Dog in a Box?

If you know anything about me, you know that I’m a dog lover.  Even when I want to throttle my own dog, Duncan, I love him.  So I don’t.  Throttle him, that is.

If you know anything about dogs, you know that they are bursting with personality.  Each and every one of them.  But until you get to know a dog, you don’t often get to know what they’re all about.

So Guinnevere Shuster, a photographer who works for an animal adoption organization in Utah, found a creative way to capture the personalities of several dogs who were up for adoption.  She put them in a photo booth.

Here are my favorite photo groups:

I need someone with a good sense of humor to humor me

I need someone with a good sense of humor to humor me

And this one:

Seriously.  You can't go wrong with a guy like me

Seriously. You can’t go wrong with a guy like me

There are more photo series at this article.  Thanks for this one go to my son Jacob who sent it on to me.  Thanks, kiddo.

And since I can’t do a dog post without a new picture of Duncan, here you go:

Duncan 4-19-15

Camera Shy Duncan 4-19-15


Filed under All The News You Need, Conspicuous consumption, Crazy family members, Dogs, Family, Health, Huh?, Humor, laughter, Love, Pets, Taking Care of Each Other, Wild Beasts

67 responses to “Dog in a Box?

  1. Great photos of the dogs, even Duncan who won’t look directly at us, lol.

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  2. Pingback: Dog in a Box? | joanneleroy

  3. I wonder how she got those dogs to look so…so personality-filled? My pet has a great personality, but just stares at the camera like I’m a cretin. Do you think the photographer puts bacon in the booth?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Must. Look. Away. Ridiculously adorable dogs. Can’t get a dog now, nope. They poop everywhere and chew everything. No dogs for me. Maybe next year.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, you have two pooper-scoopers in your family. Just tell your kids that Sasha and Malia have to clean up after Beau and Sunny. That’s the price for getting a dog.

      (PSSSS. There is never a good time to get a dog. And never a bad time.)


  5. That is so clever and funny! I’ll assume Duncan is tired of having his photo taken and will not show his face until his contract negotiations are over. I hear he is demanding an endless supply of biscuits for his cuteness.

    Liked by 1 person

    • No, Duncan is NOT tired of having his picture taken. Duncan is a wild man and never sits still. Or stands still. He moves and fidgets and turns away whenever a camera is pointed in his general direction.

      I’m pretty sure he has ADHD. I will need to look into doggie Ritalin.

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  6. What a cool idea! We have always had at least one dog, most often two, and their personalities really do shine through.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Isn’t it brilliant? And the pictures are so funny. A terrific way to capture personality that usually doesn’t come through until you get to know them.

      I am with you — you gotta have a dog. And the differences in personalities are astounding — even siblings from the same litter are individuals!

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  7. My silly rescue dog walks around with a red lip stuffed toy in her mouth most times. She is so strange. She was abused, she is still afraid. She is very sweet.

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  8. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I saw those pictures – how cute! And, of course, Duncan is a doll. 🙂


  10. Julie

    I want to adopt them now Elyse. Thanks for that. Somehow chicken bones turned up in my yard. I assume it was from my neighbor. If I were a monster I would toss them back, but I don’t want to hurt their dog, they hurt him enough I fear. I don’t understand why they want to kill my dog.


    • That’s HORRIBLE!

      Many years ago when I was younger and more foolish, I threatened a man who gave my dog chicken bones. He was at a park table and wanted to pet my dog, which I gladly allowed. Then he gave him a chicken leg. I grabbed it away from the dog and explained that cooked chicken bones could be deadly to a dog. The man, who was HUGE — 6’5″ at least (I am 5’2″) looked me straight in the eye and handed the dog another drumstick. I looked him straight in the eye and told him that if he gave my dog another bone I would break his arm. (There is no way in hell I could have ever accomplish this, mind you, but he didn’t know that). The man kept looking at me and stood up, took his chicken and left.


  11. We put our aggressive, irritable pooch on doggy Prozac and things have been great! I haven’t been bitten or growled at in weeks. What a pleasure. Best $8/month I’ve ever spent.


    • I’m glad to hear it. I didn’t know they had doggy Prozac! When I had a maniac of a dog I used beer, which became a bit problematic!


      • It’s lucky for her they have doggy Prozac. The vet said that, because of her aggressive nature, if the Prozac didn’t work we’d have to consider putting her down. We can’t have a dog that bites in the house and it wouldn’t be fair to pass off this problem to someone else.


  12. Those are awesome! Duncan is adorable.


  13. I love these! They just make you smile, don’t they? 🙂

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  14. NotAPunkRocker

    Love it! I also read where a shelter was giving cats silly names like Sir Fluffypaws McMouse and their adoption rates skyrocketed 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Glazed

    I hope those dogs find good homes. I have a hell of a time taking pictures of our dogs. I recently took about ten pictures of our doxies, and only one turned out halfway decent. There must be a way to camera-train them.

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  16. I’m not even a dog person (sorry) and I liked these. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • What? Not a dog person? How do you survive??? There are moments with Duncan where i wish I weren’t a dog person. But I’m stuck with it!


  17. Can’t believe that Duncan is almost a year old! Time does fly…and he has grown. All the doggies are so cute.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. What a perfect way to capture the essence of a pup’s personality! I’ll have to check out more of these shots. Thanks for making me smile, Elyse!


  19. cortney

    This made my day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I had seen these before but they are so worth seeing again! Dogs are the best:)

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  21. Those are wonderful! What a great idea. I loved the chihuahua and yellow lab on the link you provided. So cute.


    • I think it’s one of those ideas that the moment one brilliant person had it, the rest of us think “why didn’t I think of that?”!

      I liked those two, too. And the bassett hound. But I had to choose …

      Liked by 1 person

  22. What a terrific idea! A picture paints a thousand words. 🙂


    • Isn’t it great? It’s sort of like the old question “if a tree falls in the forest…” only this time it’s “if a dog is alone, does he still make funny faces?”

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  23. That’s such a great way to promote adoption – those expressions are incredible! I love dogs as well – we have a Vizsla Lab mix. Called a Vizslador or a Labralas, I’ve heard. But not as big as Duncan!

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  24. Whist! Whist! Hey, Duncan, the camera is THIS way! Some dogs just don’t have the Hollywood gene, apparently. He’s too busy checking out his surroundings, and looking for interesting things to explore. Such a wiggler. I always seem to catch mine with his eyes closed.

    Thanks for sharing the link (which I promptly posted on facebook). Anything that helps get dogs adopted is a good thing, and some of those photos are absolutely adorable. Personalities galore. 🙂


    • You need to come around whenever I”m trying to shoot a picture of Duncan, I think. It doesn’t help that I’m using my cell phone which is very slow. By the time it clicks, he has looked away. So I try to click when he is starting to look towards the camera but it never works! I have loads of back shots like this one. Stinker.

      Isn’t it a fun idea? As it says in the article, all these guys got adopted. I sent it to my sister-in-law who works in a shelter — maybe she can get them to do the same thing. It is brilliant!

      Enjoy your Sunday!

      Liked by 1 person

  25. Paul

    Ooooh, Duncan’s getting big. Handsome lad.

    The photobooth shots of the other dogs are cute. Kind of like time lapse photography. neat facial expressions.


    • Aren’t they funny?

      Yes Duncan is a big guy now — he will be a year old in 1 week! He weighs 65 lbs. Not exactly the lap dog I was planning on!


  26. Hi, Duncan! Hey! Look over here!


  27. I so love the picture on the top right!! My dog is a rescue as well and I can’t imagine life without her!

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  28. I guess dog’s like selfies just like humans do!


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