Biting Me

Do you ever feel you are being bitten in the butt by your own advice?  Well, that’s how I’m feeling right now.  And it is, well, it’s a bit odd.  Because as I’m sure you’ve noticed, my advice is usually something you can depend on.  Live by.  Hang your hat on.

You see, a while back, my blogging buddy TwinDaddy of StuphBlog wrote a post about how uncomfortable he is getting compliments.

Naturally, being the good friend/know-it-all that I am, I gave him a piece of advice:

“[G]et used to it, TwinDaddy,” I said in the comments.  “We folks who hang out here think you’re swell.  Now say thanks and smile.”

And isn’t that the proper way to respond to a compliment?  No hemming and hawing, no self-deprecating remarks, no false modesty.  Just a simple thank you and a smile.

But tonight I find myself in a bit of a dilemma.  A quandary.  A pickle.  And well, I’m not sure if my own advice isn’t coming back to bite me.  Because I’ve gotten a compliment and I don’t really know how to respond.

I feel like hemming and hawing.

I feel like making a self-depreciating remark.

I feel like being unusually/unnaturally modest.

You see, the last week was a fantastic one here at FiftyFourAndAHalf.  Out of the STAT-is-sphere, if you know what I mean.  And it follows closely on my tour of the ‘sphere, with Peg and Darla and Michelle.   March has been a blast.

And it is ending just as well as it began!  But it is a bit confusing.  Because this past week, I’ve gotten more followers than I got in the entire rest of my nearly two years of blogging.

Cool, you say.  Congratulations!  I want to puncture her ego (oh, wait, you wouldn’t say that to me, would you — you’re my friend!) But the thing is, I don’t know how to accept this ummm, compliment.  Why not?  Why not just smile and say thank you?

Because in the last week, I haven’t written a word.  Nope.  Not one.

So I’m trying to figure out if the secret to getting more followers is to, ummm, not write anything.

To my new bloggin’ buddies – welcome.  I’m in the process of checking out your blogs.  Thanks for stopping by here and letting me razz you a bit.  Thank you for following me.  I’m smiling.

Google Image

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Filed under Bloggin' Buddies, Humor, Writing

131 responses to “Biting Me

  1. I was going to say Congratulations and tell you it is well deserved.
    But then Linda Ronstadt appeared on my screen.

    Congrats, Elyse, and well deserved!


  2. cooper

    How about just, “Thank you”?


  3. I’m so glad you weren’t writing while I wasn’t reading because I like to read what you write!


  4. Congratulations, Elyse. You have a wonderful blog, and I’m glad there are that many more bloggers to enjoy it.


  5. winsomebella

    It is not so much the blogging gods as it is your content……smile and say thank you 🙂


  6. Ah, I’ve found that to happen before when I had not so secretly skipped out on a few occasions and arrived back to a ego-stroking surprise. I just tell myself people need time to realize a genius. Yes.. smile and nod indeed. You deserve it (:


  7. Yep, frequently!

    I also just tried your I wirte like widget and discovered I write like
    H. P. Lovecraft
    who writes weired stuff LOL 🙂


  8. Didn’t you hear? The moon and the stars were is perfect alignment with your sun sign. Or something like that. Hey, Elyse, enjoy the mystery! 🙂


  9. Congrats on getting so many new readers. Surely, they won’t be disappointed.

    I’ve also had weeks when I didn’t publish anything and I’ve continued to get subscribers and weeks when I do publish and get hardly any. I’ve given up trying to figure out how it works. I just smile and say thank you 🙂


    • Thanks, Paprika. And you’re right — it’s one of those inexplicable things in life and blogging. It did, however, provide me with something to write about when I was dry!


  10. Congratulations on your new, world dominion. Couldn’t happen to a nicer blogger!

    The same thing happened to me and I couldn’t figure it out. I even wrote to Support about it. Turned out WordPress had added me to their roster of Recommended Bloggers in the humor category. They didn’t send any kind of announcement – somebody else noticed and told me. Maybe that’s what has happened? Hope so!


