Second Annual No Bitchin’ Day

Last year at this time while up in Maine, I was desperately trying to find something to blog about.  But since mostly I grumble on my blog, well, it was challenging.  So I proclaimed June 30, 2011 to be FiftyFourAndAHalf’s First Annual No Bitchin Day.

This year I am back up in Maine, and while I have bitched a bit while up here, well I haven’t at all today.  So today I proclaim today, July 3, 2012 as Second Annual No Bitchin Day.  And I will share with you my piece of heaven.

John, Jacob and I come to Maine as often as possible.  John and I spent part of our honeymoon here.  We’d move up here permanently in a heartbeat if we could find work.

I mentioned that dream while visiting an old boss at a law firm where I used to work. Gary promptly told me, “Elyse, down the hall is a former  governor of Maine.  He’s here because he can’t find a job in Maine.”


So we come here as often as we can and spend money instead of earning it.  It works.

So here is why it is the most restful place in the world.  Even in spite of these facts:

  •  the sun gets up at about 4 a.m.
  • the lobstermen, like roosters, start their engines with the sun’s first rays
  • my dog, Cooper thinks that getting up with the sun and the lobstermen is a swell idea and tries to get us up then, too.

And in spite of the fact that wireless means I still have to work, I love it here.  I am content.  And I’ll share it with you.

Rainbow over the cove.

If only the rainbow had ended here, we could stay!

Full Moon over the cove

Come on up!

If you do, maybe I can get a job with the Maine Tourist Board!


Filed under Humor

79 responses to “Second Annual No Bitchin’ Day

  1. You can have your own no-bitchin’ day. Any old time. I proclaimed this one so that I wouldn’t be able to bitch.

    Well, I think that Darla should have that sewed up. She is the Maineiac, after all!


  2. Oh darn, I was on vacation and missed no bitching day. Can we have a do-over? Let me know well in advance so I can get all the bitching out of me ahead of time. And Maine should SO hire you as their spokesmodel.


  3. I haven’t had a bad day in about 35 years. I just roll with the punches, making life so much more pleasant.


  4. A “No Bitchin’ Day” at least once a year is definitely a good thing! Lol

    But going to Maine frequently is even better. I think I mentioned previously that my wife and I have been going up to Acadia 2-3 times a year for many years now. Her family has a cottage on Harpswell Neck right on the water, and we also love sea kayaking.

    Loved both your rainbow and moon shot photos, and hope you are enjoying your Maine vacation, in spite of that four letter word, w-o-r-k. Remember when before the high tech revolution, we NEVER worked while on vacation? But now we are on an electronic tether to our jobs and bosses… Is this really progress???


    • Maine is wonderful, isn’t it. I remember well those days of not working while, ummm, not working. Oh well. But then I have a great job so I have no reason to complain. Especially when I can look out on the cove and see the birds and the waves and the islands. How can I complain.


  5. I also live in Maine and could post similar pictures to these. The trick to living here is to find 2 or 3 jobs…
    Seeing this every day is worth the sacrifice.


  6. GOF

    Thank you for the word-picture of Maine and the pictures. I understand the contented feeling that comes from serene places like this.


  7. That acute triangle is extremely rare in a rainbow.


  8. Sorry I missed this when you posted it, but then I would have had to say. Feel free to not bitch, me I am bitching all day perhaps even all week.

    Beautiful pictures by the way. This should prevent you from bitchn’ to awful much anyway.


    • Well, Val, you just go ahead and bitch. This was my day to not bitch, and I made it — although it was close occasionally, I must say.

      Sometimes the scenery lulls my inner bitch. Other times not so much! Happy 4th!


  9. I like how your annual celebration falls on a different day each year. It’s the American Way.

    The pictures are beautiful. Enjoy your vacation.


    • I don’t like being tied down in my bitchin, actually. Plus it is a difficult promise to make.

      But my vacation wasn’t nearly as exciting as yours!


  10. Sounds like the place to retire to.


    • That is kind of the idea. But I’d want to have money enough for a southern abode, too. Because around here, the sea occasionally freezes so that you go between the islands with a snow mobile. That would be a little to hardy for my tastes! Or for my bones.


  11. It looks beautiful! Enjoy!


  12. Wow, so many great comments.

    I haven’t spent time in Maine. Would love to spend some spring or summer time there. I don’t think I could go there in winter. It sounds like a fabulous place to visit, for sure.


