Now Why Didn’t I Think of That?

It’s kind of late in the game for me.  My son is in college.  He drives.  He Facebooks.

He’s beyond my control.

So I am really upset that I didn’t get this vital piece of parenting advice from Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY-did-you-elect-me) years ago:

“There is no doubt that we need to do more to curb the senseless acts of violence that continue to occur in this country,” Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY), an opponent of the underlining gun bill, said. “One of the things we need are parents, parents to be more careful and more repetitive at telling their kids that it is not right to kill people. It’s not even right to bully them. And it’s definitely not right for them to kill themselves. Until we can get that message across to our kids, I hope that we don’t rely on a few votes by this body to make everybody feel comfortable that all the problem is taken care of.”  (Clip courtesy of Daily Kos.  They got it from Think Progress.)


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Now why didn’t I think of that?


Filed under Childhood Traumas, Criminal Activity, Elections, Gun control, Humor, Hypocrisy, Stupidity, Voting

101 responses to “Now Why Didn’t I Think of That?

  1. Oh, for Pete’s sake! I guess that poor excuse for a congressional leader has either (1) never raised kids, or (2) doesn’t realize that kids have minds of their own and can be influenced by all sorts of external nonsense (the Congressman is a case in point), or (3) that he is an idiot! Good grief–who votes for people like him?


    • You know, Eleanor, if you and I could figure out why people vote for idiots like this guy, we could solve all the country’s and the world’s problems. So we’d better get to work on it!


  2. I’m sorry, but until the message of this post is reduced to a meme or ecard on Facebook then I just won’t understand it.


  3. Heck fire, I used to spell out that kind of wisdom on those alphabet refrigerator magnets, just to remind my husband, too!


  4. Snoring Dog Studio

    I wouldn’t recommend anyone taking parenting advice from a member of Congress, especially one from the Republican party. It’s been obvious to me for years that the parents of most politicians forgot to tell them not to lie.


  5. Do you suppose this was news to anyone? On the planet?


  6. It’s amazing that no one in Congress has managed to blow the place up yet.


  7. He’s got a point. I mean, you know how kids are — they never give you their complete attention. So if you only tell them once not to kill people, they’re just going to vaguely remember that you said something about killing people, but they won’t know whether it’s something they’re not supposed to do, or something they’re supposed to do on their way home from school today, or what.

    I don’t think anyone ever told me not to kill other people, but I actually do remember my mother telling me not to kill myself. She’d just described Heaven to me and apparently thought it was really important to stress that you don’t get to go there if you kill yourself.


    • You may have hit the nail on the head with the inattention aspect of this. I guess I thought telling my son the once was enough. Damn. I wonder if there’s still time …

      And yeah, life can be so sucky at time that I do believe heaven would be overcrowded if we got to go there just for doing ourselves in.


  8. “My Parents have never told me to breath.. but I do. My parents have also never told me to respect women, but I do as I see someone else’s mother, wife, sister or daughter in her.”
    So I think these two lines summarizes everything for me. Do not you think, I have a valid point here!! We can never expect parents giving us manuals having ” how to live in this planet following steps i, ii, ….” written in them.


    • Our parents DO teach us all throughout our lives. And they do teach us not to kill. But this Senator was trying to blame his cowardly stand (against 90% of Americans) on gun control. He is, in a word, an asshole. A putz. A coward.

      Nice to see you, pal!


  9. Maybe he was trying to say when everything is crushing us down, people are working 2 jobs to survive & don’t have enough time for their families – they should make sure there is at least enough time to teach their kids right from wrong?


    • I don’t know if that’s what he means. It seems to me that many in the GOP don’t have such a big problem with folks killing folks, depending on what color the skins involved. Perhaps I am just really, really jaded.


  10. And he gets paid for this *wisdom*?


  11. “Don’t put your elbows on the table” – “Say thank you and please” – “Wash behind your ears” – “Don’t kill people or yourself” – “Brush your teeth before you go to bed”

    Maybe Congress should write us a parenting manual?


    • A Congressional parenting manual sounds like a great idea. And they all have such fine, stable marriages, perhaps they’d be willing to do a marriage manual, too — so many of them are already trying to tell us how to manage our sex lives.


  12. winsomebella

    Brilliance. Again 😦


  13. Thank goodness I never had kids! I never would have been able to carry out his advice. I am sure I would have been all over letting them kill, bully, and take their own lives…I mean how would have I known otherwise.
    I sooooooooooo love the triple face palm.


    • It is probably all for the best, Michelle. And you know, you made me wonder if the fact that I am an adoptive parent means that I am exempt from the requirement to tell my son not to kill people.


      • As someone who spent time in foster care and was adopted at 16 I can honestly say no one ever told me not to kill anyone, so you may be right. So far I haven’t killed anyone.


        • It is unusual, but I don’t quite know how to respond.

          Glad you haven’t killed anyone?
          Glad you were adopted/survived what must have been an unusual childhood.

          I hope I didn’t offend you, my friend. And I’m looking forward to your memoir.


  14. I thought I’d read that twice just in case it was such a stupid thing to say it must be in my imagination. Now facepalming with both hands…


  15. cooper

    Amidst Captain Obvious’ statement there IS a piece of wisdom that needs to be embraced…
    I hope that we don’t rely on a few votes by this body to make everybody feel comfortable that all the problem is taken care of.
    I mean I know I don’t, but….


    • Yup. Certainly not with this crop of losers. But I will always think it is our fault. We elect these morons. Well, not you and me, but people who don’t pay attention do.


      • cooper

        Thank you for clarifying that. too many doofs not paying attention.


