Vote Early — For Duncan!

He forced me to do it.

“Mom,” he said, “I’m a shoe-in to win the calendar contest.  When have you ever seen a cuter puppy?”

“Well, that’s true,” I responded.  “But you rarely stand still for pictures.”

Duncan laid down and started chewing his butt.

“I know!  Put the one of me in the basket!  The cute one!”

And so I did.  I entered Duncan in the Animal Welfare League of Arlington’s annual pin-up competition:

Their 2015 Calendar Competition!

Duncan in his toy basket

You can vote for me, or you can turn the page. I mean, click on another blog.

If you can, please click on the picture which will send you to my fundraising page.  Each vote costs $1.00 — any critter with 100 votes gets into the calendar.

Click here to vote/donate.

Or on Duncan’s Picture.

Or on the line above the picture.

Wherever.  I’m easy.  So is Duncan.


All proceeds go to help needy animals.  And to help make my puppy a star.

Vote Early and Often!

And to get you into the campaign spirit, here’s one of my all-time favorite songs.



Filed under Awards, Bloggin' Buddies, Campaigning, Dogs, Duncan, Family, Huh?, Pets, Taking Care of Each Other

58 responses to “Vote Early — For Duncan!

  1. Pingback: The Wrong Mascot | FiftyFourandAHalf

  2. Headed over from Frank’s and I am glad I did so. I think I will enjoy reading your posts 🙂


    • Why thanks, Colline, and thanks for letting me know how you got here. I often wonder (except with the robot followers, I don’t really care about them!) Frank and I are old buddies — he’s a gem!

      And thanks for checking out so many of my posts. I will head over and see yours shortly.


  3. Typical stage mother. Pushing her poor, unsuspecting kid into showbiz. Okay, Mama Rose. I’ll vote. At least it’s for a good cause.


  4. O’
    I adore that face))) SWEET!


  5. He definitely deserves to win!

    Elyse, I’m not comfortable giving credit card info on unknown sites. If you email me your address can I snail-mail a donation or won’t that count?


    • Gee, Peg, I can’t imagine why you worry about stuff like that. Oh look, there’s a news flash: “JPMorgan Chase Says More Than 76 Million Accounts Were Compromised in Cyberattack.”

      This just proves you’re smarter than I am, Peg!


  6. Paul

    Wow, he sure is a cutie. I hope he gets the most votes.


  7. Done!!!

    Meanwhile, in the spirit of promotion, I invite your readers to join you at my blog party this weekend … and as you know, there will be plenty of entertainment.


  8. Julie

    He simply melts my heart. Now for a Fun Fact, both of my children could sing this song (and still can) around the age of 8 give or take, thanks to their grandpa and grandma! Perspective for that is they are now 23 and very nearly 22. That song brings strong emotion for me. Miss my folks daily…..


    • Thanks, Julie. I remember hearing it when I was really little. But I can never remember the candidate’s name! And yes, I know what you mean about absent loved ones. Sigh.


  9. For Duncan and the MTA!


  10. OMG – he’s such a cutie. Posted this to my facebook page, and hope you get oodles and oodles of votes for your canine companion. Too cute!


  11. Not only is he adorable, he’s quite articulate! 🙂


  12. He is very, very cute! Is it the ‘Donate’ button we click or is there a ‘Vote’ button I’m missing on the webpage?


  13. Is there supposed to be a link to the page where the voting is? Or is my phone not seeing it?


  14. Now this is the one election where you need Koch brothers to get involved!


  15. Deborah the Closet Monster

    Commenting here for reminder to vote later!


  16. Twindaddy

    Go Duncan!!


  17. NotAPunkRocker

    Aw, what a sweet face 🙂


    • He is a cutie, thanks. He’s now in the awkward teenage stage, where he is lean and lanky and doesn’t hold still for pictures or training or or or


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