  13. I loved when I lived in Alaska for the summer, and the sun never seemed to go down. Okay, I hated that sometimes. But it was pretty damn cool when it was still twilighty at midnight. Enjoy!


  14. Maine is one of the most beautiful place I came to know through blogging. I have a dream to visit that place at least once in this time. And thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures. Enjoy your stay there.


  15. I read this a little too late..been bitchin up a freaking storm today. It’s most likely because of that BIG beautiful moon, it aways makes our office crazy. Enjoy the beauty that Maine has to offer and have a wonderful bitch free trip!


    • The moon does that to folks, doesn’t it.

      Sorry you’re having such a day, Tops. But it doesn’t have to be your no bitchin’ day. You can bitch all you want. I just can’t. We’ll see if it lasts through a trip to the grocery store the afternoon before July 4 …


      • If you make it through that without bitching, I will submit the paperwork to declare it a National Holiday!


        • I’ll let you know! I’m off now! Holidays are good. And making them longer is better!


          • Here’s what happened to me at the store yesterday:
            Random person: You don’t look very patriotic.
            Me: What does patriotic look like?
            Random: ……..well, you’re not wearing red, white & blue
            Me: Is it mandatory?
            Random: ………slowly rolls cart away from me.
            Me: Stood pondering about the about of F’s I gave about not wearing red,white & blue…came up with “0”
            Seriously, I was so nice because of this post…you saved a life!


            • I think this is one of those times when writing leads to unintended consequences.

              I would have killed him.
              Or told him I was Canadian.
              Or part of a domestic terrorist plot to stamp out the use of red, white and blue.

              People are such jerks. But Tops, I am proud of your restraint.


        • Get to work. I made it.


  16. Yeah, I can see how those views could lead to an absence of bitching
    Have a great time away from most all of it…


  17. What peace! There is something about a view over the water, where our eyes see a long way and are not distracted by buildings, people, plants….


  18. It’s beautiful. If I had a choice, though, I think I’d move to Alaska. It’s too hot down here in the continental states.


  19. I am glad it is your own personal “No Bitching” day because I have been working on a post entitled “A Post in Which I Reveal that My Inner Goddess is a Real Bitch”. Except this damned job (which I wasn’t even really looking for but got anyway – by default? Who willingly accepts a job that no one will apply for even in a bad economy?) keeps me from pursuing my true passion – bitching.

    I love the pictures – and am glad you are relaxing in spite of having to work. My dog Shelby wakes up earlier and earlier each day – She greets each day with such joy it is ALMOST hard for me to bitch about that.


    • Katy, I can’t wait to read that one. My inner Goddess is too, what a coincidence! So occasionally I have to take a break from her. Today’s that day!

      You also need to write about the job you didn’t want and have anyway. It sounds colorful.


  20. We need that day over here everyday. These western women are always bitching about something. Should we expect you to be ranting tomorrow? Are you suppressing the madness until the next post? ‘Cause I know something political is happening that you can bitch about.


    • You can have the idea, Totsy. If I hit a crabby patch, sometimes it helps to forbid myself from being crabby. That’s what I did here. I used to do that with my son when he was little, and it worked for him. Besides, by proclaiming it, I had to stick to it, didn’t I?

      I don’t think I’ll be posting for a few days. Family’s coming up and I will be relaxing and enjoying them. Truly — I have great relatives!


  21. It’s my husband’s and my 35th anniversary. There better be no complaints. 🙂


  22. My first thought on reading this was how can you tell so early in the morning that the day will be bitch-free? Of course, once you proclaim No Bitch Day, you are bound to honor the “forget the quit your bitchin’ adage, don’t even start bitchin’ day.” So Happy No Bitch Day! Female dogs everywhere are wondering when they’ll be welcome again.


    • You have my logic backwards, Sandy. I have been grumpy so I decided I have to stop. So that means I cannot bitch. It may involve duct tape at some point by the end of the day, though. But so far, so good.


  23. Michelle Gillies

    I think you have inspired many to have a “no bitch” day. Not sure if I could pull it off…maybe I will try…tomorrow.
    Maine sounds like a wee bit of heaven and I think you would be great to head up the tourist board there. Go for it!


    • One day a year, I can do it! You can too, Michelle.

