Awards (Who Me?)

Lori Franks of Sunny Side Up (who hasn’t posted very much in a long time) awarded me my first blog award:

Thanks Lori!  I miss you.

I passed that award on here.


Then, Georgette Sullins gave me this one in early December:

This award takes a lot of work.  You have to let folks know what you think are seven of your best posts.   Here is my answer.

From Arindam of Being Arindam ….

I received

The Candle Lighter Award

This award is for those bloggers whose words light the way through the blogosphere. It originated  for blogs “that bring light to the world [and offer] inspiration, hope, optimism, good advice, faith filled assurances, and even humor.”

There are no rules for this award. It’s just a way of pointing out inspirational blogs. To that end, I would like to pass the “Candle Lighter Award”

I don’t know that my snarky blog really qualifies, but I thank Arindam, nevertheless, and gave it out in this post.


From Janice at


I got three awards!

The Kreativ Blogger Award



One Lovely Blog Award



The Versatile Blogger Award

Whoa, Janis, THANKS!


Well, it was the Holiday Season, and there were lots of awards going around.  Another came from Lorre at Articles of Absurdity

The (Red) Educational Shoe Award

A shoe I could never, ever have walked in.  Thank god, all I had to do was post a picture!


Susan at SusanWritesPrecise

gave me this:

The Awesome Blog Content Award

Which, in a moment of exhaustion trying to figure out who to give which award to, I actually re-nominated Susan for the very award she had given to me.  Which means I was very tired and that there was very likely wine involved.

More recently, I’ve gotten a couple of others:

From TwinDaddy of Stuph Blog I got this pretty one:From

From Oracular Spectacular (


Janice at Aurora Morealis recently gave me the {Booker} Award.

And of course, there’s Oscar

The Envelope, Please, Part I


Awarded to me by TwinDaddy, December 8, 2012

Awarded to me by TwinDaddy of May 18, 2013

Awarded to me by TwinDaddy of May 18, 2013

From Regis at 33 Grams of Blog, May 18, 2013

From Regis at 33 Grams of Blog, May 18, 2013

Best moment awardFrom Peace, Love and Country Music on May 30, 2013

dragonsloyaltyawardFrom TwinDaddy of StuphBlog on 6/2/13

From TwinDaddy, who apparently can't get enough abuse

From TwinDaddy, who apparently can’t get enough abuse

Blogger awardFrom Father Kane at the Last of the Milennials on December 23, 2014.


Blogger Recognition Award.png

From Shit Happens to you.  December 6, 2015

56 responses to “Awards (Who Me?)

  1. You ROCK! I’ve nominated you for THE WORDPRESS FAMILY AWARD


    1. Display the award logo on your blog.
    2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
    3. Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family
    4. Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them

    I’m proud to point my readers in your direction!


  2. Pingback: And the Award goes to… | 44andafourth

    • Thanks Tina, I just got back from thanking you personally, and from checking out She can’t be serious!

      Congratulations on your award! Well done!


  3. Thanks Curtain! I just looked at your list of blogs and am in good company. Congratulations to you on all those awards!


  4. Elyse, long past due, a triple treat of awards awaits you at my place:

    Paying The Blog Love FAward

    Play or don’t play, it’s up to you. Just thanks for the good stuff!


  5. And if you would like to add ‘Illuminating Blogger Award’ to the list, please feel free. After all you got one: 🙂 Ben


  6. Here’s another shiny award to post on your mantle!

    ‘Tis lovely

    Enjoy ~~ MJ


  7. hidayahhasibuan

    A big power comes with big responsibility..awww yeaaahh…


  8. Pingback: Homepage

  9. Oh, my. Thanks TwinDaddy! And Congratulations to you!


  10. I nominated you for another award (geez, you’ve got a ton of them). Check out my page for details.


  11. cooper

    I have presented you with another award..the Sunshine Award come see today’s post…


  12. Thanks IT! You’re always so sweet. I appreciate your visits!


  13. Congratulations. You have a blog that inspires and motivates. Your words gives a sense of hope. Thanks…


  14. Not really. I was WAY behind on blog reading after a busy week and started at the top — with yours!


  15. Jonesingafter40

    Hi! Just added another VB award to your collection! Thanks for what you do!


