
We bloggers and friends need to stick together. Here’s a way to help Rara and Dave!


Filed under Humor

9 responses to “#RawrLove

  1. Pingback: News, Weekends and #RawrLove | Brother Jon's Page

  2. Wow …. I really out of the loop on this one!


  3. Thanks for doing this Elyse. We need to keep up on what is happening to her and show our support in any way we can.


  4. Luanne

    Very sad and crazy.
    On a completely frivolous note, Elyse, I saw your thing about Margaret Mitchell, so I took that challenge. I got Harry Harrison. I had to look him up. Science fiction? Waaaa?


  5. I guess I don’t know what to say on this one. It is sad.


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