      I’d take that job at the Tourist Board in a heartbeat. Except that I have a really neat job at home and would be loath to change. Darla at She’s A Maineiac is looking though. We should all nominate her and I’ll take over from time to time so she can thaw out in the winter.


  24. What a lovely place to unwind! A trip to Maine, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick is on my life list … enjoy your holiday & consider me envious!


    • You get to go to some, ummmm, pretty spectacular places yourself, Courtney! The five years we were in Europe were the only years since we’ve been married that John and I didn’t head up here. It is a very special place. And it should be on your list — absolutely. Now that I’m back in the U.S. I don’t really venture anyplace but Maine. But I don’t see that as a drawback, considering how crazy life is normally!


  25. I love Maine. You picked your Honeymoon destination well. The pics are wonderful. How could anyone bitch in a setting like that? 🙂


    • I actually had to declare this day because I’ve had a whole lot of work to do on my “vacation” and I was grumpy. Now I cannot allow myself to be. Plus our kayak trip this morning was spectacular, so I am relaxed and happy and tired. Now the work won’t bother me!

      Glad you liked the Pics, Lorna!


  26. It never occurred to me that I could declare a no bitchin’ day! I would have done it years ago (when my kids were teens…..).
    Enjoy your day in Heaven! I’m heading for Maine next week myself!


    • Thanks, Moms. This one was pushing it, as shortly after I posted it we strapped our kayaks to our car for the first time ever. I had expected there to be much bitching and swearing, but, nope.

      And then we had the most glorious paddle … Maine is wonderful. Hope you have a great time too! Where are you going to be?


      • Hey, we just learned to strap kayaks to the car, too! So much fun (well, not the strapping part so much, but the paddling!) I am going to be in the Damariscotta area. I’ve been going to Maine my whole life (I live in Massachusetts), but mostly to the Bridgeton lakes area. Enjoy your visit!


  27. The Speaker7 clan was thinking of taking a vacation and mentioned Maine, be we know nothing about Maine. Where should we go?


    • It is wonderful up here. Truly. We started bringing Jacob when he was about 3. There are boat rides to go on and rocks to climb, and wonderful hikes where Jacob learned that it is illegal for parents to carry their children on hikes. We come to Mount Desert Island, home of Acadia National Park. We have rented a house for years (through the Davis Agency in SouthWest Harbor.) It is wonderful, we can bring the dog, we basically relax and eat lobster. If you are looking for a high powered vacation, though, this isn’t it. It is the perfect place to unwind.


    • But no one in the Speaker7 clan mentioned Nebraska? How odd. Usually it’s top on people’s lists.


  28. I’ll take over the bitchin’ for you. I still can’t find a job. 😉

    How long are you here for? When are you coming back? When are we getting together for coffee??

    We saw a double rainbow yesterday and snapped a picture as well. It’s the third double rainbow I’ve seen over my house this year. Yeah, Maine is a pretty special place, I’ll always live here (if I can find a job)


    • Darla, you don’t need a job, you just need to find the end of one of those rainbows. Sheesh.

      We are up here for another 1-1/2 weeks. Company is coming and it is crazy. But loads of fun.

      I am not sure when we’ll be back; it always depends on our work schedule and mine became really busy when I put in a leave slip (that is not bitching because today is no bitchin’ day; it is simply stating that Murphy’s law runs my life). I’d like to come back again before the end of the summer, but if not September.

      And we will have to do coffee then — the traffic in your part is too much! I imagine you know the ways around it!


    • If I was within 200 miles of Darla, I can guarantee we’d be having coffee. Although maybe spiked with something. Elyse, don’t make me kick you in the butt. Go there. Go there now. And then you all can blog about it. Everyone loves when bloggers meet and blog about it. It’d be even better than the very special episode where George Jetson met Fred Flintstone.


  29. Cheers to your northern retreat. Instead of writing something to intentionally pull your chain, I will simply smile and wish the best day in your paradise. After all, being away on vacation is always good.


  30. bigsheepcommunications

    I’m assuming this is your personal no bitchin’ day and the rest of us can continue to bitch as we please, correct?


    • You can bitch all you want, Babe.

      I’m thinking though, that I may not make it either. I started writing this post at 6 a.m. It is now 7:30 and I’m already tempted.

      But first I’m going kayaking!


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