Got History?

I’ve always loved history, but I will admit that sometimes I get the details confused.  Civil War battles, for example, I can never remember who won those individual skirmishes.

But I’ve got a pretty good handle on the major wars fought by my country.  Doesn’t everybody?

Got History

I Do! (Google Image)

Current events are pretty awesome too.  And when current events intersect with history?  Life is fascinating.

Unless, of course, you are a twit without a wit.  And you tweet.

Korea tweets

Yup.  Pearl Harbor.  December 7, 1941.  The day the U.S. base in Hawaii was attacked by North Korea.  The day that will live in infamy with some folks and in a fog of ignorance for others.

I found these tweets via Crooks and Liars.  They were originally posted here:


Filed under History, Humor, Stupidity

91 responses to “Got History?

  1. I…am…not…sure…what…to..say…I hope to goodness nothing that stupid ever pops out of my mouth! But, then, I read the newspaper and every year on Dececember 7th ther eis at least one article about the attach on Pearl Harbor. Maybe if these Nimrods read something once in a while they might learn something!


    • Isn’t it amazing? That’s the problem with Twitter — you can be a twat so very quickly and publicly!

      I think that the nimrods simply need to be eduKated better. Reading is so over rated!


  2. No comment. Bad at history and all things requiring any memory at all. Hoping we are all still here to write for many years to come 🙂


  3. I hope these people forgot to put a smiley at the end of their tweets. 🙂


  4. But at least none of those tweeters were a hair’s breath away from the White House. Remember when Sarah Palin said North Korea was one of our allies? Say What?!


  5. Oh my gosh I laughed so hard I started sneezing. Now that is hard to do. Wonderful way to end the evening.


  6. Snoring Dog Studio

    What the hell? I love that Twitter allows people to advertise their idiocy. Nothing like learning history in 140 characters, I’d say.


  7. We aren’t teaching much history in public schools now. We aren’t teaching cursive writing. (how will kids learn to sign their names?) It’s all about the tests and competing for federal $$ due to the test results. A shame really. But in my part of the world homeschooling is taking over. And those kids are soooo smart!!


    • And as an after thought – NC is low on the totem pole in education. Yet we have the best universities on the planet. Go figure!


    • I have two nieces who are being home-schooled and they are incredibly smart. But so many are doing it due to religious reasons that it makes me very nervous.

      I think we as a nation have really screwed up the next generation with all the things we didn’t do, and the ones we did do.


  8. Laura Secord

    Okay, so who won the war of 1812? Please explain your answer.
    (a) the British
    (b) the Canadians
    (c) the Americans


    • It was a win-win-win.

      The British got to go home and keep their cool accents.

      The Canadians got to be Canadians and NOT Americans and then got to be bullied by the French Canadians.

      The Americans got to rebuild the White House, rehang the curtains and declare victory. For the first time in history we also got to idolize a Dolly without anybody making fun of us.



  9. It was Japan was it not? I didn’t think Kamikaze was North Korean.


  10. I laughed so hard…until I realized you weren’t joking. Then I cried.
    I’m almost afraid to ask the Crumbsnatchers what they “know” about Pearl Harbor and North Korea. Their great-grandfather was in the Navy and AT Pearl Harbor the day it was bombed. He survived only because he was AWOL at the time (meaning he hadn’t come in when he was supposed to from a night of carousing) and I know they’ve heard me tell his story many times. I’ll smack ’em with a pool noodle if they don’t get it right!


  11. Oh my…almost as bad as Jay-walking.


  12. *face palm* oh lord …


  13. Seriously?
    It has all been said above.


  14. Love the retweets. Nice. How do you find this stuff?


  15. cooper

    which of course led up to the US dropping the atomic bomb on Tokyo…


  16. Ignorance – one step away from stupid. Ignorance – the lack of education. Stupid – the choice to remain ignorant when provided the choice to gain education.

    We are a nation of stupid people.


  17. You know, there are things I’m better off not knowing, Frank. This is one of them!


  18. I could’ve sworn it said on Fox News that Pearl Harbor was Obama’s fault…


  19. It’s embarrassing. Love the Churchill quote!


    • I fully expect to spend the rest of my life with a neck ache — from shaking my head from side to side in exasperation over the stupidity in the world.

      I once had a boss named Ms. Chamberlain. She once confided in me that she knew someone really liked her when they accidentally called her Ms. Churchill … I love that story but so rarely get to use it!


  20. Twitter Kamikazes, perhaps? I wonder if they even know where Pearl Harbour is?


    • CR, there are Pearl Harbors all over the place I’d bet. Therefore they get confused. And those twitter birds don’t look like the brightest birds on the wire, anyway.


  21. Shaking my head at the cluelessness. They’re going to be so confused when they try to figure out why GIs called those Pearl Harbor attackers “Japs.” (No offense intended.)


    • The scariest thing of all is that they haven’t got a clue about their cluelessness. Not a hint. Not an inkling. No knowledge of what they don’t know. It is so very very scary unless you’re drinking heavily.


  22. Even I, who hated history in school, knows who bombed Pear Harbor. Sheesh! What a maroon! (love that expression!) Scary tweets.


    • I love history — but hated it in school. They do do their utmost to make it intensely boring, don’t they? Or they did when I was in school. But it’s really the story of people — and we bloggers are all students of human nature.

      But, yeah. I wish these were a joke. Maybe they are. There is hope, anyway.


  23. Wait a sec…I thought the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?


  24. I always hope those are spoof accounts when I see them.
    And I’m always sad when I’m wrong.


    • Every once in a while I find that something is a spoof and then I’m embarrassed. No this time though. I hope the folks who tweeted these twitty tweets are embarrased, though. I doubt it. They are off looking for the dinosaurs that still roam the earth.


  25. Unreal! Not surprising though. Sad.


  26. moi

    lmao, North Koreans indeed when we all know it was the Chinese pft 😛


    • Or was it the Vietnamese? It’s so hard to keep folks straight right.

      Please know that was totally tongue in cheek and not meant to slander Asians but to point out what ignoramuses we non-asians can be. It’s terrible when you have to explain your jokes, isn’t it?


  27. Le Clown

    Love, love Ben Affleck kicking North Koreans’ asses in that Pearl Harbor flick… And that recent movie he made about these Canucks who helped Americans get out of an A-rab country…
    Le Clown


    • Everybody knows, Le Clown, that it was really the Canucks who bombed Pearl Harbor, and who took those hostages in Iran. Ben Affleck had nothing to do with it. I’m not so sure about Matt Damon, though.


  28. Wow. I’m no history buff, but this frightens even me. And look at all the retweets some of those got!


  29. winsomebella

    I don’t claim to be an ace, but really now……..these are pretty infamous.


  30. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since I worked with young adults who thought Black Friday was an actual holiday.


  31. What do they say? “History is written by the winners?” Apparently it isn’t read by them. 😦


    • I think they say “Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. Those who write about history that they don’t know are twats.” I think it was Churchill who said that.


  32. The last two tweeters are clearly under impression that US kicked North Korea’s ass at Pearl Harbor…


  33. What fools. It was obviously SOUTH Korea that bombed Pearl Harbor.


  34. bigsheepcommunications

    I think we might need to work on our public education system, don’t you think?


  35. I fear for all humanity.


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