The Good Ol’ Pricks Debate

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Come back, Speaker7, Come back! (Oh you did. OK. Come back again soon.)


I watched the entire GOP debate last night and while my stomach muscles are still strained from all the dry-heaving, I felt compelled to actually write a post to share the highlights.

There were so many good things happening—so, so many. So many fantastic visionaries on one stage, so many enthusiastic audience members cheering the worst things, so many witnesses to the demise of the American democratic system.

It’s really hard to pick a favorite moment, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try.

It began with a shot of the most popular candidate at the moment, Donald Trump. I believe his face truly represents the face of the Republican Party:


There was that special time when Trump was asked about his penchant for calling woman “fat pigs”, “slobs”, “disgusting animals” and “losers who don’t appreciate megalomaniacs with Easter-grass toupees and micropenises”:


Then there was that beautiful moment when the audience…

View original post 272 more words


Filed under Humor

39 responses to “The Good Ol’ Pricks Debate

  1. I did not know before this moment how empty my life as a reader of blogs had been until I read Speaker7’s summary of the debates. Thank you, thank you for making the introduction!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Honestly? My favorite part was the invocation of God (frequent) and the fact they kept saying how great everyone was, how fabulous all 17 of them were. Really?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Like Frank, I didn’t watch. But I don’t subscribe to cable, so it’s not like I had a real choice in the matter. The blow back is enough for me, though. All this head-shaking is making me dizzier. I wonder if, in 10-15 years, any of them will look back and feel a tiny bit regretful of their “performances?”

    And the worse thing to come from this whole stain in our political history (well, maybe not the worst)? New additions to the public discourse: Trumpification/Trumpified. My spell checker doesn’t like them now, but wait a few months… 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh, Elyse, Donald Trump’s latest with Megyn Kelly. I can’t even. Just had to come here and commiserate with someone else who is probably throwing up in her mouth.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Watching the Republican debates is like watching frat boys have a farting contest. By the end of the night, you feel sullied and the whole room stinks.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. That was so good, thanks for re-posting!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh jeez, this is so funny. I watched some of the debate last night, and her post is spot-on. What an interesting collection of candidates. Guess I’ll leave it at that…

    My Monday post does something similar (though it’s not political), and now I’m hesitant to post it. No way to top this kind of funny!

    Liked by 1 person

    • There goes your old insecurities again … Speaker7 is a master at the political photoshop. But there is room for many different types of photoshopers. The world is waiting for yours. (It will wait even longer for mine because I don’t even OWN photoshop.)


  8. You are truly stronger than me. There was no way I was going to subject myself to that sort of torture. I get enough from every other direction, without actually having to have bile rising in my throat throughout the entire debate. Gonna be a tough season. Hang in there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, 99, I DID watch much of the debate so I get some credit. But I just capitalized on my good (long absent) friend, Speaker7’s handiwork. She is a master at Photoshop.


  9. I met my goal of not watching … thus relied on various media outlets for the scoop … and it seems I made the right decision. Meanwhile, so because I didn’t watch, I won’t comment about any substance.

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