  16. Hi – I’m a new follower & I just received the Liebster Blog Award & the Candle Lighter Award. Could you tell me how you attached these to your page?


    • Yes! It took me about 3 months to figure it out, actually, so I am glad to help. Right click on the picture and click on the “Copy Image Location”. Then, in your Dashboard, go into widgets, click on the “Image” widget and add the image location to the URL line. That should do it!



      • hidayahhasibuan

        i’m sorry..i’m new blogger here…i would like to ask and what can i do to receive blog award???i’m big pleasure if you are willing to help me out..=_=


        • Hi Hidayah,
          These awards are given by fellow bloggers. There are lots of them – they will come.
          I recommend reading and commenting on other people’s posts, and that will lead them back to your blog. Feel free to click on any of the commenters in my posts. It is a nice group of folks, and they’re always looking for new people to read.
          The rest will come!
          Good luck and welcome to blogging!


  17. Don’t you wish there was a way to send a smile other than emoticons? Thanks again!


  18. When I saw your masthead picture, I immediately knew where it was. I grew up on the islands of Maine. Once you’ve spent enough time there, you can tell a Maine island from any other island purely on instinct. Mount Desert is an especially pristine location. Next time you’re up to Maine, check out Peaks Island. It’s about a twenty-minute ferry ride from Portland.
    Two more connections: My mum’s from Fairfield County (Redding) and my housemate’s from northern Virginia (Alexandria). Small world.
    Congrats on all your well-earned awards. Keep up the funny.


  19. Aw shucks. Thanks Lisa. (I missed this!)


  20. Bravo, you fancy-pants blogger! Soon I’ll be saying “I knew her when…”
    So proud of you…so proud.


  21. Thanks Chris! Awards are always graciously accepted. Except by my husband who always asks me: “Did they ask for your credit card number?”

    Best of all, I see at your post that there are a bunch of new bloggers I have yet to discover. I’m going to wait until I get home, though. Because otherwise I will get fired! And blogging is not the highest paying job I’ve ever had!


  22. Wow! I guess that when it rains it pours! And in your case, it’s pouring awards! Congratulations! And here’s yet one more, because I’ve been enjoying your blog and I’m nominating you for another Versatile Blogger Award! Even if awards are getting repetitive and redundant for you, obviously you’re doing something right with your writing here, and more than a few folks want to recognize you for it. So do I, and so here ya go!

    Awarded! Who, Me? Again??


  23. The image bar did not work. I tried it. I got the Liebster award 6 or 7 times as a result. I kept telling people that I was an award winning blogger — of an award for blogs that no one reads …


  24. Yeah..that was a lot of crap and there is probaby a better way. LIke clicking their pic and copying their link into your image bar in widgets. See…easier!
    I still have to do a bunch of stuff for other awards I received. It’s overwhelming. I may need to cut corners because I suck.


  25. Oh lord. I am doomed.


  26. Sorry…you have to copyy the pic and paste it to your computer somewhere then select that file for your gallery. My bad!


  27. You’re just racking them up aren’t you.
    It’s good it was changed from a light in the world to the blogosphere, because I know I don’t do that. Thanks so much. I love an award that #1: requires no work and #2 is so cool and complimentary. I really appreciate it.
    Copy and paste each pic/paste into your library/go to the pic in library..copy copy the link/go to widgets/select images/paste link there…………………………
    It’s how I do it at least. If there is a better way, I’d love to know.


    • Ummm. I will have to re-read that tomorrow before I have a glass of wine. Cause I am still confused. Then again, I am technologically challenged. Unless I throw stuff, then I’m REALLY good!

      Congrats on the awards I just gave you. Glad you don’t have to break a sweat. I did. But then I am SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU. Well, not really, but it felt so good just to say it here, where nobody will ever see it!


  28. Actually, I was already presented with TWO oscars. I just need to write about it!


  29. Congrats on all the well-deserved awards, including the future Oscar!


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