Separated at Birth?

When I wrote my post All We Are Saying, Is Give Peace A Chance, my longtime bloggin’ buddy Rosemarie of  Rosemarie in Europe  solved a mystery that I just couldn’t put my finger on.

I felt I owed it to all of you guys to ask this questionafter reading about the Senator’s latest stupid act. Here he is, quoted from Sunday’s Face the Nation.  The following exchange, I’m pretty sure, has folks around the world scratching their heads.  Yes here Senator Cotton demonstrated his knowledge of both geography and international politics that will make him famous for years to come:

Schieffer: What do you want to happen here [in the Iran negotiations]? What is your alternative here? Let’s say that the deal falls through, then what?

Cotton: Well as Prime Minister Netanyahu said, the alternative to a bad deal is a better deal. The Iranians frequently bluff to walk away from the table. if they bluff this week, call their bluff. The Congress stands ready to impose much more severe sanctions. Moreover we have to stand up to Iran’s attempts to drive for regional dominance. They already control Tehran increasingly they control Damascus and Beirut and Baghdad and now Sana’a as well. They do all that without a nuclear weapon. imagine what they would do with a nuclear weapon.

So I ask you, were Senator Tom Cotton and Norman Bates switched at birth?

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Filed under Humor

37 responses to “Separated at Birth?

  1. It’s hard to play nice where Tom Cotton is concerned. He’ll be reelected because he’s the darling of Arkansas and it pains me to say that. This last election it was a given that he would win as every democrat in Arkansas lost for a complete slate of republicans. It didn’t matter if they could read a book or find their own state on a map.
    A large crime Tom Cotton committed was during the shut-down of the government. He made the comment, “I don’t care if the government ever reopens. We will have a balanced budget before I agree to spending another penny on benefits.” What he didn’t stop to think about was the soldiers still fighting and dying in Afghanistan who would not get paid if the government remain closed. Social Security, Medicare, Retired Military, Veteran Disability, Tricare, Children’s Programs and on and on would all close. Senator Cotton doesn’t have to worry about paying a mortgage or keeping the pantry stocked and he doesn’t care what happens to anyone else. He volunteered to be in the infantry during his time in the military. He could have gone into JAG but likely knew he couldn’t keep up with his peers.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Julie

    ok. No comment on the “Face the Nation” part, because, honestly, I don’t have enough awareness of the situation to share an intelligent thought. (much like the Senator I assume)

    He does bear a striking resemblance to Norman. Who is a handsome man I would consider spending some time with if I didn’t know he was psycho.

    Huh. I did pretty good with my comment considering I don’t know what I am talking about, didn’t I?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. They really DO look like twins!

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  4. I bet if you asked him to find Iran on a map… oh, never mind. Its too depressing.

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  5. I like to think I’m a pragmatic chap. Listen to all sides and all that trap. But it’s getting increasingly difficult. Can you tell me why the GOP would attach abortion language to human trafficking legislation? Did they think (hope) nobody would notice? Do they want to insure the measures failure? Why can’t they just have a clean, one-issue piece of legislation? The Dems do it too. What’s a pragmatic chap supposed to think?

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  6. I’ll assume Face The Nation is considered a sitcom in the Middle East.

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  7. The harshest kind of sanction we could impose on Iran would be to send Senator Cotton there. All in favor?

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  8. No mystery as to why Cotton was elected–he looks like Norman Bates and good looks even if you’re a little creepy is all you need to sway votes in your favor. The bigger mystery is who let him out to play among the Talking Heads?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Dana

    But can you see Russia from there?


  10. Once you start posting about how stupid these people are, you might as well put on skis and enjoy the slippery slope…

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Paul

    How does a man like that get elected?

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  12. And yet we, the people, elect idiots like this into office time and time again.

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  13. Iran is in control of Tehran??? Well that’s good to now, I thought maybe Portugal was running it.

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  14. Glazed

    There is a striking resemblance. But I’m sure he wouldn’t hurt a fly.

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  15. Yes they control Tehran. They have for 5,000 years. But that information is hard for Cotton to find. It’s in books.

    Liked by 1 person

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