Daily Archives: February 24, 2013

The Night I Won My Oscars

One of the reasons I started blogging is that everybody who knows me sooner or later gets to hear all my stories.  Repeatedly.  I needed new victims.  Preferably victims whose eyes I do not see rolling when I pull out my story again.  Victims who I won’t hear saying “oh, not that one again.”  Victims who are out of sight and will therefore leave me unaware when they run screaming from the room.

My fellow bloggers.

So today, on the magic day when all of Hollywood turns out, dressed glamorously (or incredibly hideously) for the Academy Awards, I will dust the red carpet off the story of my own personal triumph.

Red Carpet

It was an incredibly special night for me.  An honor really.  Well, actually two honors.  Two Oscars.  Two Awards.  But I only got to make one speech.

It was the summer of 1983, and some really fun people worked in my office, one of whom, Jon, was a summer intern from the DC area.  Carol, Mike, Jon and I all went to Jon’s house one night.  You see, 1983 was still in the Bronze Age, and Jon’s parents were on the cutting age of technology, because they had a VCR.  And Risky Business had just come out on video.

In the middle of the movie, we took a beer/bathroom break.  And guess what I spotted, casually stuck on the bookshelf in the TV room of Rob’s house.



And Oscar


It turned out that Jon’s father was a filmmaker.  Documentary films.  So, in honor of my acting career that died in a broom closet, my pals presented me with two Oscars for Documentary Filmmaking.  Sadly, not one of us had a camera.  Probably just as well, because my career would not have benefited by all the publicity surrounded my wearing blue jeans during my acceptance speech.

Receiving Oscar, and his twin, Oscar, was a special honor to me, since I had neither made, nor been in any documentary films, nor even fetched donuts and coffee for the real filmmakers.  Regardless, I got to hold Oscar and Oscar, and I got to make a speech accepting my Academy Awards.  So I am in an unusual club of people who have never actually acted or contributed in any way, shape or form to a movie, who has been presented an Academy Award.

Yes, I’m that good.

 *   *   *

If you’ve read this before, I hope you screamed quietly.

All images are from the Oscar winners at Google.


Filed under Awards, Bloggin' Buddies, Humor, Writing