Here’s your sign

Sometimes, store sales are just too good to miss.  Like this one, link to the story at the Huffington Post.

Japanese Department Store Offers Unusual Deal

Finally, something worth braving the mall


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45 responses to “Here’s your sign

  1. Pingback: Hey Doc? Do I Need This? | FiftyFourandAHalf

  2. You’ve been busy. But I think you used the wrong 4-letter word up there. Shouldn’t you have said “F**k. I always miss the best deals”?


  3. Damn. I always miss the best deals.


  4. Your comment about the sign: priceless! (and the sign is pretty funny, too)


  5. I’ve dealt with the Chinese in manufacturing situations. There is definitely a language barrier, but this one is hilarious.


    • I lived on the other side of the divide for 5 years in french-speaking Switzerland. It is, ummm, a challenge. My foibles were always worth a laugh. The waiters at our favorite pizza place are still chuckling over the American who asked to be seated, well, basically, in the backside of the restaurant. Which is a different place from the back side of the restaurant. My husband was mortified. Me, I just laughed.


  6. Glad you liked it, Janice. It’s still making me chuckle.


  7. Killing me softly with your blog, LOL LOL 🙂 🙂 🙂


  8. I’m wondering if they had this sign in the children’s department, too!

    Thanks for catching up with me, Frank!


  9. I had not seen this … what a hoot! … and Huff Post article was a goody. Hope all is well with you!


  10. Curly Carly

    I belly laughed the second I glanced at this picture. I’m sure somebody in the marketing department is now out of a job.

    That sign would scare me into buying whatever they’re selling. You don’t mess around when someone throws down the F bomb AND the lure of 20% off.


  11. Very effective marketing campaign…just what kind of market are we talking about? 😉


    • One that sells a lot of crap???? Looking at the picture, it looks very much like your basic department store — a Macy’s or similar store. I’ve never seen signs like that in my Macy’s, though.


  12. The origin of the sign story is awesome, Elyse!


  13. That is pretty darn funny!!


  14. Oh not fair! Here I am at my desk, taking my first sip from my morning latte when I open your post….
    Have you any idea how gross a latte looks on a computer screen?


  15. How can you pass up a sale like that?


    • I am sure that if we all promise to go to such a sale there will be many more. Of course, that’s how I have often referred to “Black Friday” sales anyway. I didn’t have a sign, though.


  16. Well this is just fuckin’ fantastic! Thanks for the fuckin’ laugh this morning. I really fuckin’ need it.


    • ah, I left a fuckin’ typo there. I meant ‘needed’ not ‘need’. (hey this fuckin’ thing may catch on for me now! I fuckin’ like it! I don’t think I’ve ever sworn so much in a fuckin’ comment section before. It’s like a huge fuckin’ release!)

      ok, I’ll fuckin’ stop now…


      • Please go on. Are the kids listening? I love this fuckin’ sign too.


      • Nope, it’s all shielded from their innocent little eyes. Although my son once came home from preK, spilled his matchbox cars on the floor and yelled out “Oh man! You f—–rs!” I completely blame his teacher for that one.


        • My son Jacob’s first word was “Shit,” a fact that he finds hilarious. He stood up, hit his head, grabbed it and said “SHIT.” He clearly knew what he was saying.

          I blame my husband. Or your son’s teacher. Either works for me!


  17. I’m always glad to make you laugh, IT! From the article, it sounds like a lot of people missed it!


  18. Wow! Who could miss that. The F word is a standout. Hilarious. This sign is meant for the brave, the bold and person with great sense of humor. Thanks for a making me laugh today. Have a wonderful weekend…


  19. Thanks, but actually I forgot to thank my friend Rob who sent it to me. As someone who has lived overseas, I love the foibles associated with not quite getting it.


  20. Hi Elyse,
    That is hilarious.
    I had to laugh at the article in the Huffington Post, when the guy who runs the restaurant in New York stated that he may have help start the profanity into mainstream Japanese culture.
    I certainly had a good laugh, great find, loved the post. 🙂


  21. F’ing good, I’d say! 🙂 But then I am so easily amused.


  22. winsomebella

    That 20% looks pretty good 🙂


  23. I wish I could triple “like” this!!!


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