  11. I think you’re starting a new trend called the mime blog. Congrats on the new following and on being such a trend setter 😉


    • There is probably a huge market for mime blogs. For those days when we want folks to remember us but realize that they probably won’t remember what we said!


  12. You are building an empire … kind of like a Le Clown South. Thanks for the great pic of Linda Ronstadt.


  13. If lack of writing brought me followers I should have millions by now. This is not the case. If you figure it out … share.


    • Michelle, I will absolutely tell you the secret if and when I figure it out. That said, the number of followers I have is really not that impressive. I’m pretty sure I have that many outstanding library books!


  14. All I can say is ….. “Work It”


  15. hmmm…maybe you weren’t posting, but I bet you were following and commenting. Comments, especially good ones like the conversations you leave, count as writing too, doesn’t it?


  16. Whatever it is .. work it! 😉 MJ


  17. I think you’re onto something here. I’ve noticed when I was posting three times a week, not only was I exhausted mentally, but my stats dropped. Now that it’s only once a week, my stats have soared and I get more new followers.

    Maybe it’s just everyone’s subtle way of telling me to shut the F up?


    • Nobody would be so rude as to tell you to shut the F up Darla. Me, yeah. But not you. You are waaaayyyyy to nice.

      Posting a lot is hard, and tiring. I don’t know how some people manage to do it several times a day. I end up, for lack of time, picking only some of their posts (based on title). But then not everybody is in it for the stats. Some people think they have something to say! Not me, of course!


      • Not in it for stats?! who ARE these people???

        I follow someone who actually does post three times a day. I can barely find the time to read the titles of a post. Now that I’m down to one post a week, it really frees me up to do more productive things like obsess over my stats even more.


        • And that’s a good thing.

          I’m actually starting a writing course in 2 weeks — so I may be here a little bit less for a while too.

          I’m trying to collect my alcoholic german shepherd stories.


          • Ooh, sounds promising! Will there be any of your classic ‘poop’ stories as well….? A writing course sounds so exciting. I’ve never taken one. Tell us how it goes, please.


            • I’m always about the poop, Darla. So few people ask for it by name, though.

              This will be my 3rd writing course. I got a lot out of the other two. This one I’m looking to for structuring a longer version of poop/psychotic dog story.


  18. These new followers got you to hit the keyboard, so I say “thanks newbies.”


    • I wasn’t not writing for any real reason. I just post when I have the urge and I’d been really busy at work, so didn’t have time/energy/inspiration to post. Until I kept getting notifications of new followers. Perhaps they are looking for a monk-like blog where silence is the rule. (They will be disappointed!)

      Thanks Tops 😉 .


  19. Ah, the wee mysteries of search engines and blog connections. Maybe that’s a hint to us all, say less and listen more. Good on you Elyse. And it’s a treat for us all. New readers and commenters will add some different spice to the soup!


    • I don’t think I get much through the search engines. The only search terms frequently mentioned in that column are “Spanish Inquisition” and “rectal exams.” I’d prefer that neither of those terms ended up on my tombstone!

      I’m looking forward to visits from the new folks, too. And you’re right, it’s always nice to have a few new faces at the party!


  20. Bigsheep is right! Love your always present sense of humor 🙂 Enjoy!


  21. bigsheepcommunications

    However these new readers found you, they’re in for treat 😀


  22. I think I am one of those last week’s followers. After seeing you featured on Peg-o-leg and She’s a Maniac, starting to pay attention to your likes on Last of The Millenniums (one of my favorites), and your likes and comments on pretty much every blog I follow, it felt as though you are single-handedly taking over the blogoshpere. That’s when I realize that my resistance is futile and clicked “follow”.


  23. Maybe if you ask nicely, some of your new followers will come out and say hi.


    • I hope they will because that’s half the fun of it. IN fact, the next comment down below is from a new follower.

      But see what a loyal person I am? I responded to you, an old bloggin’ buddy, before sucking up to them … Damn, I’m good.


