Pets, Taking Care of Each Other

85 responses to “Blame Duncan if I Didn’t Respond to Your Comment

  1. I missed this post! So glad to hear Duncan is doing better! He is so cute even though a little embarrassed by the necklace!


  2. Julie

    ooh, poor puppy! I am glad to know that he is feeling better, cause I am reading backwards, so I know that already.


  3. I’m so glad he is OK. I couldn’t believe when I just read your response to my previous comment I had to come right away and see what happened. May you have many wonderful and happy puppy moments ahead of you in the years to come to make up for such a bumpy start.


  4. When did we get dish? That’s funny! Glad to hear the pup is doing well.


  5. I was just popping back in, to see if there was more Duncan news. Sounds like he’s feeling a little better every day. That’s good to hear!


  6. Oh my gosh, that’s scary :-/ He is adorable in his embarrassing photo though. I will have to go read the last post to see his grand intro 🙂


  7. Fingers crossed and more for the sweet puppy. xoxo


  8. So glad he is doing better.


    • Thanks — me too. We had him for a very brief walk earlier this morning and he did great! I am hopeful that whatever it was is gone for good. Fingers crossed!


  9. J

    wow, I just stumbled upon this post. I’m glad your puppy is doing okay..he looks adorable!


    • Thanks, J. He is currently howling for breakfast — 9 mins away — so I think he is now fine! I don’t want him thinking he can get breakfast before 6 am!


  10. Our Frankie nearly died about 2 weeks into his time with us. Never forget those times – dark and scary days – but he made it and lived to 13 1/2 – let’s all hope Sir Duncan does as well 🙂 Hugs to you, that’s ruff stuff to deal with as an animal Mom!



  11. I missed what were probably happy posts about your new pup and terrified posts about his illness. I’m glad I got to read the good news post. Even in his illness photo, he looks sweet as pecan pie. Let’s hope he’s out of the woods and into everything else (as puppies should be)! 🙂

    The comment about switching to dish network is hilarious, by the way!


  12. Knowing how much you take pride in your dogs, I can’t imagine your worry. Hope his improvement continues.


  13. I’m glad to hear he is responding to treatment … Our three dogs: Zoe, Sasha, and Guinness all say “Arfh!” (Which means get better in Dog language). They’ve also offered to send toys if Duncan needs some cheer. And, they swear they didn’t laugh at Duncan in the Cone of Shame… they swear…


    • I should have filmed him in it — it was hilarious because it was bigger than he is — and he was tripping over it and bumping into everything. Hilarious. So your dogs would be in good company laughing.

      Toys would be happily received, as he is slicing through all the ones left from Cooper and all the ones we bought for him in record time. I’m sure he sharpens those teeth when we’re not looking.


  14. Oh, my … a lot sure can happen in a short amount of time. Keeping my fingers crossed (and maybe even saying a prayer) for your little guy. I hope it’s something treatable, and that he continues in his recovery. Crazy how quickly they steal our hearts, and we can’t help but be devastated if they aren’t feeling well. Be better, little guy. Feel better.


  15. Poor baby. Give him lots of hugs from your faithful readers. We are cheering him on!


  16. Here’s to a speedy and full recovery, so he can get on with the important stuff.
    Like eating your shoes.


  17. Roxie

    I’m so glad he’d better! Here’s hoping he stays well!


  18. Elyse, how terrifying! So glad to hear he is on the mend.


  19. I’ve decided I also want to come back as your dog. When you figure out how it’s done, please let me know.


    • That will be a bit tricky, S7, as we are one-dog-at-a-time folks. But I’ll let you know if I figure it out.

      Nice to see you — hope you’re well.


  20. He looks like a flower.

    [I didn’t scroll back to see if anyone else made that astute observation.]

    Yes…pet insurance saved our asses a few times.


    • Mark it was so funny watching him walk with that thing on. He looked like a drunken flower, the poor little guy.

      Pet insurance is a great idea that I had thought of investing in, but we only had him for ONE DAY before he got sick. Now I don’t know if he has a pre-existing condition … or if the insurance company realizes that we are going to take our dog in whenever he might just need it — then they might not sell it to us!


  21. Lord knows Duncan is in the right hands. Hope he has a speedy recovery and your nerves return to their normal state. Everything is crossed!


    • He seems to be doing very well today, thanks Tops. My husband (who is at home with him) is already wondering what we’ve gotten ourselves in for — I consider that a good sign!


  22. moi

    2 words… Pet Insurance 🙂 glad he is feeling a lot better.


  23. Awww, poor puppy. I’m glad he’s doing better.

    Have you contacted the rescue group you adopted him from? They might have some useful information about his parents or littermates.


    • Thanks, Laura.
      We contacted Sherry from the shelter right away — while we were at the ER. She didn’t have any ideas, or more information, either. She had transported him along with several other dogs — and they were all fine. I was pleased, though, that once I told her that Duncan was sick she immediately called the people with whom she placed a few other puppies and dogs that day to let them know. That gave me more confidence in the way she took care of him before we got him.

      We may never know what happened.


  24. Paul

    Best wishes to Duncan – I hope he’ll be OK. It is so, so sad to see small creatures that are sick and quiet and don’t know why. Breaks my heart.


    • Thanks, Paul. It was heartbreaking to leave him there at the ER. We really didn’t think he would live. Now that he seems to have mended, knock wood, there will no doubt be times when we will want him quiet again — but not THAT quiet.


  25. Oh Elyse, I hope all things go well with Duncan. I will keep fingers crossed for all of you.


  26. Hopefully, this will be the last time Duncan has to go to the vet, and/or get turned into a giant blue flower.


    • Isn’t that picture hilarious? I wish I could have taken a video of him, but I was laughing too hard. The collar was wider than his legs were long and he was having a hilariously difficult time walking.


  27. My absolute worst fear – my heart was in my throat reading this. He’s so lucky to have you guys, hope he stays healthy and gets a clean bill of health soon.


    • So far today he’s doing well, Will. My husband is home with him and commented “we have a very smart, curious puppy. God help us.” So I am inferring that he is not acting terribly ill!


  28. Oh no, what a scary way to make an entrance. So glad he’s doing better. How lucky he was to find such caring people.


  29. Eva

    I’m SO glad Duncan is doing better. I was freaking out reading your post. Are you ok?


  30. In the Stillness of Willow Hill

    They steal our hearts so very quickly!


  31. ((Elyse)). Fingers and toes are crossed! Poor puppy…


  32. I am glad that your puppy is doing well!


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