Mom was known for giving weird gifts.

One year, far from Mom, my sister Judy and I found two identical small packages from her.  One for Judy and one for me.  We saved them for last, to be opened simultaneously.

Judy was faster than I and opened hers first.  It was a little green plastic box of earrings that said “Judy” “Judy” all over it.

I unwrapped mine.  It said “Elaine” “Elaine

“Ummm, Mom?” I said later, “my name’s Elyse.”

“Well,” she responded, “They had boxes with just a plain E, but that was just too boring!”

"Elaine's Earrings" -- Yup, I still have them!


This is my entry in the Christmas with Mom Contest.

The rules?  Write  a Mom Christmas Memory of 100 words or less, link to it in the comments section at sponsored by

Deadline is December 5, 2011.  Winner gets a $25 gift card to or Starbucks, as well as having the w inning piece posted on a number of blogs including Things I Want To Tell My Mother


Filed under Family, Humor

28 responses to “Ummm, Mom? — “CHRISTMAS WITH MOM” CONTEST

  1. Ha! This was too funny. Sounds like something my mom would do…


    • I forgot to add that my name was never found on anything “personalized”. I’m surprised my mom didn’t buy me stuff with ‘Darlene’ on it.


      • I was totally traumatized by the fact that I couldn’t get a license plate with “Elyse” on it as a kid. I had the only naked bike in town. But I do have a little green box that says “Elaine” …

        Hope you’re enjoying your sabbatical!


  2. Elyse…what a hilarious memory…and I love that you still have the earrings! Thank you so much for sharing with everyone!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and reading my entry. Tomorrow I will have to read everyone elses…there are definitely a lot of great writers out there. 🙂


  3. rose

    Thanks for sharing that! Isn’t it wonderful how we remember things like this instead of the perfect most wanted at the time gifts?


    • That’s true. But I am really not exaggerating when I say that my mother gave weird gifts. Ones that you’d open and (1) say “what on Earth,” (2) laugh; and (3) try to figure out just how to say thank you when it was something you, well, wouldn’t have even thought to ask for!
      Thanks for visiting my blog!


  4. What a funny story.


  5. Well, at least you got earrings. Remember, I got a ukelele. Hmmmm.


    • I’m not sure how my Mom didn’t think to buy someone a ukelele. Spencer’s gifts, her favorite catalog, probably didn’t offer any. She did, however, on the very first Christmas after I got married, give my husband, a lawyer, a Statue of Liberty Commemorative Switchblade. But that is a whole ‘nuther story.

      Thanks for stopping by, as always! I’m off to ready your latest!


  6. RVingGirl

    Wonderful story and memory.
    Sweet and silly fun things are to be held close to the heart.


  7. She really didn’t take herself too seriously, did she? She had her reasons. Very funny.


  8. Your mom doesn’t sound boring.


  9. Your mom was right. Would you have remembered that box if it had had your name or just a plain E on it?


  10. winsomebella

    Now that is a gift you will never forget. Gotta love moms!


  11. LOL Nice share, Elyse 🙂


  12. Your mom would have made a great fiction writer…plenty of name changes for characters!

    What a fun story, and good-sport reactions.
    This is now entered in the “Christmas Memories With Mom” contest.


    • Thanks Marylin. And thanks for giving me the opportunity to tell the story without causing my husband to divorce me for telling THAT SAME STORY one more time!

      Great idea. Great contest. And yup, Mom was a really good sport, with a wonderful sense of the absurd!


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