Fantastic Foolishness

Today’s music is A Very Good Year

Woo-hoo!  It’s not Friday!  But it IS Guapola’s Birthday!  So Happy Birthday, Guap.

Wait a minute, you don’t know El Guapola?  What are you waiting for go!

As all Guap’s bloggin’ buddies know, this is a good year to put behind him so he can go on to sharing more good tunes, checking out all the blogs we haven’t gotten to yet, and doing all those extreme sports that make me wet my pants very uncomfortable.  For the hardships he had, I am glad the year is over, but I’m glad he spent time with me on my blog and that I got to spend time with him on his.

Of course, the biggest news is that Guap is completely nuts.  Oh, you mean you knew that? It’s not news?  Oh.  My bad.

Still I love hearing what Guap is up to.  I say that (1) as a total coward; and (2) as someone who refuses to climb stairs too fast.  Yes, this year, Guap did his first Bungee jump.  I don’t know what he looked like when he did it.  I played the film but closed my eyes and plugged my ears.  I’m told it was memorable, though.  I’m also told he survived.

Today I’m joining with other bloggin’ buddies of Guap’s to wish him a great birthday, and to offer up my own Word Press Poll

But seriously, Guap, you rock.  Thanks for all the smiles you’ve given me throughout the year.  May the coming year bring you nothing but good fortune, good health and good humor.

Other bloggers joining in the foolishness:

Visit Other Posts Celebrating Foolishness
Alex, FrankGingerFightBack, GingerSnaap, H.E. Ellis, Kanerva, Suzanne, WeebsCheekyDiva, Edward Hotspur, M3, Joe, H.R. Nightmare, LoveAndLunchmeat, Kayjai, LizzieCracked, Rachael, ODNT, Brian, Linda, John, Benzeknees, SandyLikeABeach.  The names and links to the blogs of my co-conspirators was shamelessly stolen from A Frank Angle’s blog.  Thanks, Frank.


Filed under Bloggin' Buddies, Humor, Mental Health

36 responses to “Fantastic Foolishness

  1. GOF

    And thanks for reminding me just how good the Muppet Show was….these days I think I’ve become Statler.


    • !

      I was just at lunch with a bunch of kindergarteners, one of whom asked me how old I am. When I responded that I was almost 56 her mouth fell open and she shouted “NO!”

      Sigh. I’m old too.


  2. Pingback: What happens when a blogger becomes a writer « Being Arindam..

  3. WordsFallFromMyEyes

    Wow, what a great dedication to Guap. You know, I’ve heard the name out there but haven’t visited his site. I will now.

    You made me laugh about refusing to climb the stairs too quickly 🙂


    • Guap is great. But the stuff about me being a coward is the absolute truth. Seriously, I see Guap do this stuff and pray my son is not looking over my shoulder.


      • WordsFallFromMyEyes

        Ha ha – my son, turned 16 on 24 January, jumped out of a plane – skydived with me!! Totally looking over MY shoulder 🙂


        • I’m exaggerating my cowardice a wee bit but the real extreme sports do make me cringe! In my next like I will be brave because it won’t happen in this one!


  4. cooper

    Even with Statler and Waldorf…that is still the saddest song ever written…


  5. I don’t know how I missed this on Guap’s actual birthday – but I saw it now! I think it was great that everybody came out to celebrate the birthdays this week. I know I loved my celebration & Guap loved his too!


  6. I didn’t know about Guap until today. But he must be special to get such a nice birthday wish from you and your readers. I’ll be checking him out. Thanks Elyse.


  7. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Dapper Edition | Guapola

  8. Your poll is a classic and your post just awesome 🙂


  9. I’ll drink to that!
    Well said, I got kinda teary eyed…just kinda though, any more would be just plain foolishness!


  10. Guapo is easily the sanest, most grounded nut out there. Nice post. Happy birthday, Guaponium.


  11. Red

    Oh, great video choices, Elyse!! I love Waldorf and Statler! Very cool foolishness!

    Happy birthday, Guappet!


  12. Pingback: Surfing Foolishness | The M3 Blog

  13. I can personally vouch that El Guapo is NOT nuts, ’cause I am, and he’s never at the meetings! 😉
    Happy Birthday (for the third.. fourth … whatevereth time), Guapo! And well done, Elyse!


  14. Pingback: Foolishness Seekers Of The World Unite And Wish Happiness To The One Who Started It All (This May Be A Slight Exaggeration) | sandylikebeach

  15. Pingback: On Celebrating Foolishness « A Frank Angle

  16. Isn’t it amazing that a perfect stranger…or a strange perfect person…or a person who appears to be perfect yet strange…can have on otherwise other perfect strangers…or strange perfect persons…or persons who appear to be perfect but really are strange? JOTS loves El G…for many perfectly strange yet amazingly perfect reasons.


  17. How did I miss his bungee post?! Made me feel quite sick


  18. I’m enjoying birthday surfing! Well done Elyse, and Happy Birthday Guapo!


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