How I’ll Protest the AHCA

It’s all been said already.  The GOP bill, TrumpDoesn’tCare, sucks.  And frankly, I am unable to find the funny in the fact that the current leaders just sold us down the River Styx, on our way to hell.

I feel it personally, deeply.  I honestly fear for the future of myself and everybody like me with a preexisting condition.  Everybody with a chronic condition that requires expensive medicine.  Mine costs $26K every six weeks.  Over the 5 years of the “pool” the GOP added to the AHCA, I’ll use $1 million just by myself.  Because of poop problems.

Folks keep telling me that I’m over-reacting, that this bill will never pass the Senate.  And that’s true.  But I have no faith that the Senate version will be much better, only different.  After all, it is run by the folks who literally stole a supreme court seat.  Does anybody really believe that these guys will do the right thing?

So clearly there is only one response that I have to Donald Trump and the House GOP.

If you hear about somebody doing this at the White House or on Capitol Hill, just pretend you don’t know me.


Filed under 'Merica, 2017, ; Don't Make Me Feel Perky Tonigh, Adult Traumas, Advice from an Expert Patient, All The News You Need, Assholes, Cancer on Society, Chronic Disease, Class Act, Clusterfuck, Crazy Folks In Office, Crime and Punishment, Criminal Activity, Crohn's Disease, Curses!, Cut it out, 2017!, Disgustology, Do GOP Voters Actually THINK?, Donald Trump, Donald Trump is a Pussy Too, Elections Matter, Fuckin' Donald Trump, Good Deed Doers, Gross, Health, Health and Medicine, Hillary for President, Holy Shit, House of Representatives, How stupid can you be, GOP?, How the Hell Did We GET HERE?, Huh?, Humor, I Can't Get No, Illness, Kakistocracy, Make Resistance Fun, My Right to Protest, Not My President, Not something you hear about every day, Oh shit, Peaceful Protests, Political Corruption, Politician Pussies, Politics, Poop Power, Putin's President, Shit Your Pants Scary, Taking Care of Each Other, Trump is a Putz, Trump Legally Declared a Slug, Trump Mis-Administration, Trumpcare, TrumpDon'tCare, Washington, What a Maroon, What a Putz, What must folks in other countries be thinking?, Where does the GOP get these guys?, Wild Beasts, Women Should Decide Women's Health Issues, WTF?

40 responses to “How I’ll Protest the AHCA

  1. Can you get close enough to Trump to throw poop at him?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was at the zoo once and a monkey masturbated in front of us. People RAN.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. jono51

    I think that at some point someone is going to take this nastiness very seriously and we will hear about it on the morning news. I won’t feel sorry for the victims. Especially as they seem to see being born as a pre-existing condition.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Elyse, I’ll be right behind you! It will be a BYOS event and it will be spectacular.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You are not overreacting, and while the Rethugs are patting themselves on the back, I think this will come back to kick them in their sorry selfish asses. I would love for someone to ask every member of Congress what their medical histories are, and I would bet that every single one of them has a preexisting condition, based on their very own list. Sooner or later, everyone gets sick, or someone they love gets sick, even Twitler voters. When they can no longer get health insurance, or when their rural towns no longer have medical clinics, the electoral shit will hit the fan (trying to keep within the theme here). When some Twitler voter in some remote area has an accident or needs medical care, s/he will have lots of time to think about how they voted during their 2-hour drive to the nearest hospital.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sounds like you’re advocating gorilla warfare. But maybe that’s all we have left.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Just when I think the shit in Washington can’t get any deeper, they do something even more outrageous. How are these bills passing? It’s like Stepford Republicans blindly going along with whatever the Big Cheeto says.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I often wonder that. But when I listen to these Republicans, I swear the stupidity is often palpable. They don’t know what they don’t know, and the biggest thing they don’t know is that there are consequences to their actions (and their stupidity). We as voters need to make sure that the consequences for this vote is unemployment.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. I’ll be flinging it right there with you. It’s beyond frustrating–it’s scary, and I can see why you’re anxious. It’s also so infuriating. These guys really seem like they don’t care. They only want a victory.

    Liked by 1 person

    • They only want a victory. Yes, this is the most important thing, and a way to understand almost everything trump does. He does not know, does not understand, and/or lies about virtually everything, and the simple reason is to dominate. He said “his” health care plan would cover everyone. Why? Because under ACA there are still people without coverage. If his plan covers everyone, he beats Obama. And even if it isn’t true, if he says it, some people (too many people) will believe it, so he still wins. Everything he says and does is to win, regardless of other effect.

      Liked by 2 people

    • I think I’m gonna have lots of company in my jail cell:

      Liked by 3 people

  9. Deb

    Even though I’m not quite in the same boat with you Elyse, and so far it’s only my eyes that have failed me, I will stand by you unflinchingly, and likely even join it, if you decide to toss any shit around DC 😉

    Liked by 3 people

  10. I’m still stunned that a version of this bill passed the House. The allusions to last minute concessions and kickbacks needed to push it through is nauseating. Feels like another failure of the system. I don’t blame you for your means of protesting. However, it seems like they have already become very proficient at shoveling it so it might not be as effective as it once was…

    Liked by 3 people

  11. I’m with you, Elyse. I’m terrified that my Remicade will no long be covered. People don’t realize that you can die from ulcerative colitis, but you can. Maybe it’s time for me to look into the surgery option – my GI guy tells me that would solve the problem once and for all, assuming I survived the surgery – and assuming the surgery was covered by insurance.

    Liked by 2 people

    • The surgery has improved since I had mine in 1982 (when they thought mine was colitis). It gave me 22 years of remission and I have never regretted having it.

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    • You know, if you ever start seriously thinking about it, feel free to email me. My experience is ancient, but I will share.

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      • I appreciate that, Elyse. Now that I’m enrolled in Medicare and may be facing Medicaid should I ever lose my job, I’m thinking maybe I should have the surgery while I’m still employed and still covered by insurance. I’ll talk to my doctor about it at the next visit in the summer. Not something I would do without a lot of research and consideration, but it may turn out to be the only way to go now that the Remicade is not only not working the way it should, but also may become disallowed under the insurance coverage. Gotta get through my sabbatical first, though. Maybe once the stress from that is gone, the symptoms will abate on their own.

        Liked by 2 people

  12. I have been stewing over this, too. People do not even understand. Want to make meaningful changes to healthcare in the US? Address the rape that is going at the hands of the pharmaceutical companies. Government sanctioned rape. There was a time school districts around me had policies that excluded pregnancy because teachers were young and female and generally speaking prone to childbirth. Expensive to cover, so they just didn’t. And it was allowed. This new plan allows exclusion of coverage for pregnancy? It is an outrage.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Pingback: How I’ll Protest Trumpcare – The Militant Negro™

  14. I believe that you’ll do the right thing.

    Liked by 3 people

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