        • Way too many. Nobody knows civics. I lecture folks on civics periodically. It started as something for foreign born workers who needed to have a general idea of what the US Government is all about. But then it became clear that nobody remembered junior high Civics. Nobody.

          We really need to work that into the fabric of our society so that hopefully we elect fewer boobs. And naturally I don’t mean fewer women 😉


          • cooper

            Again – good clarification. I wonder how it would be possible to bridge the gap between civics theory and civics reality? Do you teach courses on how the government really works? only lobotomized troglodytes would be interested at that point…


  16. Sooooo should we bring a note from our parents when we go to purchase a weapon.
    Dear Gun Shop Owner,
    Please let Billy & Mary buy their guns today. I told them not to kill other people or themselves with it and they said “ok.”
    Mrs. Rainbow Unicorn


    • Yes, Tops, we should have a note. Can you write mine because my parents are watching from their heavenly clouds. I wouldn’t want to be without my firearm so that I can not kill people with it.


  17. bigsheepcommunications

    Well, that clears everything up. So maybe instead of universal background checks, we can just require each gun to come with a pamphlet instructing people that they shouldn’t use it to kill people, except of course, if you’re defending yourself or you wish to overthrow the government.


  18. Wow. Just wow. My whole view of the world and life has completely changed now. I guess I must have been doing this parenting thing all wrong all this time?


    • Darla, I can’t tell you how it pains me to be the one to let you know just how poorly you’ve done this job. I hope you learn from these mistakes.


  19. I tell my kids this all the time, but you know kids, they just do it anyway.


  20. It’s not right to kill people, but if your state has Stand Your Ground laws, it’s ok. And it’s not ok to commit suicide, but if you get sick and don’t have health insurance, go right ahead.


    • Good point X. We need to keep a poster up in the kitchen so that our kids will be able to distinguish between when killing is state sanctioned and when folks are doing it for no good reason.

      But you know, I’m a little bit confused. Since assault weapons weren’t banned, does that mean I can use them?

      Life is so complicated, isn’t it.


  21. It is not right to kill people. That clears almost everything 😀


  22. I’m here to be the voice of dissension. 😉 While hardly eloquently stated by the representative, I think the point that is trying to be made is that no matter how many rules you put up to stop people from getting guns, people who don’t care about laws aren’t going to follow them. But, that being said, it should not be nearly as easy as it is right now to get a gun. Background checks should be stronger, and we don’t need army-grade guns in untrained hands. People don’t learn or teach their children a proper use of a gun, and people get hurt. People don’t properly store their gun, and it falls into wrong hands. But like knives and many other weapons, if there is an evil motivation and seeking of violence, laws are only going to make so much of a difference. But, we can’t legislate that.

    Just my two cents.


    • Your money is always welcome here, Sarah.

      That said, of course we should teach our children appropriate behavior — that includes not killing people along with looking both ways before crossing the street. Common sense parenting.

      Senator Enzi was totally copping out on his vote to go against 90% of the citizens of our country in limiting the availability of guns to those people who don’t listen to their parents.

      Senator Enzi’s head is up his ass. And we — the citizens, get to pay for the privilege of listening to what comes out of it.


  23. I cannot justify it, but I actually laughed out loud when I read his words.


  24. I’m speechless,………this guy should’ve been too….


  25. Uh – I think when my dad told me not to kill someone, he was referring to my baby brother. I listened – he lives.


  26. I just knew I missed something! Dammit.

    I told them women were evil, wear condoms.
    I told them Corporate America was evil, no face tattoos or piercings.
    I told them their brother loved them, stop punching him in the face where it left bruises.
    I told them in my house I was in charge, “come here let me tear a knot off that narrow ass of yours you rude mannerless little shit.”

    But nope, not one single time did i ever say, don’t kill people.


  27. Always enlightening to read your posts, Elyse. Read this one in the nick of time, I did.


  28. :…and more repetitive at telling their kids that it is not right to kill people.”

    Really? These are our elected politicians. Who speak on our behalf? Please talk like you (hopefully) graduated High School.


    • I really don’t understand why people want to elect stupid people. “I want the guy who’d be most fun to have a beer with” was the question in the 2000 election — and they ended up with George Fucking W. Bush, the alcoholic.

      You get what you pay for. Sadly the rest of us are stuck with these bozos, too.


  29. Wait a minute. When did it become wrong to kill people? Was it before yesterday? If so, I need some people to run interference for me while I dump some “garbage”.


  30. You never had that talk? “Don’t kill yourself or anyone else, son.” Really??? Isn’t that considered child endangerment?
    My son will soon turn 17, so I better have that talk with him asap! 😉


    • Get a move on, little hammy. Get a move on.


      • Haven’t been on here in ages – just decided to check back, and found this response (which I had never seen somehow?). My 1st thought was – horror! – I have inadvertently and unintentionally offended somehow… you were calling me a ham (no!!!) because you thought I was serious! Then I read other comments/responses… started to rethink, but was still confused by the ‘hammy’ reference. I am not a ham! I thought to myself. Then remembered that I am ‘poundofodham’ – argh! hope I am right this time. At 54 3/4, confusion is becoming more common than I would like!


  31. Do you hear that? That’s the sound of me banging my head against the wall. Repeatedly. What a dorkenheimer (the senator, not me…).


  32. I guess I was a bad parent. Never once sat my boys down and told them not to kill. What was I thinking?


  33. Too bad I never received this advise. I mean my parents never said I cannot kill people…. hmmm.


  34. Well that clears everything up, then. Everything’s going to be fine now.


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