  24. If I pay too much attention to my stats I go crazy. There are people who stop by when I don’t post anything. Why? I can understand people might have seen my comment somewhere else & it engaged them enough to want to see a bit more of my work so they wandered over to my blog & read some past posts. This is the only thing I can think of because my writing has been down quite a bit over the last month due to a cold & pneumonia.


    • It sounds like you’re feeling better, though Benze. I hope so.

      It is odd when folks just wander in — but I’m always curious as to how they got there.

      One thing I hate is not knowing what posts are sent to others when I hit the “Like” button on someone else’s blog. I found myself getting “likes” on a particularly crappy post from folks who never came back. Sniff sniff.


  25. I would just like to take this moment to say….bwahahahahahahahaha! Not as easy as it sounds, is it? *gives Elyse the raspberry*


  26. You may not have been posting but I’ve seen you around 🙂 A gain in following like that is actually more work than posting in my limited experience. responding to comments and checking out new blogs – it’s rewarding, but it takes time. I’m glad to hear you’re booming. Your blog is a refreshing, straight shooting, fun ride.


    • Thanks, Lorri 😉 . It is a lot of work checking everybody out, but fun work. Every once in a while I check out a new follower and think “why on earth would this person want to follow me?” But it’s always fun to see new stuff and make new friends.


  27. My biggest worry for new followers is that I already wrote all my good stuff – and they will be so disappointed with what comes next.


  28. I have a theory… not that you don’t have a fabulous blog that deserves lots of followers… but, I think there are a lot of aggregator blogs on here lately, weird non-blogs, that look like a real blog, but, with disjointed content, and they follow everything! There are a couple of them that I see their Avatar everywhere… on every blog I visit… it’s werid.

    But, maybe I’m just seeing The Voices now, instead of just hearing them. 🙂


  29. Hey, not writing worked for Salinger! But no, seriously, keep writing


    • Not writing did work for him, didn’t it. If he’d been a blogger he would have been one of the ones that visits but doesn’t let you know … mysterious ones …


  30. “So I’m trying to figure out if the secret to getting more followers is to, ummm, not write anything.”—-Ooh, maybe you’re on to something! That would be so much easier and less time-consuming, wouldn’t it? But then again, not as much fun… 😉


    • Yeah, I’m thinking that I AM on to something. But it is way too much fun blogging to not write — plus my husband is a huge baseball fan and the season starts in a matter of days. Ho hum. I’ll need to blog!


  31. I stopped looking at my stats a long time ago. Mostly because WordPress constantly changes the menus and I can no longer find the stats.


    • This one got stuck in with the spam. Perhaps it is your location in Asia that confused my spam filter into sticking it in with all the Chinese erectile dysfunction remedies that commented on my posts.


  32. I love the new non-writing you! You minimalist approach to typing is an artform all its own. The empty space that speeks so loudly that none can ignore it. You let us pick our own words, and like a mirror, you reflect the best of us back at us. More not doing anything, please.
    Now smile and accept my praise!


  33. Maybe its because you are such a fabulous writer that when you disappeared for a while, hordes of people signed on to urge to start writing again???
    I’m so going to try it myself.


    • Lots of people seem to have disappeared. Exotic vacations that we will drool over. Me? Nah, I was really busy at work.

      But let me know if you have any luck by not writing. I’m hoping I can become a best selling non-writer. I’m sure there’s big money in that, Moms.


  34. The psychology behind stats and comments is very interesting. I’ve wondered sometimes on days with lots of visitors but no writing, “what happened?”. I could congratulate you, and I will, but I don’t want to inspire more hemming and hawing! Keep writing.


    • Thanks Amphomma. Stats simply make us crazy — including this one! But it did make me chuckle when I realized how much more popular I am when I shut up. Sigh.


    • WordsFallFromMyEyes

      I agree, amphomma, re interesting.

      When I began blogging, I clicked on the stats to see how the days changed, where the people were from. I now don’t trouble to – it will do its own thing regardless!

      Great post, Elyse.


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