How to Talk to Women — GOP Version

Some things are just too good to keep to oneself.

The GOP’s Guide on  How to Talk To Women.

I found this on TalkingPointsMemo.  Of course, I can’t wait for the other films in the series:

How To Talk To Black Folks

How To Talk To Hispanics

How To Talk To Non-Millionaires

And hopefully this series will have a spin-off:

GOP:  How To Talk To Yourself, Because Nobody Else Is Listening Anymore


Filed under Campaigning, Conspicuous consumption, Criminal Activity, Disgustology, Elections, Family, Health and Medicine, History, Huh?, Humor, Hypocrisy, Politics, Stupidity, Voting

33 responses to “How to Talk to Women — GOP Version

  1. That’s brilliant! What more can be said?


  2. No wonder conversation skills are dying, if not completely having kicked the bucket. Yikes!


  3. Deborah the Closet Monster

    This reminds me of a legitimate (and fantastic!) old Navy video my youngest sister and I once saw about how to date ladies. Its “good” and “bad” examples were hilarious.

    Unlike that one, of course, this one is also terrifying.


  4. Patronizing. I’m sure they could make the other clips.


    • The GOP doesn’t get why they have a problem with women. Perhaps the problem starts with them not knowing any bright ones! Because anyone who would marry or willingly hang out with some of these Bozos is not playing with a full deck!


  5. The amazing thing is they don’t understand why this upsets people.


  6. Elyse, Republicans wouldn’t want you to worry your pretty little head over these big tough problems. That’s man’s work! 🙂 They’d want you to go get a pedicure instead. By the way, I love y
    our snow!


  7. I can’t believe they didn’t use Nincompoop in the film!


  8. Holy shit. Unholy shit. Plain old shit!!!!!

    Blogging from Ecuador,


  9. Modern day cave men, nearly all of them. I call them “Oblivions” because they Just. Don’t. Get. It.


  10. bigsheepcommunications

    Funny or just painful – I can’t decide.


  11. Ha, that’s great. Thanks for sharing it. I’m still laughing at “Fancy that.”


Play nice, please.